- Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWAE) with some rules from Science Fiction Companion (SFC)
- Setting Rules (SWAE pg. 136-145) – Born a Hero (ignore rank requirement at character creation), High Adventure (benny to gain a combat edge you qualify for), Multiple Languages (characters start with ½ Smart die in languages at d6), Unarmored Heroes (Wild Cards who don’t wear armor gain +2 to soak rolls), Wound Cap (Characters cannot suffer more the 4 wounds from any one attack).
- Languages of the Frontier Space
- Each Rank is 25 XP instead of 20 (so 25XP for Seasoned, 50XP for Veteran, etc.)
- All Leadership Edges can also apply to Wild Cards and other Player Characters. Note that because of advanced communications, the command radius of all leadership edges has been extended. With Command, the leader can provide bonuses to everyone that she can see and everyone that can hear here. With Command Presence she no longer needs to see them, but all must still be able to communicate with them (via a comlink, etc.).
- Damage Raises: For each raise that you roll on your Attack die, adds +1d6 damage.
- Exploding Dice: all dice rolls can explode BUT only once each.
- Range Modifiers: Extreme, or double long range distance for -6 (see SFC pg.27) with the Aim maneuver.
- Heroic Recovery: At the end of fight, all characters who have suffered a Wound or Wounds can make a Soak Check after a short rest (10+ minutes) for free. Make a normal Recovery test, with a success you recover a Wound.
- Run Dice: Changed to d4+2 (instead of d6) or 1d3+1 (for d4) or d6+2 (for a d8), etc.
- Arcane Background (Psionic): the only type allowed for Arcane Backgrounds
Steps for Character Creation...
- 1. Choose your Species
- 2. Assign 5 points to Attribute Traits (Agility, Smarts, Spirits, Strength, Vigor)
- 3. Assign 15 points for Skills (including base Athletics d4, Common Knowldge d4, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4). Also begin with 1/2 Smarts die in Languages at d6, one that must be Trade (see Setting rules).
- 4. Choose one Major and two Minor Hindrances.
- 5. Pick $1,000 (credits) in basic Gear (see Tech and Gear). Regulators are also assigned a Tactical Armored Skinsuit and either a Hand Cannon, Laser Pistol or Blaster Pistol (player’s choice) with an clip of ammo or an extra power cell for free. As a group you have also assigned an outdated Cutter spaceship
Humas are one of the more common species within Frontier Space. Their numbers have grown quickly from their first colony of Gateway and they have multiple colony worlds now spread throughout the Stellar Cluster. Humans are from the planet Earth and share most of their characteristics for body types, skin, hair and eye colors, etc. but with a mix of generic modifications and hundreds of years of intermigeling. The average human stands 1.7-8 meters tall and weighs on average 75-85kgs. Humans males tend to be slightly taller and heavier then human females but only on average as the species has a great deal of variety of body types, looks, etc.
Biology: Humanoid Mammalian.
Social Structure: Multipolar Competitive or Coorerative.
Lense: Veriaty. Humans are an extemely deverse group when compared to most other species.
- Adaptablity [2]: gain a bonus Edge at character creation
- Versitility [2]: start with 17 skill points

An aleerin can be easily mistaken for a human at a distance or in poor lighting, for he bears the general shape and size of a human. Closer inspection, however, reveals veins of circuitry that weave with the aleerin’s flesh and blood to form a totally synthesized body. An aleerin’s hair consists of combined protein strands and filaments of cable and wire. Even the aleerin’s skeleton has been reinforced with super-strong synthetic materials, and bony protective plates cover the bioorganic flesh at the shoulders and across the chest. The aleerins’ appearance has led to humans calling them “mechalus” (singular and plural), and the aleerins don’t seem to mind. They tend towards average human heigh and weight with little variant between male and females.
Biology: Humanoid Mammalian(?) (hairless).
Lense: Joureying. The Aleerin seem to posses an almost incurable wanderlust. Their homeworld is somewhere outside the Stellar Cluster and they have few permenent settlements or colonies within. Most are found on wander on starships shattered throughout Frontier Space.
Social Structure: Democratic (with some Oligarchic tendenaces)
- Cybernetics [4]: Arleerin double their basic Strain limit (twice the lower of the Spirts or Vigor die) and start with 4 Strain points worth of Cybernetics automatically - AutoDoc (2), Communication (1), Filters (1).
- Outsider (Minor) [-1] as Hindrance. Often seen as cool and unfriendly.
- Technical [1]: start with a base d4 in Repairs skill

A dralasite is a short, rubbery xenomorph that has no bones or hard body parts. Its skin—a flexible, tough, and scratchy membrane— is dull gray and lined with dark veins that meet at the dralasite’s two eyespots. The internal structure of a dralasite is peculiar in many respects. Its central nerve bundle (brain), numerous small hearts, and other internal organs float in a puddinglike mixture of protein and organic fluids. A dralasite breathes by absorbing oxygen directly through its skin, so it has no lungs. Dralasites are omnivorous and eat by surrounding and absorbing their food, so they also have no digestive tract or intestines. The average dralasite stands around 1.2 meters tall and weighs 55kgs on average. All dralasites are hermaphroditic, meaning they go through male, female, and neutral stages during their lives.
Biology: Exotic.
Lense: Indivualism. The Dralasite tend towards exteme independence. Their communities are small, and many Dralasites prefer to live alone. They care little about wealth, power, or status. They judge themselves and others by the quality of their ideas and their ability to discuss important ideas wisely.
Social Structure: Multiplar Cooperative with heavy Independent.
- Ambidexterity [2]: as Edge.
- Clumby [-2]: Suffer a (but not its linked skills) suffers a –1 penalty to all Dexterity trait tests
- Morp [3]: Dralasite have a limited form of shape-shifting ability. They always retain their mass but can somewhat assume the shapes of other species (they are still obviously dralasite in these forms). This also grant them one of the following Abilities (it is a free action to change but only once a round) - ignore one Multi-Action penalty with action that uses a 2nd (or 3rd limb), gain +2 on any type of Grab check, increase Pace +2 or Reach +2
- Odd Form [-1]: while a dralasite could fit into almost any other creatures' armor, environmental or vacuum suit they cannot use their Morph ability when in one. A suit made specifically for them costs twice as much. Charcters can start with purchasing any of these at listed price at character creation but after that the cost is doubled.
- Short legs [-1]: base Pace of 5 and Run die of d3+1
- Stout [2]: start with a base Vigor of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1
- Tough [1]: +1 Toughness
- Tracking Scent [1]: in base environments can track tracks by smell alone gaining +2 to Notice and/or Survival to doing so. This can also be used to detect 'invidibile' targets nearby (within 2-3") and halving invisibility penalties.
- Vulnerable to Gas Attacks [-1]: As the dralasite 'breaths' with its whole body it suffers a -2 to tests to resist gas attacks or suffers -2 to their Toughness against such attacks.

A fraal (singular and plural) is a small, spindly humanoid with pale, almost luminous skin and a slightly oversized cranium. Two large, opaque black eyes dominate a fraal’s slightly elongated face, which also features a small pair of nostrils, tiny ear holes, and a narrow slit for a mouth. To other species, fraal possess a wizened, inscrutable, and somewhat disconcerting look about them. The average fraal stands around 1.2 meters tall and weighs around 30kgs. Most fraal are timid, secretive, curious beings who enjoy scientific pursuits, particularly space exploration and xenobiology.
Biology: Humanoid (Small) Mammalian (hairless).
Lense: Sagacity. The Fraal love intellectual and psychic pursuits above all others. Logic, wisdom and erudition are all prized as the best and most glorious ex[ression of their natrure and their rules are sages and scholars of remarkable depth and breadth of understanding.
Social Structure: Democratic Socialism.
- Bright [2]: start with a base Smarts of a d6 and a maximum starting of a d12+1
- Natural Psionics [3]: begin with Arcane Background (Psionic) and the Psionics skill at a d4
- Small [-1]: -1 to Toughness
- Weak [-2]: Suffer a (but not its linked skills) suffers a –1 penalty to all Strength trait tests and -1 to melee damage.
- Willfull [2]: start with a base Spirits of a d6 and a maximum starting of a d12+1

Even when standing absolutely still—something that’s almost impossible for the creature to do—a t’sa (singular and plural) conveys an impression of speed, sharp reflexes, and constant activity. Standing on average one meter tall and weighing 20kg on average, a t’sa is lightning-quick, with a fast mind to match his fast body. Sleek, with a reptilian form and the legs of a runner, a t’sa has a fine covering of interlocking brown or russet scales that provide a modicum of natural protection. Most other species find t’sa, with their expressive eyes and childlike exuberance, extremely likeable. A t’sa has a natural curiosity and an affinity for all things technological. He’s a consummate tinkerer, disassembling devices to discover how they work and find ways to improve them. The t'sa stand around 1.5-6 meters tall and weigh on average 50kg.
Biology: Humanoid Reptilain.
Lense: Curiosity.
Social Structure: Democratic Republic (socialist leanings).
- Agile [2]: start with a base Agility of a d6 and a maximum starting of a d12+1
- Curiousity [-2]: as Hindrance
- Fast on their Feet [2]: base Pace of 8 and Run die of d6+2
- Leaping [1]: base leap of 1" (6 feet) high and 2" (12 feet) long. Athletics check can add +1/2" with a success + raise(s)
- Natural Athletics [1]: start with a base Athletics skill of a d6 and maximum starting of a d12+1

A vrusk (singular and plural) resembles a large insect. Eight legs grow from her abdomen, four on each side. Her somewhat humanoid torso is mounted upright in front of the abdomen, and she has two arms connected at the shoulders. Vrusk hands are circular pads with five fingers spaced evenly around the edge. A vrusk’s shoulders are double-jointed, allowing her to rotate her arms in a full circle without straining any muscles. This flexibility also enables a vrusk to reach any point on her abdomen or behind her back easily. A hard, jointed carapace covers the vrusk’s body. The carapace protects the vrusk from bruises, cuts, scratches, and other minor injuries. A young vrusk has a blue carapace with bright orange near the joints. As the vrusk ages, her carapace changes to dull green with yellow joints. Unlike insects, a vrusk has an internal skeleton supporting her body. Her large eyes are protected by hard, transparent enamel, and four large eating mandibles surround the vrusk’s mouth. A vrusk tend to be around 2.2 meters long from head to end of their abdomen, can rise up to being around 1.7-8 meters tall and they weigh 125kg on average.
Biology: Insectile.
Lense: Collectivy. While not a hive mind the Vrusk believe strongly in working together for the betterment of the group.
Social Structure: Oligarchic Socialism.
- Armored Carapace [2]: natural carapace armor grants them +4 Armor Points. This can stack with out armor but only if specially made for them.
- Bright [2]: start with a base Smarts of a d6 and a maximum starting of d12+1
- Education [1]: gain base d4 in one of the following skills - Academic, Electronics, Hacking, Healing, Research or Science skill.
- Can't Swim [-1]: Vrusk physiology means they can't float and tend to sink in water. They subtract 2 from Athletics (swimming) rolls and each tabletop inch of movement in water uses 4″ of Pace.
- Natural Weapons [2]: Bite Str+d4 and Claws Str+d6. Always considered armed.
- Odd Shape [-2]: Vrusk are particularly odd shapened when compared to the other species and their hands have a much different shape. They subtracts 2 from Trait rolls when using equipment that wasn’t specifically designed for their race and cannot wear their armor or clothing. Equipment, food, and clothing cost double the listed price. Charcters can start with purchasing any of these at listed price at character creation but after that the cost is doubled.

