Jack Bennet

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Jack Edward Kennedy Alias: Jack Bennett

Son of Senitor Edward "Ted' Kennedy & Virginna J. Bennett Kennedy Jack The last Child of Ted and his first wife Virginna J. Bennett Kennedy was Born in 1984 the babby was had as a last ditch attempt to save there failling marage this worked for about 6 years untill the couple devorced in 1990, ted remaired marrying Victoria Anne Reggie with her two children curran and Caroline in 1992. This further drove a wedge between the young jack who being an 'autumn' child dealing with an alcoholic mother and parrents in a failling marrage and his father. When his parrents got devorced Jack chose to live with his mother reather then stay with his father who he blamed for all his troubles. jacks mother was inatentive and Jack quickly fell to getting into trouble. it was his Uncle John John who acted as a mentor to the wild kid and seemed to be the only one to understand Jacks struggle to grow up an Astranged child with the burden of being a kennedy. Dispite Johns posative influence Jakc ended up in a Private school where he lived in NY diaspite the schools strict discipline the teen remaind a rebel and got involved in the urban explores culture of new york. better then that then his first brushes with teenage crime. After john johns death in 1999 Jack became depressed and sucidle he got very self destructive and got deeper into extreem sports anything that would push things a little closer to his death wish. dispite numerous atempts by his father to reach out to him he and Jack can do nothing but fight and dispite loving his father and truely desireing his affection Jack blames him for everything bad in his life. his father uses his money as a leash over the wild young man and is trying to preasure him into following a political life. John John left Jack a large share of stock in Gorege Magazine and Jack intends one day to follow him Into Publishing when he 'settles down' Jack is afraid of living without money so his father uses this as an effective cattle prod. he has recently convinced the Young man to Attend Gorgetown university in Washington where he can keep an eye out for Jack is is deeply concerned by his sons destructive behavour both for public relations reasons and out of geniune affection for the young son he sees as the most like himself. for this reason he pushes Jack even harder then his other children.

Current life activity Student at gorgetown, member of D.C. urban explorers

Special skills or training? A little bit of b & e from his brush with street crime he learned how to pick locks and break into buildings and disable security systems, he learned a lot about publishing and the magazine buisness from his Uncle this he applied with help from some of his 'criminal' friends how to forge paperwork and documents these skills where further improved durring his time with the urban explorers. he has also taken exstensive self defense courses and survival courses. he is majorly into extreem sports and is good at them. as well as hes into gadgets and gizmos and has played quite a bit with computers. he has a natural skill with electronics.

Biggest secret? That he's a Kennedy

Greatest fear, something that would panic him/her. Being found out hes a Kennedy and people treeting him diffrently. Being cuttoff of from his money and having to try to learn how to live pour.

List your family and close friends. (name, special details) still doing the exstensive research for this :P