Children of the Sea

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Revision as of 14:22, 9 April 2021 by Hammel (talk | contribs) (Kaiju)
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Sorcerer Merchants once reigned over the many island and island chains across the world. But as can happen in the pursuit of power and wealth, the Merchants warred against each other leaving many islands ruined and eventually toppling their own prominence in the world. Some descendants remain to this day, however, trying to make things right and work to restore some of the former beauty of the earth their ancestors devastated. Others have maintained new or former positions of power, but with less of the influence they once had.

You find yourselves in the town of Cliffcove. Not far away is a charred island containing a menacing structure, Blunderbuss Keep. A dark magical sphere hangs over the entire roof of the place, and since that appeared the surrounding islands have seen their vegetation withered and their creatures warped by some magical force. A group of druids have held the magics back from spreading its corruption further, but the progression of the corruption has merely been slowed and is sure to bring the taint to Cliffcove itself if left unchecked.

Among the island world are a number of local Kaiju cults. These Kaiju are of various temperaments and some have an agenda and more organization within their cult. Most Kaiju revered and sometimes worshipped by the local cults grant power similar to how a standard D&D deity might. On certain occasions and with the correct incantations, they can even be summoned for whatever purpose the cult leadership have in mind. But there is danger here. Some Kaiju are opposed to other Kaiju, risking destructive fights between them when summoned.


The system used is Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. Characters start at 1st level with the standard point buy method with the standard starting points.

Map of the Arkages Archipelago

Towns and Villages

Dundleworth Island




Ages Harbor Island



Player Characters

Appleciders, playing Falas Wood Elf Rogue

Sam I Am, playing Sufthis Lizardfolk Druid of the Deeps

Potted Plant, playing Anzhela Human Warlock

Sepulchritude, playing Barges Elardrin Rogue

Stormraven, playing Claira aka ? Half Elf Sorcerer

Tailisman, playing Kreelis Lizardfolk Tempest Cleric