Standing roughly 2.8 meters tall and weighing in at a hefty 250kg, a weren (singular and plural) is hard to miss. Covered in thick fur, he has a powerful form and wicked claws that make him a formidable opponent even when he is not carrying a weapon. A great mane of hair flares from his head. His fur ranges from black to shades of gray, brown, or white—regardless of color, weren fur has a shimmer and an ability to shift slightly in hue, varying with the surrounding lighting. Weren males are slightly larger than the females and have two oversized tusks jutting from their lower jaw; the females do not bear tusks but share the males’ powerful builds. A weren approaches life with amazing intensity. When he embraces a new idea of belief, he becomes a zealot. He professes the tenets of his beliefs with word, deed, and weapon. Though built for battle, a weren also loves to talk and share ideas. Despite their fervor and martial nature, not every discussion leads to a fight, and a weren usually won’t fight a weaker creature unless he is left with no choice.
Biology: Humanoid (Large) Mammalian (fur covered).
Lense: Honor. Weren are often obsessed with honorable behavior. Members will obey the social mores and expectations of their roles at all costs. Personal sacrifice for the sake of upholding these principles earns a member glory and esteem.
Social Structure: Unified Clans and Monarchic.
- Big [-2]: Weren are particularly large in a world where most others aren’t. They subtracts 2 from Trait rolls when using equipment that wasn’t specifically designed for their race and cannot wear their armor or clothing. Equipment, food, and clothing cost double the listed price.
- Bite [1]: base Str+d4
- Primitive (Major) [-2]: suffer a -4 penalty to any skill when related to technology about early industrical (muskets, steam power, etc). Can fire a gun just fine but will have a hard time learning how to fix one.
- Size [2]: and Toughness +2
- Tough [1]: Toughness +1
- Very Strong [4]: start with base Strength of a d8 with a maximum starting of a d12+2

Yazirians are tall, thin humanoids. They have long arms and legs and slender torsos. Two large flaps of skin called a patagium grow on either side of their bodies, attached along their arms, torso, and legs. When a Yazirian raises its arms, this membrane is stretched tight and forms a sort of wing. Under certain conditions (explained under Gliding, below), Yazirians can glide short distances using these wings. Yazirians have muzzles and high foreheads, giving them an animal-like appearance. Their heads are surrounded by manes and collars of hair, which varies in color from glossy black to pale yellow. Their skin color ranges from gray to light-tan. Because their bodies do not sweat, Yazirians pant to keep cool. They are omnivores. The yazirian stand on average around 1.5 meters tall and weigh around 40-45kgs.
Biology: Humanoid Mammalian (fur covered).
Lense: Pride. The Yazirian have a reputation as proud and fierce fighters. They also practice an idea of Life-Enemies... a clan or group or maybe just an individual whom they will dedicate their lives to destorying. A scientist might dedicate their life to finding a cure for a disease. They gain honor by striving to defeat this Life-Enemy. A Yazirian who joins the Regulators might dedicate their lives to destroying the Galactic Cartle, etc.
Social Structure: Tribalism (Clans) with loose Democratic (while clans and tribes are still inportant the Yazirian have a very democratic form of overall government)
- Aggressive [1]: gain a +1 bonus to Fighting skill (armed and unarmed)
- Agile [2]: start with a base Agility of d6 with a maximum starting of a d12+1
- Infravision [1]: Yazirian “sees” heat, either through eyes or other sensory organs. This halves Illumination penalties when attacking warm targets (including invisible beings).
- Gliding [1]: base flight of 12" a round but for each round in the air loss 6" of altitude. This also means that must have some altitude to begin with in order to 'fly'. Cannot run unless moving with strong winds.
- Light Blindness [-1]: suffer a -4 to any Agility trait test and/or skills that reilse on vision in normal light situations. Can purchase speciall light daming goggles for 100 credits ($) that reduce this penalty to -1 to Shooting attack or Notice to seeing something more then 10" (60ft) away.
- Night Vision [1]: along with their IR vision yazirian ignore Dim and Dark illumination penalties.
- Odd Shape [-1]: Due to their gliding membrans, the yazirian cannot wear the armor or clothing or suits of other species. They must use one that have been specificially designed for them and then cannot normally use their guild ability in them (GM call for ceratin low-G situations, etc.). Armor, evironmental and vacuum suits and clothing cost double the listed price. Charcters can start with purchasing any of these at listed price at character creation but after that the cost is doubled.

Robots and Andriods are artifical contructs - Robots that are fairly obviously a machine and Androids whom often look very Human like - while rare on the Frontier are fairly common in Human and Aleerin space. The UFS treats most as property unless proven to be sentient (through various legalize means) in which case they are granted special citizenship statues. The Regulators has accepted a few of these special cases into their ranks. Most worlds are nervous about sentient VI and treat them as non-citizens with few rights (as the property of other PCs). A few worlds are out right hostile to them while other treat them as full citizens of the UFS. Lense: Servitude or Independence. Robots and Androids are programmed to be basically property (slaves?) of their owner. Those that develop sentients tend towards to be very independent. Some are still very cooropartive towards a group.
Biology: Artifical Construction
Social Structure: Property of others unless granted citizenship.
- Constructs [8]: Androids and Robots add +2 to recover from being Shaken, don’t breathe, ignore one level of Wound modifiers, and are immune to poison and disease. Constructs cannot heal naturally. Healing one requires the Repair skill, which takes one hour per current Wound level per attempt and not limited to the “Golden Hour”. Cannot take the Arcane Background or any Power Edges. Also cannot benefit from any Power enhancer or healing, cannot be control by or sensed as a living creature with a Power, but still suffers damage from hostile damaging Powers, etc.
- Dependency [-1]: Energy (batteries). Robots and androids must have contact with a energy source for an hour out of every 24. FOr every day that the miss this energy source they suffer a level of Fatigue. After 3 days the shutdown and no longer function. Each hour spent recovering connected to a energy source they restores a level of Fatigue. They cannot die by these means.
- Function Programs [2]: start with one of the following Edges - Attractive, Brawny, Linguistic, Jack of All Trades, Mr. Fix-It, Soldier
- Outsider or Secret (Major) [-2]: Robots tend to be treated as property by others and they suffer the -2 to most Persuasion checks. Androids that are designed to look Human tend to keep this a secret least they suffer a similar fate.
- Pacificed or Drive (Major) [-2]: Most robots and almost all androids are programmed with "Do no harm to living beings or through my actions due harm". Those without tend to be programmed with other directives that cause them to focus on certain tasks. This only applies to sentient robots and androids though. Others simily follow orders and their programming.
- Vow (Minor) [-1]: Constructs are designed with a particular purpose. Player character constructs have broad directives such as serving a particular corporation or political faction. This acts as a Major Vow to that particular directive
- External Memory Storage:
- Extra Battery:
- Reinforced Structure: reinroced structure and armor is added to the robot's systems. Adds +1 to Toughness and +2 Armor Points. This edge can be taken 3 times. This armor does not stack with armor worn.
Updated & Disallowed Edges
Disallowed Edges: Chi, Gadgeteer, Wizard
The only Arcane Background allowed is Psionics and the only Power Edges allowed are more their options.
Power List for Psionics:
- TACTICIAN: that one card the leader draws at the beginning of combat can grants the receipent an extra Action on the card, but only a Action (no Pace using the Action is to Run).
- MASTER TACTICIAN: the two cards can be given to two different receipents in the same round or a the same target on two different rounds.
- BORN LEADER [Veteran, Command]: If you spend a Full Round Action, one ally within your presence area is granted a free and immediate attack of their choice against an enemy of your choosing.
- MOVE IT MISTER! [Seasoned, Command]: You can use a Standard Action to give one ally within your presence area a free and immediate movement of Pace (no Running die). This ally cannot pass through threatened enemy’s space without drawing an attack (unless they have Extraction, then roll normal)
- ARMOR MASTER [Novice, Strength d6+, Fighting d6+]: Count the weight of any armor that he is wearing as one-half for Encumbrance. The character also ignores the skill penalty to Athletics and only suffers one-half (round down) to Stealth while wearing armor.
- BODYGUARD [Novice, Vigor d8+, Fighting or Shooting d8+, Notice d8+]: Trained to protect important people from taking harm. Often, this means that you throw yourself into the line of fire. Once per round, a bodyguard within 2” of a character that he wants to protect, can make a Notice check to throw himself into the line of fire, should the target be attacked. On a successful roll, move the bodyguard into the line of fire and apply any damage to him but now with a +1 Toughness (and +1 if you try a Soak roll but only vs. this attack), instead of the original target. This does not count as an action for the Bodyguard round, but can only be done once a round.
- COMMONDO [Seasoned, Assassin or Woodsman or Extraction]: The elite commando can move and still benefit from the Aim maneuver so long as he does not also run (cannot aim if they run). He also gains a +2 to Notice checks vs. others getting ‘the Drop’ on them.
- ELITE EXPLORER [Seasoned, Alertness, Woodsman, Smarts d8+, Notice d8+ Survival d8+]: Elite explorers are well-traveled and well respected in the area of expertise. When leading a group through the wilderness, they grant the group a +2 to Notice and Survival checks (but only in wilderness).
- GAMBLER [Novice, Gambling d8+]: Gamblers are half swindler, half psychologist who makes their living playing games of chance. Gambles gains a +2 to their Gambling skill and can re-roll a failed skill check so long as it was not a Critical Failure.
- INFILTRATOR [Seasoned, Stealth d10+]: Infiltrators specialize at entering enemy strongholds. When failing a Stealth roll against foes, you can re-roll your result so long as it was not a Critical Failure.
- STOIC HEALTH [Novice, Vigor d8+]: Various trainings in preserving the body and controlling its responses to the environment. You may ignore one level of Fatigue penalties.
- Tech Level 0: Stone Age
- Tech Level 1: Pre-Industrial Age
- Tech Level 2: Industrial Age
- Tech Level 3: Pre-Stellar Age (Modern Earth, with more in-system space travel)
- Tech Level 4: Stellar Age
- Tech Level 5: PsiTech, Super Advanced Stellar Age
Most of the UFS is Tech Level 3-4 (a bit lower on newer colonies, higher in the core worlds or oldest colonies) with a few pieces of 5 (mostly artifacts of the old Space-Gods or specific tech advences by certain member species). The Weren are only around 1 (pre-industrial but with musket weapons).
Gear & Equipment
Gear prices are in credits ($)
- Work coveralls: reinforced for heavy work so as not to ware to quickly. Wt. 6lbs, Cost -75
- Standard/Causal wear: incluses basic clothing and causal wear. Wt. 4lbs. Cost -50
- Executive wear: business clothing of the corporate elite. Wt. 6lbs, Cost -500+
- Shift Fabric: clothing that can change colors with one’s mood, etc. +1 Persuasion. Wt. 6lbs, Cost -2,500
- Camouflage Uniform: in correct environment +2 to Stealth (-2 in all others). Wt. 6lbs, Cost -100
- Night Cloak: cloak that absorbs ambient light adding +2 to Stealth at night only. Wt. 4lbs, Cost -300
- Camo Cloak: cloak that changes patters with background, adding +2 to Stealth, Wt. 4lbs, Cost -1,000
- Synskin: advanced full body-glove offering superior camouflage and light protection. Adds +2 Armor, +2 to
- Stealth checks, and all targets suffer a -2 penalty to attacking you. Wt. 6lbs, Cost – 5,000
A basic computer includes a short range communicators (base range of 5 miles unless tied to local boosters), time piece, GPS if there are satellites that preform these functions. It takes an Action to access a skill.
- Accountant: tracking of costs and profits, pocket secretary journal unit included. Common Sense d8. Wt. 2lbs, Cost -100
- Advisor: A.I. that can ‘think’ and advise its owner (Smarts d10,
- Academic d10, Common Knowledge d10, Electronics d10, Repair d8, Science d10). Wt. 2lbs, Cost -500
- Comlink: dedicated communication device that can be wrist mounted or carried. Optional range around 30 miles but can be tuned into a local communication grid for greater range. Wt. ¼lb, Cost -50. Can add holographic projector for +150.
