Shaena Goodbarrel

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Shaena Goodbarrel Mark of Hospitality Halfing Undead Warlock


Str 8 (-1)

Dex 14 (+2)

Con 14 (+2)

Int 10 (+0)

Wis 12 (+1)

Cha 17 (+3)


AC 15

HP 24

Spd 25

Init +2

HD 3d8

Proficiency +2

Spell Save DC 13


Eldritch Blast (Range 120, Attack +5, Damage 1d10+3 Force)

Unarmed Strike (Close, Attack +1, Damage 1d10 Necrotic)

Green-Flame Shillelagh (Close, Attack +5, Damage 1d8+3 Bludgeoning and 3 Fire to another target)



+2 Cha, Spd 25’, Small, Lucky (Reroll 1s), Brave (Advantage on Saves against being Frightened), Halfling Nimbleness (Move through the space of creatures larger than you)

=Mark of Hospitality

+1 Con, Ever Hospitable (+1d4 to Persuasion checks and Cook’s Utensils or Brewer’s Supplies rolls), Innkeeper’s Gift (You know the Prestidigitation cantrip. You can cast Purify Food and Drink and Unseen Servant once each with this ability, recover on Long Rest), Spells of the Mark (You know extra spells as noted)

=Warlock 3

Proficiencies, Otherworldly Patron (Undead), Pact Magic, Spellcasting Focus, Eldritch Invocations, Pact of the Tome

Undead Patron

Expanded Spell List, Form of Dread (Bonus Action: Transform into Dread Form for 1 minute, gaining 1d10+3 Temp HP, Immunity to the Frightened condition, and once per turn, force a creature you hit with an Attack to make a Wis save or be Frightened of you until your next turn. 2 uses/Long Rest)

Pact of the Tome

Book of Shadows gives 3 Cantrips

Guild Artisan

Guild Membership, Proficiencies


Trait: I believe that anything worth doing is worth doing right-- I’m a perfectionist.

Ideal: Generosity. My talents were given to me to benefit the world.

Bond: I will get revenge on those who destroyed my workplace and almost killed me!

Flaw: I’m never satisfied with what I have. Also, my touch can kill, which is very isolating.


Spells Known


Prestidigitation, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Guidance, Shillelagh, Green-Flame Blade


Goodberry, Sleep, Hex, Armor of Agathys


Aid, Calm Emotions, Blindness/Deafness, Darkness


Find Familiar, Identify


Eldritch Adept


Agonizing Blast

Book of Ancient Secrets

Devil’s Sight

Dark Gift

Touch of Death: Death Touch (+1d10 Necrotic on Unarmed Strikes), Inescapable Death (When you hit a target with an Attack roll and inflict Necrotic damage, ignore Resistance), Withering Contact (When you start your turn grappling a creature or being grappled by it, it takes 1d10 Necrotic damage)


Wis saves, Cha saves, Simple Weapons, Light Armor, Common, Halfling, Dwarvish, Cook’s Utensils


Insight +3, Persuasion +5+1d4, Arcana +2, Deception +5


Cloak of Protection +1, 2 Healing potions, Staff, Studded Leather Armor, Cook’s Utensils, Explorer’s Pack, Traveler’s Clothes, Book of Shadows, 2 Daggers, 2 Antidote, 2 Holy Water, Undead Raven Familiar (Owl stats)