- Facial Scanner: recognize facial features even disguises (Notice d10 vs. Disguise). Wt. 3lbs, Cost -400
- Language Translator: Available as software for existing hardware or as a portable device about the size of an electric razor, translators can decode standard audio signals as well as ultra-high and ultralow frequencies. Translation is provided in text or audio form, as the user requires. The device’s skill in a known language is d12+2. It cannot translate unknown languages, but advanced models (typically 5× the price) can “learn.” Roll a d6 each full day the device interacts with a target speaker. On a 4+, it gains a d4 in that language. It may continue to “train” itself in this way until its skill is a d12+2. Wt. 1lb, Cost 2,000. Mapper: roll-out clear plastic map-board hand wand, with GPS built in (d10+2 and Direction Sense). Wt.2lbs, Cost -250
- Military Advisor: dedicated A.I. that has been programmed for military applications. (Smarts d10, Battle d10), Wt. 4lbs, Cost -1,000
- Stellar Chorno: time piece that can be set with hundreds of different world’s local time. Wt. ¼lb, Cost 50
- Starlight LRCD: backpack with satellite uplink unit, range with satellite routing planetary, otherwise 100 miles. Wt. 20lbs, Cost -500. Can add holographic projector for +150.
- Autoinjector: Holds up to six doses of drugs, free action to administer. Wt. ½lb, Cost -100
- Injector: Holds a single dose of any drug and takes one full round to load and then another to administer. Wt. ¼lb, Cost -20
- Diagnostar: Advanced medical scanner. Adds +2 to Healing with a full round of use. Wt. 1lb, Cost -500
- Expedition Medpac: advanced one-use medpac (1d4+2 Healing 2d6 rounds). Wt. 2lbs, Cost -150
- Medpac: basic healers kit (+1 Healing, 1d4 minutes). Wt. 5lbs, Cost -100
- Nanotech Medpac: advanced medpac (+2 Healing, 2d6 rounds; ads +2 to Heroic recovery; no penalty or bonus for unskilled). Wt. 4lbs, Cost -500 (5 uses before needs resupplied, which cost 75 each, Wt. ½).
- De-Tox (drug): can negate the effects of most gases and toxins (positive or negative), but painful to administer. After taking drug Shaken for 2d6 rounds, recover normal after that. Wt. nil, Cost -50 each dose.
- Frenzon (drug): combat drug, lasts 1d10 minutes. Immunity to fear and gain the Frenzy edge. Wt. nil, Cost 75 per dose. Military only (note this drug is also very addictive. Character needs to make a Vigor check -1 per each time they have used it, or become addicted to it. When in combat without then -1 to all rolls).
- Medi-Gel (gel): A tube of advanced healing gel. It adds +2 to Healing rolls made to heal fresh wounds or stabilize someone who’s bleeding out, and contains 10 uses. Wt. 6oz tube, Cost -50.
- Obscura (drug): Subject enters a dream like hallucinogen state for 1d5 hours and then 1d10 hours afterwards a depression (-1 to all non-Soak rolls). Fairly additive. Wt. nil, Cost -100 per dose, Illegal.
- Slaught (drug): Also known as “onslaught”, it heightens awareness and improves reaction time, but causes Fatigue and eventual neural damage. Taking a dose adds Alertness and Quick edges for 1d5 hours. At the end suffer a level of Fatigue (last 1d5 hours). Wt. nil, Cost -75 per dose.
- Stimm (drug): A powerful drug that masks pain. A dose last one hour and adds two levels of Nerves of Steel edge. At the end suffer one level of Fatigue (last one hour). Wt. nil, Cost -100 per dose.
- 3D Printer: a “3D” printer uses raw materials to create devices from predesigned blueprints. The printer can manufacture most common objects for the usual cost of the raw materials in about one minute per pound. Wt. 10lb for a portable printer that can manufacture up to 50 pound items, Cost -500.
- Adhesive Patches: small squares bio-metallic adhesive patches are a quick puncture repair kit. One patch is required for each breach. It generally takes an action to apply to each tear. While there is no skill check multi-action penalties can apply if doing anything else. Wt. 1lb, Cost -20/4 patches.
- Cargo Loader: Essentially power armor without the communications gear or protection, this powerful piece of hardware has a Strength of d12+6 and a Pace of 2. It has two arms with crude, blunt pincers to lift, carry, and load heavy cargo (one ton). The pincers are awkward if used for combat and act as an Improvised Weapon (–1 Fighting and Parry). They cause Str+d6 damage. Wt. one ton, Cost 200,000.
- Cyber Deck: A high-end, portable computer built for hacking. Characters can’t generally hack a system without one unless they’re able to log into a dedicated station. A fully-loaded deck with the latest security cracks costs five times as much but adds +2 to Hacking rolls. Wt. 2lbs, Cost -600 (illegal)
- Energy Tent: An easy-to-assemble 2-man tent using energy sheet material that can absorbs and releases energy to provide environmental protection from about 150° Fahrenheit down to about –50°. Once charged, it retains enough energy for 72 hours of continuous use. The tent and collapsible poles are contained in a small drawstring bag. Wt. 2lbs, Cost -500
- Exoskeleton: This device can be worn beneath loose clothing and enhances an individual’s core Strength by +2 steps. Power cell lasts around 18 hours of continuous use. Wt. 10lbs, Cost -10,000.
- Electronic Tools: required for electrical systems, computers, etc. Electronic and Repair checks. Wt. 4lbs, Cost -100. Advanced electronic tools add +1 to Electronic and Repair checks with these systems. Cost 1,500.
- Mechanical Tools: required for mechanical craft and devices Repair checks. Wt. 25lbs, Cost –100. Advanced mechanical tools add +1 to Repair check with these systems. Cost 1,000.
- Power Generator Tools: basic tool set for advanced power systems like starship fusion drives. Wt. 20lbs, Cost 1,000. Advanced power tools add +1 to Repair with these system. Cost 5,000.
- Stardrive Tool Kit: advanced tool for repairing hyperdrive systems. Wt. 50lbs, Cost 2,000. Advanced stardrive systems add +1 to Repair. Cost -10,000.
- Matter Cutter: These devices use ultrasonics lasers with molecular disruption to make narrow cuts through matter. They’re most often used by salvage crews or marines to breach ship hulls. Each .5” wide, foot long, foot deep cut requires a single round (real world measurements, not game inches). Double the time required for every full 30 points of Armor the material has. As an improvised melee weapon, it causes 3d6 Damage with AP-20, Str Min d8, but subtracts 2 from Fighting rolls and Parry. Wt. 15lbs, Cost -50,000.
- Grapnel Gun: grapple launcher with 200 yards (100”) wire rope. +2 Athletics (Climb). Wt. 6lbs, Cost -200
- Jet Pack: jump-jet backpack. Limited flight, Pace 16 (run d8+6), fuel cell last for 30 ‘rounds’ of use. Wt. 10lbs, Cost -750, refill costs -150.
- Grav Chute: small anti-grav pack, relying on suspensor fields to counter gravity. Allow safe fall from any distance, and can hover up to a minute. Power cell lasts 1 hour. Wt. 20lbs, Cost -1,500.
- Grav-Sled: this platform is just 3 yards wide and long and when powered will support up to one ton of items that can be pushed along at a normal walking Pace by anyone with a Strength of a D4 or greater. Power cell tends to last around six hours and the sled hovers up 3 yards off the ground. Wt. 100, Cost 5,000.
- Fusion Generator: fusion generator can recharge weapon cells, etc. in about 30 minutes to an hour (longer the larger the cell type). Wt. 15lbs, Cost -2,500.
- Low-Light Contacts: contact lenses that grant night vision (no darkness penalties except for total darkness). Wt. nil, Cost -100.
- IR/UV Visors: advance multi-spec night-vision goggles grant wearer +2 vision-based Notice with low-light & thermal vision (penalties only for Total Darkness max -2). Wt. 1lb, Cost -200.
- Electronic Binoculars: computer enhanced macrobinoculars, add +2 to vision-based Notice with a penalty of -1 per 1,000 yards (500”). Wt. 2lbs, Cost -50. Add Low-Light and Thermal Vision, increase price to -250.
- Gen-Lock: scan genetic code of owner before lock will open (Hacking -6). Wt. 2lb, Cost -500.
- Magna-Lock: magnetic locks, with keypad access (Hacking -2), Wt. 2lbs, Cost -150.
- Scrambler Pad: magnetic random key-pad lock system (Hacking -4). Wt. 2lbs, Cost -250.
- Wellesley Lock: base iron lock (Thievery -2). Wt. 2lbs, Cost –50.
- Screamer: proximity alarm that detects motion & sound - Notice d6+2 vs. Stealth) within 5” (10yds). Automatically detects sound waves, etc. (as from a Stummer or similar devices). Wt. 3lbs, Cost -500.
- Stummer: sound wave generator to mask sounds adding +2 to Stealth (10 minutes). Wt. 3lbs, Cost -500. Mineral Detector: A hand held device that detects minerals up to six feet deep, in an area the size of a Large Burst Template per round. It also eliminates the –4 penalty for detecting mines. Wt. 4lbs, Cost-100.
- Weapon Detector: hand-wand unit (Detect – Weapons, Electronics +2). Wt. 2lbs, Cost -750.
- Explosives Detector: hand-wand unit (Detect – Explosives, Electronics +2). Wt. 2lbs, Cost -800.
- Cybernetic Detector: hand-wand unit (Detect – Cybernetics, Electronics +2). Wt. 3lbs, Cost –1,000.
- Motion Detector: detector unit motion Electronics +2 vs. Stealth (½ Pace -1 to Stealth, Pace -2, Run -4). -1 to your roll per 5” (10yds). Ignores gas, darkness penalties, etc. Wall, etc. do penalize. Wt. 3lbs, Cost -1,000.
- Sensor Suite: Optical, chemical, motion, and other active sensors ignore illumination penalties and add +2 to Notice rolls made to detect designated types of targets such as biological beings, chemical signatures, metal, etc. The targets do not have to be visible, though dense materials may cause inaccurate or false readings at the GM’s discretion. Small sets are handheld and have a range of 50 yards (25”). Medium sets are backpack sized and have a range of 500 yards (250”). Small Wt. 2lbs, Cost -500; Medium Wt. 18lbs, Cost -5,000.
- Fusion Lantern: fusion hand lantern, 50ft radius or out to 500ft protection. Wt. 2lbs, Cost –100
- Hiking Boots: +1 to Fatigue for long journeys by foot. Wt. 3lbs, Cost -50
- Backpack: can carry up to 60lbs of gear. Wt. 2lbs, Cost -10
- Desert Suit: collects water and protects against heat (+2 vs. heat & thirst SWA pg. 128-9). Wt. 8lbs, Cost -500
- Winter Clothing: as modern winter clothing (adding +2 vs. cold, SWA pg. 125). Wt. 8lbs, Cost -100
- Winter Suit: advanced artic suit with heating (adding +4 vs. cold, SWA pg. 125). Wt. 12lbs, Cost -500
- Clip/Drop Harness: magnetic/hook safety line, +2 to Athletics (Climbing) skill. Wt. 4lb, Cost -150 Filtration Plugs: simple filter plus that are worn in each nostril. Add +2 to any inhaled toxin or poisonous gases. Wt. nil, Cost -25
- Rebreather: a face mask that provides 12 hours of breathable air and adds +2 to resist harmful gases or harmful atmospheres. If the atmosphere contains the being’s required air (such as oxygen), the rebreather can run indefinitely by simply filtering out harmful gases instead. Wt. 1lb, Cost -50 (air tanks cost 50)
- Eviro-Suit: NBA suit. No armor and damage may tear the suit. Grants +4 to checks against contact, inhaled poisons and radiations (SWA pg. 128), Wt. 10lbs, Cost -500
- Wet Suit: skin suit and air tank for one hour underwater. Grants a +2 to Athletic swimming checks and a bonus to cold and pressure underwater. Wt. 14lbs, Cost -200.
- Moisture Suit: made specifically for the Kwad Ren, these full body suits provide the same effect as immersing one’s body in water. Generally must be filtered every week. Wt. 20lbs, Cost -500.
- Skinsuit: this is a typical sealed spacesuit made of lightweight flexible fabric with air and heat. It provides +1 Armor, and includes a helm with a two-way radio (50 mile range) and Heads-Up Display (HUD) to display atmospheric composition or incoming messages. Canisters for the suits contain eight hours of oxygen, and an integral headlamp provides powerful illumination. Spacesuits provide complete protection against cold and vacuum, and are shielded against radiation (+4 to resistance). If the wearer suffers a wound in a vacuum, he must apply an adhesive patch as an action. If he doesn’t, he suffers depressurization (see Vacuum SFC) the following round. For an extra 1,000 credits, the suit contains a small thruster system that allows the wearer to maneuver in zero-gravity for up to eight hours. A common addition are magnetic boots for adhering to metal surfaces for +200 credits. Wt. 6lbs, Cost 200.
- Body Armor: This lightweight material can be worn under normal clothing with little inconvenience. It adds +4 Armor and reduces ballistic damage by 4 points (not melee or energy). Covers the torso, arms and legs. Str Min d4, Wt. 8lbs, Cost 200.
- Combat Armor: These suits include a full jumpsuit, helmet, load-bearing harness for a backpack or other gear, boots, and gloves. The vest (5lbs, cost 200) and helmet (2lb, cost175) may also be worn separately. Combat armor adds +6 Armor, +1 Toughness and reduces ballistic damage by 4 points. Str Min. d6, Wt. 16lbs, Cost 500.
- Energy Skin: This lightweight, reflective material greatly disperses focused light, granting +8 Armor against lasers. It offers no protection against other attack types. Energy skins may be worn on top of (or fastened to) other types of armor, but is obvious, shiny, and subtracts 2 from Stealth checks. If the user ever takes damage, roll a die per wound. An odd roll on any die means the suit’s reflectors or feedback system are ruined and it no longer offers protection (this is why energy skins are rarely worn by traditional combat forces). Str Min d4, Wt. 5lbs, Cost 500.
- Tactical Armored Skinsuit: these are armored skinsuits (see above) to provide some nominal protection in combat. As a skinsuit but also Armor +3, Toughness +1 and reduce ballistic damage by an additional 2 points. Str Min d4, Wt. 12lbs, Cost 800.
- Vacuum Hardsuit: heavier vacuum suits provide full protection against radiation and 16 hours of vacuum support. Provides Armor +4, Toughness +2 and reduces ballistic damage by an additional 2 points. Str Min d6, Wt. 24lbs, Cost 2,000.
- Battle Dress: the ultimate in advanced light power assist armor that provides all the base environmental protection of the skinsuit, plus adds +2 steps to Strength score and a +2 to Pace movement. It provides Armor +8, Toughness +4 and reduces ballistic damage by an additional 2 points. Power pack last 8 hours. No Str Min while power pack on. Wt. 150lbs, Cost 15,000.
Personal Scale Weapons
- Hold-out add +2 to Stealth to hide on person
- DT - Double Tap, requires 2 rounds;
- 3RB - 3 round burst, requires 3 rounds; adds +1 to shooting and damage). SWAE pg. 67
- 1/2 Handed can be used one or two handed. When fired 1 handed suffer a -1 Shooting unless you have +1 step over the Min Str required.
- 2 Handed requires 2 hands to use. When fired with one hand suffer a -2 Shooting.
- Snapshot on the round the attacker moves he is -2 Shooting with weapon. SWAE pg. 66
- Shotgun do 1d6 at Long range, 2d6 at Medium range, and 3d6 at Close range. +2 Shooting. SWAE pg. 74
- Medieval and Modern Melee Weapons are purchased per SWA pg. 72. The following Mods can be applied to these melee weapons, depending on description below...
- Molecular Blade: Edged weapons such as daggers or swords can be given a monofilament, “molecular,” or extremely thin edge, making them far sharper than usual. This gives the weapon +2 damage and adds half its damage die type in AP (+2 AP for a d4, +4 AP for a d8, etc.). Molecular blades require no power. +500.
- Power Weapon: The weapon contains a variable burst of energy that’s released on impact. It adds +1d6 to the character’s damage. With a raise on the attack roll, the character’s damage is a d10 instead of a d6. Power weapons function as their base type when drained of energy. +750.
- Stun Charge: Blunt weapons can be rigged to deliver a stunning charge of energy. After a target is hit by the weapon (including a Touch Attack), resolve damage. Then the victim must make a Vigor roll or fall prone and Incapacitated. At the start of each subsequent action, he makes a Vigor roll to revive. Success means he revives but is Shaken for the round and can recover on the next as usual A raise means he revives instantly and is not Shaken. An unpowered stun weapon does normal damage. +350.
- Vibro Blade: Any bladed weapon, such as a sword or axe, can be fitted with a fine microwire that is made to vibrate at extremely high frequencies. Vibro blades are extremely loud, but adds one die steps damage and increase AP +2 to the weapon’s basic statistics. Unpowered, the blade is a normal weapon of its type. +250.
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Min Str | Wt | Cost | Notes |
Pocket Pistol | 8/16/32 | 2d4+1 | 1 | 1 | 8 | d4 | 1 | 150 | Hold-Out |
Revolver | 12/24/48 | 2d6+1 | 1 | 1 | 6 | d6 | 3 | 200 | |
Heavy Revolver | 15/39/60 | 2d8 | 2 | 1 | 6 | d8 | 4 | 350 | |
Autofeed Pistol | 12/24/48 | 2d6+1 | 1 | 1 | 18 | d6 | 3 | 250 | |
Heavy Autofeed Pistol | 15/30/60 | 2d8 | 2 | 1 | 12 | d8 | 5 | 450 | |
Hand Cannon | 15/30/60 | 2d8+2 | 2 | 1 | 5 | d8 | 6 | 500 | |
Machine Pistol | 12/24/48 | 2d6+1 | 1 | 3 | 30 | d6 | 4 | 400 | 3RB |
SMG | 18.46.72 | 2d6+2 | 1 | 3 | 30 | d6 | 6 | 500 | 3RB, 1/2 Handed |
Hunting Rifle | 30/60/120 | 2d10 | 1 | 1 | 6 | d6 | 10 | 250 | Snapeshot, 2-Handed |
Assault Rifle | 24/48/96 | 2d8 | 2 | 3 | 40 | d6 | 9 | 700 | 3RB, 2-Handed |
Sniper Rifle | 50/100/200 | 2d12 | 2 | 1 | 10 | d8 | 16 | 1,000 | Snapshot, 2-Handed |
LMG | 40/80/160 | 2d10 | 2 | 3 | 100 | d8 | 24 | 1,500 | Snapshot, 2-Handed |
Shotgun Pistol | 5/10/20 | 1-3d6 | 0 | 1 or 2 | 2 | d6 | 6 | 250 | Shotgun |
Pump Shotgun | 12/24/48 | 1-3d6 | 0 | 1 | 6 | d6 | 8 | 400 | Shotgun, 2-Handed |
Assault Shotgun | 12/24/48 | 1-3d6 | 0 | 3 | 20 | d8 | 18 | 850 | 3RB, Shotgun, 2-Handed |
AMMO NOTES: Standard rounds for a pistols and revolvers costs 10 credits for 50 rounds (1lb); for heavy pistols and SMG cost 15 credits for 50 rounds (1½lb); for assault and hunting rifles cost 25 credits for 50 rounds (2lbs); LMG, sniper rifles and shotgun rounds cost 30 credits for 50 rounds (2½lb).
Special Ammo
- Man-Stopper Rounds – dense heavy-core bullets; add +2 damage increase AP by another -2. Increase cost by four time base rounds.
- Solid Slug – Shotguns only. No reduction of damage by range increment, Damage is 2d10, AP-2. No bonus to Shooting. Cost is 30 per 50 rounds (3lbs).
- Sunder Rounds – military grade explosive ammo. Add +1d8 damage. Ammo cost is five time base rounds and are considered military (illegal) only.
- Shaped Capsules Rounds– military grade shape-charged explosive rounds. Adds +1d8 damage, base changes to AP-4. Ammo cost is ten times base cost and are considered military (illegal) only.
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Min Str | Wt | Cost | Notes |
Palm Laser | 10/20/40 | 2d6 | 1 | 3 | 20 | d4 | 1 | 450 | Hold-out |
Laser Pistol | 25/50/100 | 2d6+1 | 1 | 3 | 60 | d4 | 550 | 2 | |
Laser Carbine | 30/60/120 | 2d6+2 | 1 | 3 | 80 | d4 | 750 | 6 | 1/2 Handed |
Laser Rifle | 40/80/160 | 2d6+2 | 1 | 3 | 100 | d6 | 8 | 950 | 3RB, 2-Handed |
Sniper Laser Rifle | 60/120/240 | 2d10 | 1 | 1 | 20 | d6 | 16 | 3,000 | Snapfire, 2-Handed |
Gatlin Laser | 30/60/120 | 3d6 | 1 | 4 | 800 | d8 | 30 | 8,000 | Snapfire, 2-Handed |
Blaster Pistol | 12/24/48 | 3d6 | 3 | 1 | 12 | d6 | 4 | 800 | |
Blaster Rifle | 20/40/80 | 3d8 | 3 | 1 | 30 | d8 | 12 | 1,500 | 2-Handed |
Heavy Blaster Rifle | 24/48/96 | 3d10 | 4 | 1 | 10 | d10 | 28 | 3,000 | Heavy Weapon, Snapfire, 2-Handed |
Plasma Rifle | 20/40/80 | 3d10 | * | 1 | 20 | d12 | 44 | 10,000 | Heavy Weapon, Snapfire, 2-Hand, see below |
Flamer | FT | 3d6 | * | 1 | 15 | d6 | 14 | 600 | Fire Template range, 2-Handed |
- * these weapons ignore Armor Points vs. unsealed (environmental or vacuum) armor.
AMMO NOTES: Power cells for Palm Laser Wt. ¼ and cost 35 credits, Laser Pistol Wt. ¼ and cost 50 credits, Laser Carbines Wt. ½ and cost 80 credits, Laser Rifle and Sniper Rifles Wt. 1 and cost 100 credits, Gatlin laser Wt. 10 and cost 500, Blaster Pistols Wt. 1 and cost 75 credits, Blaster Rifles Wt. 3 and cost 125 credits, Heavy Blaster Rifle Wt. 20 and cost 400 credits, Plasma Rifles Wt. 30 and cost 750 credits each.
Too recharge a power sell at most high-tech stations takes about 1 hour per pound of the cell and costs 5 credits per hour. Heavy duty charges will recharge about 10lbs of cell per hour and cost 40 credits per hour.
- Cauterization: all energy weapons cause cauterization and targets add +2 Vigor vs. Bleeding Out
- Laser Weapons: Laser weapons do not suffer a recoil penalty for multiple attacks in a round (except Gatlin Lasers). Lasers are also recoilless and do not impose extra disadvantages when fired in z-g environments.
- Plasma: Plasma weapons are still experimental and unsafe to be fire around unprotected (deals ½ base damage to everyone within a SBT unless in full sealed Battle Dress). Plasma weapons ignore armor points from any totally non-sealed suits or vehicles and deal damage in SBT around the target area. Plasma weapons tend to overheat; whenever an attacker rolls a 1 on their Shooting die (regardless of Wild die), he suffer ½ the basic damage. It takes one round of not firing to cool down to be safe to fire again, otherwise suffer full damage if fired before then. Plasma guns count as Heavy Weapons. Wielders should wear a minimum of Battle Dress armor to operate safely.
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Min Str | Wt | Cost | Notes |
Gryrojet Pistol | 15/30/60 | 2d8 | 8 | 1 | 8 | d8 | 8 | 8 | Heavy Weapon, 1/2 Handed |
Gryrojet Rifle | 30/60/120 | 2d8 | 8 | 1 | 20 | d8 | 14 | 2,000 | Heavy Weapon, 2-Handed |
Needler Pistol | 10/20/40 | 2d4 | 0 | 1 | 30 | d4 | 3 | 500 | Hold-Out |
Needler Rifle | 16/32/48 | 2d4 | 0 | 1 | 50 | d4 | 7 | 750 | 1/2 Handed |
- Gyrojet base ammo cost 60 and weighs 2 for a pistol clip and cost 125 and weigh 5 for rifles. Boomer rounds deal 5d6 damage in a LBT, count as Heavy Weapons but lose all AP, cost triple the base ammo cost. HEAT Seeker rounds deal 3d6 damage no AP and adds +2 to Shooting checks to hit 'living' targets and vehicles that are powered on. Cost as base ammo. Gyrojet are military grade weapons.
- Needler pistols ammo weigh ½ and cost 150 for a full clip and needler rifles wt. 1 and cost 300. Needer rounds are toxic and if causes at least a Shaken result, living targets must make a Vigor -2 (-4 if attacker got a raise) or suffer a Wound. On their next round must roll again vs. a Wound with the same penalties. Illegal.
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Min Str | Wt | Cost | Notes |
UB Grenade Launcher | 24/48/96 | Grenade | n/a | 1 | 4 | d6 | 6 | 500 | 2-Handed |
Grenade Launcher | 24/48/96 | Grenade | n/a | 1 | 12 | d8 | 16 | 800 | 2-Handed |
Missile Launcher | 75/150/300 | 5d8 | 20 | 1 | 1 | d6 | 9 | 1,500 | Snapshot, 2-Handed |
Multi-Missile Launcher | 75/150/300 | 5d8 | 20 | 1 | 4 | d6 | 9 | 6,000 | Snapshot, 2-Handed |
- Grenade launchers use grenades, cost and weight the same as hand grenades.
- Missile launchers are one-use and dispose of the firing tube afterwards. Cost is pre-loaded.
- UB is Under-Barrel and maybe attached to any Rifle sized weapon. Price already reflects this. *Missiles are always military grade weapons and count as Heavy Weapons. Missile suffer a -4 to Shooting vs. non-vehicles or structures.
- Motion Predictor: complex target-tracking cogitator. Eliminates 1 penalty from all multiple attacks with range weapon (ROF 2+). Wt. +1lb, Cost -800
- Recoil Gloves: advanced grav gloves elimate one ROF Multi-Actoin penalty. Wt. 3lbs, Price -900.
- Laser Sight: laser targeting sight, within short range of weapon adds +1 Shooting skill. +½lb, Cost -50.
- Scope: for longarms/rifles only; with aim maneuver eliminated 2 range penalties. Wt. ½lb, Price -50. Add LowLight & Thermal/IR Vision for Cost -250. Add Omni-Upgrade adds feature of a Laser Sight. Cost –100 (for both Low-Light & Thermal and Omni-Upgrade cost 300 instead).
- Silencer: lower noise from ballistic firearm weapon single shot discharge, -4 to Notice. Wt. +1lb, Cost -100
- Suppressor: lowers noise from automatic fire of ballistic firearms, -2 to Notice. Wt. +1lb, Cost -250
- Grav Harness: anti-grav plates attached to a heavy weapon. Negates up to 30 pounds of a weapon’s weight (though it has 10 pounds of its own), and allows the user to ignore any penalties for recoil or minimum Strength. Cannot move to ignore recoil penalties. Wt. 10lb, Cost -1,500.
GRENADES: Hand Grenades when thrown range of 5/10/20. If shot from a grenade launcher use weapon’s range.
- Concussion Grenade: Damage: 2d8, Wt. 2lbs, Notes: AP-8, LBT, Cost -40
- Frag Grenade: Damage: 3d6, Wt. 2lbs, Notes: AP-4, Heavy Weapon, MBT, Cost -50
- Geode Grenade: Damage: 2d10, Wt. 2lbs, Notes: AP-8, Heavy Weapon, MBT (Agility -4), Cost -200
- Anti-Armor Grenade: Damage: 3d6, Wt. 2lbs, Notes: AP-16, Heavy Weapon, SBT, Cost -100
- Photon Flash Grenade: Wt. 2lbs, Notes: LTB must make an Agility -2 (-4 with raise) check or be ‘Blind’ (-6 to all vision based skills & checks) for 2d4 rounds. Cost -75
- Plasma Grenade: Damage: 3d8, Wt. 2lbs, Notes: Heavy Weapon, Ignores non-sealed armor points, MBT, target must make a Agility check or catch fire, suffer 2d6 damage each round. Takes an Action and Agility -2 check to put fire out. Rolling on the ground adds +2 and immerses into water automatically succeeds. Cost 300 (Military)
- Smoke Grenade: Wt. 2lbs, Notes: LBT, Thermal-signature to confuse IR, Penalty -4 to all Vision Notice and Shooting rolls into/out of area, Cost -30
- Stun Grenade: Wt. 2lbs, Notes: MBT, everyone must make a Vigor -2 (-4 with Raise) or be knocked unconscious for 1d4 rounds. After that Shaken but can recover normal. Cost -40.
- Tear Gas: Wt. 3lbs. Notes: LBT, lasts 2d6 rounds. Vigor -4 or Blinded and Shaken for 1d6 rounds, then can make a Vigor -4 each round to try and recover at -2, or normal if outside affect. Cost -60
- Glue Sprayer: an almost instantly hardening super-glue sealant (if it matters STR d12+4). The sprayer comes with 10 applications before it is required to be refilled (+50). Wt. 3lbs, Cost 150.
- Explosive Paste: Damage 4d6, AP 8 (can form a Small or MBT, or cone burst with Repair skill check). Comes in a small canister this spray-on-paste can be detonated with an included timer or remotely (up to 50”). Takes a Standard action to set with Repair check. Wt. 1lb, Cost 500 (Military)
- Plastic Explosives: Damage 4d6, AP 4, Wt. 1lbs., SBT and requires a Repair check. Can be combined. 2lbs. Damage 6d6; 3lbs. Damage 8d6, MBT and Heavy Weapon; 4lbs. Damage 10d6, LBT. Each additional +2lbs adds +1d6 damage. Remote detonator and Timers cost 50¥ each with a range of 500” or set up to two hours. Wt. 1lb, Cost 500 (Military)
- Thermite Burning Bar: Damage 4d6, AP 4, Heavy Weapon, Continuous damage 4 rounds. A super-hot burning brick that when exposed to the air it started to heat up and does burning damage. Its’ surface is adhesive and can be stuck to most locks, etc. and takes a Standard action and Repair skill check to set property. Wt. 1lb, Cost 750 (Military)
- Charge Pack: simple explosive shackles meant to be ‘set’ (pull fuse) and thrown (Range 5/10/15). Detonates 3 rounds after fuse pulled. Damage: 4d8, AP 5, Heavy Weapon, MBT. Wt. 10lbs, Cost -500
- XR-Bomb: peal-back adhesive strip for the XR explosive bomb charge designed to quickly adhere to almost any surfaces. Damage: 6d10, AP 12, Heavy Weapon, can be set for any Burst Template (Small, Medium, Large or Cone with a Repair skill roll), time from 1 round to 2 hours. Wt. 10lb, Cost -800 (Military)
- Mines: Anti-vehicle mines causes 5d10 damage, AP 20, but are only set off by at least 500 pounds of pressure. Anti-personnel mines detect movement and detonate for 4d6 damage in a Large Burst Template. Both require a Repair check to set. Finding a mine requires a Notice roll at –4, and removing it is a Repair check at –2. Wt. 5lb, Cost -1,000
Cybernetics in the UFS is fairly common although so is regrown limbs via advanced cloning. Most civilians opt for this option, not willing to replacing a body part, even a heart, etc. with a machine part. The costs of these do not include any hospital stay which generally runs 5,000 credits plus 1,000 credits per Strain and one day stay in recovery per Strain. The Regulators will generally waive these fees for agents who suffered permanent damage in the field.
The number after the name indicates how many times a system may be acquired. A “U” indicates there is no limit, beyond Strain. Systems marked with an asterisk (*) require the Core Electronics Package.
- Adrenal System (1): +2 to recover from Shaken or Stunned, Edges stack. Strain 2, Cost -5,000
- Armor Plating (3): +2 natural Armor, stacks with Worn Armor. Strain 1/level, Cost -1,500
- Bionic Strength Augmentation (4): Raise Strength one die step. Strain 2/level, Cost -2,500
- Cyber-Wired Reflexes (2): Raise Agility one die step. Strain 2/level, Cost -5,000
- Extra Set of Arms (1): Ignore 2 points of Multi-Action penalties each turn; does not stack with Additional Action. Gain Nonstandard Build (as Hindrance Big but only for Armor/Clothing). Strain 3, Cost 8,000
- Internal Life Support (1): Immune to disease, drowning, and poison, +4 to resist the Hazards of Cold, Heat, and Radiation. Strain 2, Cost -2,500
- Nano-Repair System (1): Heal one Wound per day, +4 to resist Bleeding Out. 50% chance to reject poison or disease in the system. Strain 2, Cost -5,000
- Reinforced Frame (3): Gain +1 Toughness, stacks with all protection, including the Embedded Toughness of Body and Power Armor. Strain 1/level, Cost -2,500
- Secret Compartment (U): Holds three grenades or a pistol; –4 on Notice checks to find it, unless the searcher is familiar with cyborgs. Stain 1/level, Cost -750
- Synthetic Organ Replacement (3): Raise Vigor one die step. Strain 2/level, Cost -5,000
- Embedded Combat Coding* (U): Gain one Combat Edge, requirements for other Edges must be met. Requires Cyber-Wired Reflexes. Strain 2/level, Cost -8,000
- Hand-to-Hand Reaction Wiring (1): Grants +2 to all Fighting checks and +1 Parry, requires Cyber-Wired Reflexes. Strain 2, Cost -4,000
- Range Data System (1): Ignore two points of penalties to all Shooting checks, requires the Optics Package Strain 1, Cost -3,000
- Targeting Eye* (1): Grants + 2 to all Shooting rolls for weapons once calibrated (each weapon takes a full round), requires the Optics Package. Strain 2, Cost -5,000
- Core Electronics Package (1): A computer with universal jack—grants +2 to Common Knowledge, Electronics, Research, Repair and Science rolls. Radio (10-mile range), gyro-compass, clock-calendar. CEP is required for all other mods in this category. Strain 2, Cost -5,000
- Audio Package* (1): Gain +2 to hearing-based Notice checks or to resist audio-based attacks. Hear the hypersonic and subsonic ranges. Strain 1, Cost -2,500
- Environmental Sensors* (1): Detect disease, poison, and radiation—roll Notice within 24", +2 to Notice within 12". Stain 1, Cost -2,000
- Expanded Detection and Security Array* (1): 360 degree radar, sonar, and motion detectors grant +2 Notice and the Danger Sense Edge. Strain 3, Cost -10,000
- Language Translator* (1): Translates languages at d12+2. The system learns new languages—roll a d6 each day. On a 4+ gain one skill die step. Strain 1, Cost -2,000
- Optics Package* (1): Ignore Illumination Penalties, grants +2 to all sight-based Notice checks and versus blinding flashes and effects. Strain 1, Cost -3,000
- Signal Booster* (1): 100-mile range radio, +2 Survival (navigation) rolls. Strain 1, Cost -1,500
- Vehicle Interface Package* (1): Grants +2 to related Boating, Driving, Piloting, and Electronics checks. Strain 2, Cost -7,500
- Wilderness Scout Package* (1): Grants +2 to all Survival rolls. Strain 1, Cost -2,500
- Aquatic Mode Upgrade (1): Move at full Pace when swimming, can breathe in oxgyen water, and suffer no submerged penalties to actions. Strain 1, Cost -5,000
- Climbing Package (1): Grapnels and spikes, +2 to Athletics (climbing) rolls. Strain 1, Cost -2,000
- Leg Upgrades (4): Each upgrade grants +2 Pace and +1" Jumping distances. Strain 1/level, Cost -3,000
- Vacuum Upgrade (1): This allows the subject to survive in the harsh vacuum of space for one hour. Strain 3, Cost -5,000
- Built-In Close Combat Weapons (U): A Close Combat Weapon is integrated into the ’Borg: 1 Strain per 25lb, increase weapon cost by +2, minimum P. Strain 1/level, Cost 2,000 plus weapon cost
- Built-In Ranged Weapon (U): A Personal Ranged Weapon is integrated into the ’Borg—1 Strain per 50lb, increase weapon cost by 50%. Strain 1/level, Cost 3,000 plus weapon cost.
- De-Scrambler Hand Pad (1) Grants +2 to Hacking (Scrambler Pad) checks. Strain 1, Cost -4,500.
- Gen-Lock Hand Pad (1): Grants +2 to Hacking (Gene-Lock) checks. Strain 1, Cost -5,000
- Lockpick Fingers (1): Grants +2 to all Thievery (lock picking) checks. Strain 1, Cost -4,000
- Mag-Lock Hand Pad (1): Grants +2 to Hacking (Mag-Locks) checks. Strain 1, Cost -4,500
- Ultimate Tool Kit Package (2): There are two versions, each that must be purchased separately. One counts as an Electronics Tools Kit and the second a Mechanical Tools Kit. Strain 1, Cost -3,000

Sometime around the late 24th century Humans from Earth found a stable worm-hole in the Sol System (this was some 600 years ago from when the game is set). Massive amounts of colonization took place for almost 100 years after it was discovered, settling on the planet Gateway, a habital lush garden world on the other side of the worm hole in what would be called the Great Stellar Cluster several hundred thousand lightyears from Sol. Strange astrological quirks lead to the development of faster-then-travel within this stellar cluster at around the same time that the worm-hole suddenly closed some 500 years ago.
As Humans spread out from Gateway they quickly discovered that they were not alone in this region of space and made contact with over a dozen different Stellar Governments and Alien societies (some with FTL some without it yet). Early on the various groups negotated a peace accord between the different governments and groups to form a huge Neutral Space between and among them. This space would eventually be formally called the United Frontier Space (UFS) as a semi-independent boarder region of interstellar trade and cooperation.
This treaty was called the Concord of Frontier Worlds was formally signed by most of the princale members some 400 years ago and the formal start of the UFS. The UFS serves to bring the variousty worlds and species together, and although it strives to maintain order and peace through diplomacy and judicious use of military force, it has proven ineffective in dealing with the galaxy’s criminal elements and hostile xeno/alien species. To deal with these hostile aliens, criminals and criminal organizations, the UFS formed the Regulators -- a quasi-military/law enforcement agency with the power and resources to locate and arrest criminals on any Frontier world and aid any resident against hostile external threats. Although the Regulators activities are closely monitored by the UFS’s intelligence community, the agency has been given sufficient latitude to pursue its directives as it sees fit.
The chief rival of the Regulators and the UFS are the criminal organizations known and the Galactic Cartles, The Malthar Crime Family and various Shadow Worlds. The Galactic Cartles are extorsion, smugglers (especially weapons and illegal tech) and pirates. The Malthar Crime Family are lead by a group of renegade dralasites and specialize in slavery and forced labor but also competes with the Cartel on piracy and stolen tech (especially PsiTech). The Shadow Worlds are simply worlds that don't adhere to UFS laws or are not part of the Concord of Frontier Worlds. Many are inhabited by hostile aliens (and a few Humans) who are extemely xenophobic or are primative and under protection from the UFS so as not to be exploited unfairly. This also makes these worlds attractive to criminals or wanted outlaws and anyone not wanting to draw UFS attention to themselves.

Another threat to the UFS are the aliens. The first are called the 'Klicks', due to their disctinctive clicking noises they made. UFS Intelligence has no idea what they call themselves as they have refused all forms of communication, including telepathic requests. It is not even known if they are sentient or controlled by another species but they do have access to somekind of advanced tech. Unfortuniaty for UFS Intelligence and the Regulators when one is killed its body rapidly starts to decompose and their technology with it. It is believe some kind of acid is responsable but again... unknown.
The second group of hostile aliens are called Briizin Raiders. They are believed to have orginated from outside the cluster although even those captured whom have been turned over to by UFS Intelligence don't seem to know for sure. They say they are exiles from their homeworld who were banished to this region of space. They claim that only their species is really worthy and that all other species should be ruled over by them. At present they have only raiderd along the Galatic North space and the worlds that they inhabit are said to be in that region of space but the UFS does not know where excately. They seem to be less advanced then most of the UFS but they are great at adapting stolen technology and have incorperated much of it into their own. Humans have describe the Briizin as looking like humanoid Shark-headed creatures (or at least what pics from old Earth shark would look like). They are amphibious, stand around 2 meters tall and weigh an average of 100kg. Females are slightly larger then males of the species and the most aggressive (and both are very aggresssive).
The heroes are officers working for the Regulators. Such officers are drawn from all corners of the Stellar Cluster, but they share an unwavering sense of duty to protect the innocent and uphold the laws of the Frontier. Every year, thousands of hopefuls apply to the Regulators, for the job of a Officer is one of neverending exploration, excitement, and peril. However, only a few hundred applicants can pass the rigorous physical, intellectual, and psychological testing, and even fewer make it through the months of training and indoctrination once they’re accepted.
A Regulators campaign consists of a series of missions, and almost all missions begin the same way: A squad of Regulators Officers receives an assignment to locate a capture a wanted criminal (or gang of criminals) or to protect a settlement from hostile forces or rescue endangered citizens, etc. How they pursue their assignment is up to them; sometimes the direct approach works best, but Regulators Officers must also be prepared for undercover work, relying on their keen wits as well as sharp reflexes to take down their targets.
Other Historical Setting Notes...
The Fraal are from outside the Stellar Clusters (as are the Aleerin) and their legends talk about something they called the Scream that originated from the Stellar Cluster some 2,000 years ago. The Scream was a psychic scream that traveled faster then lights speed out from the cluster and killed or drove insane almost all psychically aware individuals. The Freel were far enough away that they suffered little effects from this event but there are ruins of various technologies with super advanced Psitech found shattered thoughout the Stellar Cluster. The other species native to the Stellar Cluster all have legends of a time where they encounterd strange "space gods" who were all wiped out during this event (along with many of the psychically empowered memebers). They did however leave behind many PsiTech artifacts. These artifacts are way more advanced then anything that any species of the UFS have ever developed. It seemed that this tech drove all of the space-gods tech-- from basic household AI to their startravel ability. UFS Intelligence and the government have made the trade of PsiTech illegal but they pay large rewards for any pieces that are turned into them.
The first star-faring species native to the Stellar Cluster where the Vrusk some 900 years ago. The Dralasite and the Yazirian quickly followed suite some 700 years ago. The Fraal immigrated into the Stellar Cluster on great generation starships some 650 years ago while the Aleerin arrived on their huge trading/space-colony starships some 500 years ago. The T'Sa are native to the Cluster and developed stardrives around 300 years ago and they joined the UFS some 200 years ago. The Weren are a primitive people still and were only "discovered" by others in the last 100 years. They are not offically members of the UFS instead their homeworld is still considered a Shadow World (most Weren on the planet are still very xenophobic and hostile to outsiders).
The Stellar Cluster...
The Stellar Cluster itself includes maybe a thosand stars and there are thosands of planets within it and several hundred that are habitable by most of the species. No one really controls more then a few star systems, the Vrusk Collective (as their society is called) has the most with control of 13 systems. The Humans of Gateway have formed what they call the Stellar Alliance of six systems. All of these colonies though are at least partially part of the UFS. The Yazirian have a loose collection of four worlds they call the Sendi-Clans of States that includes their homeworld. The Fraal had settled on three worlds that the called the Foundation Worlds, the T'sa control their homeworld and one other colony. The Dralasite only control their homeworld (and then with a very loose form of government) where most of the colony worldds joined the UFS or remain independent. The Aleerin have no permanent worlds that they have settled in any numbers and prefer their huge space-colony ships to this day. They often travel throughout the UFS on these ships, trading or simply exploring.
Most other planets have been colonized by multiple species are part of the UFS government. United Frontier Space includes well over a hundred worlds. This is where most of the game will be set.
For stellar mapping the UFS and most of the independent species call the Gallatic Core or 'North' and the Gallatic Spinward or 'South'. Following the gallatic rotation is the Gallatic Spin or 'West' and opposite is Gallatic Ward or 'East'.
To the Gallatic North is a dark nebula called the Daarkin Cloud. Many of the stars within this region are partially hidden from USF observation and a bit of a mystery. It is however also where the Yazirian homeworld is located.
Starships in this setting use Spike-Drill Drive. This allows a ship to "drill" a way through hyperspace. A basic Drill Drive 1 can travel at around 1 lightyear a day in hyperspace. Drill Drive 2 can travel around 2 lightyears a day as it can 'sink' deeper into hyperspace. A Drive Drive 3 can travel around 4 lightyears a day. Most ships do not spend more the 2 or 3 days in hyperspace as it gets progressively more dangers each 24 drilling through hyperspace. Most stars within the Stellar Cluster are within one or two lightyears of another and the Cluster itself is only about 300 lightyears across and 500 lightyears long. The region of Frontier Space is about half of that.
Most of the Drill Drives within the USF are rating only 1 or 2. Drive 3 are available but tend to be very expensive and used only by the extermely wealth and elite. The Stellar Cluster has been fairly well navigated and mapped but there is a lot of unnavigated space and Shadow Worlds that have never been visited (at least not by any offical UFS ships). Traveling on uncharted courses is risky especially the longer one spends in hyperspace.
- Capital: huge capital starships are size 20+. Capital Weapons suffer an additional -4 Shooting vs. non-Capital ships.
- Energy Refueling: is 500 credits per point and takes about 15 minutes a point at a refueling station.
- Spike-Drill Drive Course Plotting requires a Science skill check with a penalty of -1 per light years plot and takes a base one hour. Plotting a course is 20 minutes imposes a -2 penalty. Taking three hours adds +2 to the check. Advanced computers can grant a bonus. A ship’s AI can plot or provide a Support roll. Most civilian ships plot a maximum course of 3 light years taking 3 hours to be on the safe side. Failure results in the drill drive not engaging. Critical Failure damages the drive and requires 1d6 days of Repair and parts worth 1d6 x 5,000 x vessel Size in credits.
- The longer a starship remains in hyperspace the more dangerous it becomes. Remaining in hyperspace for more then 48 hours requires a Repair and Science skill check to not suffer a critical hit (SFC p. 44). Remaining in hyperspace for every additional 24 hours requires a new set of skill checks as above but with a cumlative -1 penalty.
Spaceships and Vehicles use the basic rules from the SFC (p. 40-47 and p. 51-55) but updated as below.
Vehicle Scale Weapons
Unless otherwise noted all Vehicle weapons are considered Heavy Weapons.
Auto-cannons (also called chain guns) are powered weapons that fire bursts of chemicallypropelled metal slugs at the target. They are primarily used by aircraft to destroy ground targets, or as point-defense weapons for starships. Ammo costs are for a full load.
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Mods | Cost | Notes |
Light | 50/100/200 | 2d12 | 4 | 4 | 200 | 1 | $50K | Reaction Fire. Reload cost $400 |
Medium | 100/200/400 | 4d8 | 6 | 3 | 100 | 2 | $75K | Reload cost $500 |
Heavy | 75/150/300 | 5d8 | 8 | 3 | 100 | 3 | $200K | Reload cost $1,000 |
BOMBS (Flying Craft Only)
Dropping bombs uses Battle rather than Shooting. Craft must be in atmosphere to drop bombs. Night, cloud cover, rain, very high altitude attacks (GM’s call) or other factors that might interfere with the bomb’s targeting systems inflicts a –2 penalty.
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Mods | Cost | Notes |
Small | Dropped | 6d10 | 10 | 1 | 1 | 12/1* | $500K/12 | Large Burst Template |
Medium | Dropped | 8d10 | 20 | 1 | 1 | 8/1* | $1M/8 | 10" Radius |
Large | Dropped | 10d10 | 30 | 1 | 1 | 4/1* | $1M/4 | 20" Radius |
Block Buster | Dropped | 10d10 | 30 | 1 | 1 | 2/1* | $1M/2 | 30" Radius |
City Buster | Dropped | 10d10 | 30 | 1 | 1 | 1 | $1M | 50" Radius |
- * An entry with such as 12/1 means 12 bombs take up 1 Mod slot
Cannons fire large, chemically-propelled, explosive shells. The shells listed below are the most common. High explosive versions reduce the damage die type to d8 and halve AP but increase the Burst Template to Large, or to 10” radius if already Large. Ammo costs are per full load.
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Mods | Cost | Notes |
Small | 50/100/200 | 3d10 | 10 | 1 | 50 | 2 | $400K | Medium Burst Template, Reload $5K |
Medium | 75/150/300 | 4d10 | 20 | 1 | 40 | 3 | $600K | Medium Burst Template, Reload $8K |
Heavy | 100/200/400 | 5d10 | 30 | 1 | 30 | 4 | $800K | Large Burst Template, Reload $12K |
Super-Heavy | 150/300/600 | 6d10 | 40 | 1 | 20 | 5 | $1M | Large Burst Template, Reload 20K |
Flamethrowers use liquid or vapor fuel to burn targets. They’re often used to dig opponents out of caves or other tight places. The ones listed here are more powerful, lighter, and carry more propellant than older versions (such as those found in Savage Worlds).
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Mods | Cost | Notes |
Light Flamethrower | Cone | 2d12 | * | 1 | 10 | 1 | $500 | Targets may catch fire, Reload $250 |
Heavy Flamethrower | Cone** | 3d12 | * | 1 | 30 | 3 | $1K | Targets may catch fire, Reload $800 |
- * Ignores Armor unless a fully sealed (environmental or vacuum).
- ** May fire Cone template or in LBT up to a distances of 18"
Futuristic grenades are smaller, lighter, and pack a bit more punch than their predecessors. Grenade launchers may also use the grenades found in Personal Scale Weapons. Note that many grenades under Personal Scale Weapons are not Heavy Weapon. The grenade type here is a Heavy Weapon.
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Mods | Cost | Notes |
Grenade Launcher | 30/60/120 | 3d6 | 0 | 3 | 60 | 1 | $1,500 | Large Burst Template, Reload $1,200 |
Lasers of this size burn through solid materials and flashboil flesh. (They don’t use the rules for personal lasers listed under Personal Scale Weapons.
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Mods | Cost | Notes |
Light | 200/400/800 | 2d10 | 5 | 1 | 100 | 1 | $100K | Reaction Fire |
Medium | 200/400/800 | 3d10 | 10 | 1 | 100 | 2 | $500K | |
Heavy | 200/400/800 | 4d10 | 15 | 1 | 100 | 3 | $1M | |
Super-Heavy | 200/400/800 | 5d10 | 20 | 1 | 100 | 5 | $2.5M | |
Massive | 200/400/800 | 6d10 | 25 | 1 | 100 | 7 | $4M |
MASS DRIVER (Starships only)
Mass drivers are large, space-based, rail systems used to magnetically accelerate heavy projectiles at high speed, causing devastating damage wherever they impact. The ranges listed below are practical limits. In space the actual range is infinite. Projectiles are made of dense metallic materials (rocks) such as can be found easily in asteroids or planets with no manufacturing capability, making them favorite weapons for long-range military vessels that need to supply from natural materials (5 shots per hour can be mined from most asteroids).
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Mods | Cost | Notes |
Large | 200/400/800 | 8d10 | 0 | 1 | 20 | 3 | $600K | Reload $500 (100lbs) |
Heavy | 300/600/1,200 | 9d10 | 0 | 1 | 15 | 4 | $1M | Reload $1,000 (500lbs) |
Super-Heavy | 400/800/1,600 | 10d10 | 0 | 1 | 10 | 6 | $2M | Reload $2,000 (1,000lbs) |
These weapons use the rules for missiles in Savage Worlds and require missile launchers or torpedo tubes to mount. Attackers use Shooting to get a lock if firing directly or Electronics if fired indirectly from a bridge or weapons station. Defenders use Piloting if evading directly or Electronics from a bridge or sensor station. Determine lock by ship—if a ship gets a lock, it may fire all the missiles or torpedoes it’s allowed.
EMP Warhead: Any of the missiles or torpedoes below can be fitted with electromagnetic pulse warheads at no additional cost. These don’t cause actual damage, but roll “damage” normally and compare to the vessel’s Toughness, ignoring Armor. A success knocks out the ship’s systems so that all electronics are down (deflector screens, shields, weapons, maneuvering, etc.) and it cannot take actions until the crew makes a Repair roll at –4. With a raise the penalty is –8. If the Repair roll is successful, the vessel’s electronics reboot and it may function normally on the following round. On a raise, the vessel can function immediately. EMP warheads are stopped by shields, so an attacker must first eliminate those to hit the ship’s hull and fry its systems.
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Mods | Cost | Notes |
Light Missile | 200/400/800 | 5d6 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 12/1* | $50K/12 | Small Burst Template |
Heavy Missile | 200/400/800 | 8d6 | 12 | 1 | 1 | 8/1* | $100K/8 | Medium Burst Template |
Anti-Tank Missile | 100/200/400 | 8d6 | 50 | 1 | 1 | 4/1* | $200K/4 | Medium Burst Template |
Light Torpedo | 300/600/1,200 | 5d12 | 50 | 1 | 1 | 8/1* | $1M/8 | Large Burst Template (1 sq. space). Space or water only (1/2 range for water) |
Heavy Torpedo | 300/600/1,200 | 8d12 | 50 | 1 | 1 | 4/1* | $1M/4 | Large Burst Template (1 sq. space). Space or water only (1/2 range for water) |
- *An entry such as 12/1 means 12 missiles take up 1 Mod slot.
Starship Creation
Structure | Size | Speed | Handling | Toughness | Mods | Crew | Energy | Cost | Examples |
Small | 6 | 700mph | +3 | 25 (6) | 20 | 1 | 25 | $2.5M | Light shuttle, starfighter |
Medium | 8 | 600mph | +2 | 30 (7) | 25 | 5 | 100 | $5M | Bomber, heavy shuttle |
Large | 10 | 500mph | +1 | 35 (8) | 30 | 50 | 300 | $20M | Light freighters, partol boats, scouts |
Huge | 12 | 400mph | +0 | 40 (9) | 40 | 200 | 1,000 | $50M | Corvettes, freighter |
Giant | 14 | 300mph | -1 | 50 (12) | 50 | 500 | 1,000 | $200M | Destroyer, light cruisers |
Garganturan | 16 | 200mph | -2 | 60 (15) | 70 | 2K | 2,000 | $1B | Battle cruisers, bulk freighters |
Behemoth | 28 | 200mph | -3 | 70 (20) | 100 | 8K | 2,000 | $5B | Dreadnaughts, starship carriers |
Leviathan | 32 | 200mph | -4 | 80 (25) | 140 | 20K | 2,000 | $10B | Super dreadnoughts, supers carriers, settlement ships |
World-Killer | 40 | 100mph | -5 | 100 (40) | 200 | 50K | 2,000 | $25B | Mega-dreadnaughts, space station, super colony ships |
Mods (x) is how many times it maybe take 1=Once, U=unlimited (up to all the mods the vehicle has)
Updated Starship Mods | Mods | Cost |
ANCM (1): Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to Piloting or Electronics rolls made to evade missile attacks (and Tractor Beams). | 1 | $5K xSize |
Armor (U): Increases a ship’s Armor value by +2. Due to the nature of space and the size and shape of starships, all Armor is considered Heavy Armor. | 1 | $10K xSize |
Artificial Intelligence (1): The ship’s AI can operate all systems— from locomotion to weapons to opening or closing hatches. It has a skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the captain’s Action Card. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. | 1 | $10K xSize |
Atmospheric (1): Allows the ship to enter planetary atmospheres. This includes heat shielding and additional work to handle the stress and strain of entry. All starships have vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability. Max size of 16 | Half-Size | $50K xSize |
Bomb Bay (U): Each bomb bay may drop up to four Small, 2 Medium, or 1 Large (or larger) bomb per round at no penalty. All use the same attack roll. Dropping bombs uses the Electronics skill. | 1 | $50K |
Crew Space (U): Living space for four additional crew or passengers, including sleeping area, kitchen, rec area, etc. | 1 | $100K |
Deflector Shields (1): The vessel is protected by an energy field that deflects incoming metories and ballistic attacks (it has no effect against lasers). Attackers must subtract –2 from their Shooting rolls. Mod cost is 2 for Small to Large ships, 3 for Huge to Gargantuan vessels, and 4 for all larger vessels. | 2/3/4 | $10K xSize |
Drill Spike Drive 1 (1): A standard Spike Drive that allows the ship to enter hyperspace and travel at fantastic speeds. A basic drive uses its Size in Energy points each day it remains within hyperspace. This includes both the drive and the astrogation system required to use it. Minimum size of 10. | 1/3 Size | $1M xSize |
Drill Spike Drive 2 (1): A enhanced Spike Drive that allows the ship to enter hyperspace and travel at fantastic speeds. A basic drive uses its Size x 2 in Energy points each day it remains within hyperspace. This includes both the drive and the astrogation system required to use it. Minimum Size 10. | 1/3 Size | $2M xSize |
Drill Spike Drive 3 (1): A standard Spike Drive that allows the ship to enter hyperspace and travel at fantastic speeds. A basic drive uses its Size x 3 in Energy points each day it remains within hyperspace. This includes both the drive and the astrogation system required to use it. Minimum Size 10. | 1/2 Size | $6M xSize |
Electromagnetic Shielding (3): Adds +6 to the ship’s effective Toughness from EMP missiles (SFC p. 25). | 2 | $5K xSize |
Fixed (U): “Fixed” weapons cannot rotate. On the table-top, they have a 45° firing arc. Fixed weapons must chose an arc -- Forward, Port (left), Starboad (right), Aft (back). For ships that are 16 or greater can only fire at most craft with weapons facing that side. Small ships can make a contested Pilot skill test, beating the target ship grants two arc or they face the worst arch of weapons (winner's choice), a raise three aches and two raises all arch in the same round. Total all like Fixed weapons first, then halve their combined Mod cost. | n/a | n/a |
Fuel Pods (U): Each fuel pod increases the vessel’s energy and life support capacity by 50% (SFC p. 40). | Half-Size | $100K xSize |
Garage/Hanger (U): A small hangar (or garage) can carry up 8 Size points of ship or vehicle. A external lift-hooks can carry a veseel of up to Size 12 externally. | 004 | $1M |
Handling (2): The vehicle is precision crafted and very maneuverable. Add +1 to the vehicle's Handling score. | 1 | $25K xSize |
Linked Weapons (U): Up to four direct-fire weapons of the same type may be linked and fired as one, increasing the damage by +2 per additional weapon and reducing the total number of Mods required. Total all Linked weapons in a set first, then halve their required Mods. (If Linking Fixed weapons, halve the total.) | n/a | n/a |
Mercantile (U): Found only on Huge or larger ships, this might be a restaurant, commissary, or specialty store. Each generates Size+$1d4K a month for the ship (and the same for the mercantile’s owner). The store has 300 square feet of space. Each additional Mod adds roughly 100 square feet and +$1d4K to revenue. | 2 | $100K |
Missile Launcher (U): Allows up to four Light or two Heavy (or AT) missiles to be fired at once. | 1 | $50K |
Passenger Pods (U): Small and Medium ships only. These are rows of fairly spacious seats with safety harnesses, personal vid-screens, and other amenities designed for short travels (typically less than 24 hours). Each pod seats 10. | 1 | $50K |
Reinforce Structure (Size): Each time this mod is taken add +2 to the ship's Toughness. | 1 | $50K xSize |
Sensor Suite, Galactic (1): Light, chemical, motion, and other active sensors allow detection of targets up to one light year away with a Electronics roll. Can also aid Science rolls for planetary data when in orbit. Within 10K miles, the sensors add +2 to the roll. Illumination penalties are ignored. Targets don’t have to be in direct line of sight, but asteroid or powerful energy fields may cause inaccurate or false readings at the GM’s discretion. | 1 | $1M |
Sensor Suite, Planetary (1): This functions exactly like the Medium Sensor Suite (SFC p. 16) but has a range of 10K miles. | 1 | 50K |
Shields (3): The craft is protected by an ablative energy field that absorbs its Size in damage each time it is hit before applying the damage to the ships Toughness (and armor). The shields can take a maxmimum of 10×Size per mods (1/2 Size) in points of damage before it’s depleted. Active shields detonate missiles and torpedoes before they hit, reducing their damage total by half. A craft may regenerate its Size in shield points if it makes no attacks in a round. | Half Size | $25K xSize |
Speed (U): Each purchase increase the ship's speed by 100mph (150kph). Cannot be taken with reduced speed mod | 1 | $100K xSize |
Speed Reduction (3): This ship trades power and speed for additional room. Each time this mod is taken, reduces the ship's speed by 100mph (150kph) and gain half the ship's Size in Mod slots. Cannot be taken with Speed and the minimim speed is 100mph unless it is stationary (like a space station) | n/a | n/a |
Stealth System (1): Radar-absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the ship difficult to detect by vision or sensors. Those trying to spot, attack, (or lock on to) the ship subtract 4from their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in which the ship fires a weapon or emits some other noncloakable
signal such as radio signal or active sensor search. || Size || $50K xSize | ||
Superstructure (U): Superstructures are massive extensions that add great amounts of space to Large or greater Size ships, typically to accommodate more passengers or cargo. Each superstructure adds one to the fuel used per day, consumes 10 regular Mods, and subtracts 1 from the ship’s base Toughness (not Armor) as it reduces overall structural integrity. Choose the type from the Superstructure sidebar (SFC p. 47). | 10 | $5M |
Targeting System (1): The ship’s internal sensors and computers are linked to all attached weapons. This compensates for movement, range, multi-actions, and the like, negating up to four points of Shooting penalties. | 1 | $10K xSize |
Torpedo Tubes (U): Each tube allows up to two Light or one Heavy torpedo to be fired at once (at one or two targets, as desired). | 1 | $500K |
Trackor Beam (U): Tractor beams are specialized starship weapons designed to hold an enemy ship in place and pull it to the “attacker.” Ships can only affect vessels of smaller Size. Their range is quite short (about 1000 yards/meters), so they must get a Short Range result on the Chase table to use the weapon. This is an opposed Electronics roll at –4 vs the defender’s Piloting (or Electronics in Large or larger ships). If the attacker is successful, the enemy ship is caught and pulled into contact in 2d6 rounds. A captive’s ship’s life support systems remain active, but all locomotion and weapons are shut down. | 5 | $1M |
Vehicle Creation
Chassis | Size | Speed | Handling | Toughness | Mods | Crew | Cost | Examples |
Ultralight | 0 | 35mph | +3 | 5 | 2 | 1 | $200 | Bicycle |
Light | 1 | 30mph | +2 | 9 (2) | 5 | 2 | $1K | Street motorbike |
Moderate | 2 | 25mph | +1 | 12 (3) | 10 | 3 | $4K | Heavy motorbike, off-road rec-ATV |
Medium | 3 | 20mph | +0 | 15 (4) | 15 | 5 | $10K | Motor car |
Large | 4 | 15mph | +0 | 20 (5) | 20 | 8 | $20K | SUV, pickup truck |
Heavy | 6 | 15mph | -1 | 25 (6) | 25 | 10 | $45K | APC, semi cab |
Super Heavy | 8 | 10mph | -2 | 30 (7) | 30 | 20 | $75K | Main battle Tank |
Titan | 10 | 10mph | -2 | 35 (8) | 40 | 40 | $200K | Train engine or car, fighter aircraft |
Colossus | 12 | 10mph | -3 | 40 (9) | 50 | 60 | $500K | Heavy aircraft transport,jet liner |
Goliath | 14 | 10mph | -4 | 45 (10) | 60 | 100 | $1M | Cruise liner, light carrier water ship |
Mods (x)
Updated Vehicle Mods | Mods | Cost |
Aircraft, Helicoper (1): the vehicle is a helicopter. It can hover or fly with a Speed of 80mph (120kph) but suffers -1 Handling for their Size. | Half-Size | $5K xSize |
Aircraft, Jet Plane (1): Jetplanes have a Speed of 600 and Handling +1 for their Size. They must move at half their speed every round or go Out of Control (they stall). The Speed Mod increase the speed by 100mph (150kph) instead of 10 | Half-Size | $10K xSize |
Aircraft, Propeller (1): A traditional prop plane has a base Speed of 150mph (225kph). Propeller planes must move at least 1/2 their speed every round r go Out of Control (stall). The Speed Mod increases the top speed by 50mph (75kph) instead of 10 | 1/3 Size | $5K xSize |
Aircraft, VTOL (1): VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) aircraft have a speed of 100mph (150kph) and a +1 to their Handling based on size. They can hover and fly and have no stall speed. The Speed Mod increases the top speed by 50mph (75kph) instead of 10 | Half-Size | $10K xSize |
AMCM (1): Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to Driving, Piloting or Electronics rolls made to evade missile attacks. | 1 | $5K xSize |
Amphibious (1): The vehicle can move at 1/2 its speed with a -1 Handling for its size on the surface of water. | 1 | $1K xSize |
Armor (U): Increases the vehicle's Armor value by +2 | 1 | $1K xSize |
Armor, Heavy (U): Advanced metals, reactive, or composite materials are used for military-grade vehicles. Each time it’s taken, it adds +6 to Front Armor, +4 to Sides, and +2 to Rear; or +4 Armor all around (builder’s choice). Only Heavy Weapons may cause damage to vehicles with Heavy Armor, regardless of damage rolls. Bottom armor is equal to a vehicle’s rear. Top armor is equal to its sides (important when getting too close to taller foes such as walkers). | 2 | $5K xSize |
Artificial Intelligence (1): The vehicle’s AI can operate all systems—from driving to weapons. It has a skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the driver’s Action Card. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. | 1 | $10K xSize |
Booster (U): Nitrous oxide or other propellants increase a vehicle's Speed by 50% for a round. Each booster has six uses before it must be replaced. Their effects do not stack. Refills cost $100 per booster. | 1 | $1K xSize |
Crew Reduction (U): Add 1 Mod slot for every four crew/passengers deducted (round up) | n/a | n/a |
Crew Space (U): Space for four additional crew or passengers | 1 | $1K |
Deflector Screens (1): The vehicle is protected by an energy field that deflects incoming ballistic attacks (it has no effect against lasers). Attackers must subtract –2 from their Shooting rolls. | 2 | $10K xSize |
Ejection System (1): Should a vehicle suffer a Wrecked result, crew members may make Agility rolls at –4 (or no penalty if an individual was on Hold or hasn’t acted yet that round). Failure results in damage as usual and failure to eject that round. Those who succeed are launched into the air and descend safely via parachute. The system covers all passengers and crew. | Half-Size | $5K xSize |
Electromagnetic Shielding (U): Adds +6 to the vehicle’s effective Toughness from EMP missiles (SFC p. 25). | 2 | $5K xSize |
Exposed Crew (1): Motorcycles and other “ridden” vehicles offer no protection for their passengers. Crew get no Armor bonus should it sustain a Crew critical hit. | n/a | 50% base($) |
Fixed (U): “Fixed” weapons cannot rotate. On the table-top, they have a 45° firing arc. In the Chase rules, fixed weapons may only fire when the vehicle has Advantage and an Action Card of Jack or higher. Total all like Fixed weapons first, then halve their combined Mod cost. | n/a | n/a |
Handling (3): The vehicle is precision crafted and very maneuverable. Add +1 to the vehicle's Handling score. | 1 | $5K xSize |
Hover Vehicle (1): The vehicle uses hover fans instead of wheels. It ignores difficult terrain modifiers and obstacles less than a yard tall. | 5 | $5K xSize |
Linked (U): Up to four direct-fire weapons of the same type may be linked and fired as one, increasing the damage by +2 per additional weapon and reducing the total number of Mods required. Total all Linked weapons in a set first, then halve their required Mods. (If Linking Fixed weapons, halve the total.) | n/a | n/a |
Living Space (Special): Large or greater vehicles only. The vehicle has an extended superstructure with bunk beds, personal storage bins for up to four individuals, and one shared bathroom and kitchenette (regardless of how many times this is taken) for longterm travel. The superstructure decreases overall Toughness by 1 each time it’s taken. The limit is half the vehicle’s base Toughness. | 4 | $5K |
Luxury Features (1): Typically reserved for civilian vehicles, luxury features include music systems, minibars, video screens, and other comforts. The larger the vehicle, the more extravagant the features. | 1 | $1K xSize |
Missile Launcher (U): Allows up to four Light or two Heavy (or AT) missiles to be fired at once. | 1 | $50K |
Off Road (1): Ignore Driving penalties for difficult terrain. On the table-top, treat each inch of difficult terrain as 1.5” instead of 2”. | 1 | $1K xSize |
Reinforced Chassis (3): Increases Toughness of the chassis by +2. | 1 | $1K xSize |
Sensor Suite (1): This functions exactly like the Medium Sensor Suite (SFC p. 16). | 1 | $50K |
Shields (1): The vehicle is protected by an ablative energy field that absorbs the vehicle's Size points of damage from each attack its suffers. Apply all damage to the shield first, then any left over to the vehicle (AP counts as usual). It can absorb Sizex10 before the shields are depleted. Active shields detonate missiles and torpedoes before they hit, reducing their damage total by half. A vehicle may regenerate its Size in shield points if it makes no attacks in a round. | Half-Size | $25K xSize |
Sloped Armor (1): The vehicle’s armor is sloped in such a way that shots are often deflected off its surface. Attackers subtract 2 to hit with Shooting direct-fire, non-energy weapons. | 2 | $3K xSize |
Speed (U): Increases the vehicle’s Speed by 10mph (15kph). (This cannot be taken with Speed Reduction.) | 1 | $1K xSize |
Speed Reduction (3): The vehicle sacrifices power and speed for additional room. Subtract 5mph to Speed each time this is taken to gain half Size in Mod slots. | n/a | n/a |
Stealth System (1): Radar-absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the vehicle difficult to detect by vision or sensors. Those trying to attack or spot the vehicle subtract 4 from their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in which the vehicle fires a weapon or emits some other noncloakable signal such as radio signal, movement, or active sensor search. | Size | $10K xSize |
Targeting System (1): The vehicle’s computer is linked to all attached weapons. This compensates for movement, range, multi-actions, and the like, negating up to four points of Shooting penalties. This does not assist the firing of passenger’s personal weapons. | 1 | $10K xSize |
Tracked (1): The vehicle has tracks instead of wheels and can climb over small obstacles. This reduces Speed by 5mph, but adds +1 to Handling and ignores Driving penalties for difficult terrain. On the table-top, every inch
of movement is treated as 1.5”. || n/a || $1K xSize | ||
Watercraft (1): The vehicle is a boat or ship. It’s base Speed are halved (round up). Speed Modifications increase Speed by 5. For larger vessels such as naval vessels or cruise ships, use the Starship rules for Size, Toughness, and Crew, and add any enhancements that aren’t specifically designed for space such as FTL drives. If a Modification is listed under Vehicles, use that instead. Ships may have Torpedo Tubes. | n/a | n/a |