Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul:Aelfric the Cheerful
Aelfric the Cheerful
Former Imperial velite.
- Lawful level 2 Fighter (Veteran)
- Alignment Goal: impose or maintain order in the face of chaos
- XP: 2000/4000 (+10%)
- Traits: boastful, confident, enthusiastic
- Secondary Skill: bowyer/fletcher
- Languages: Archontean (literate); soldier's rudiments of Thorcin
- Strength 16 (+2)
- Intelligence 11
- Wisdom 9
- Dexterity 14 (+1)
- Constitution 15 (+1)
- Charisma 14 (+1)
- HP: 16
- AC: 17 (Unarmored AC: 11)
- Initiative Bonus: +1
- Bonus to reaction rolls: +1
- Movement: 60'
Attacks/round: 1
Max Cleaves: 2
- two-handed sword, +2, 1d10+2, slow
- 3 javelins, +1, 1d4+1, 30'/60'/90'
- dagger, +2, 1d4+2, 10'/20'/30'
Saving Throws
- Death/poison: 12
- Magic wands: 13
- Paralysis/Petrification: 14
- Breath Attacks: 15
- Spells/rods/staves: 16
Class Abilities
- G
- H
Exploration Abilities
- Climb sheer surfaces:
- Find/remove treasure traps:
- Hear noise:
- Hide in shadows:
- Move silently:
- Open locks:
- Pick pockets:
- Spells/day: L1 X/X | L2 Y/Y | L3 Z/Z
Spells memorized
- L1:
- L2:
- L3:
Encumbrance: 720 coins
- plate armour
- belt: waterskin, coinpurse, dagger
- warm cloak
- two-handed sword
- tinder box
- 1 week standard rations
- 3 javelins
- 10 candles
- 12 iron spikes
- 50' rope
- 100' twine
Stashed: none
- Coinpurse: 4 gold
Hired Help
Maiandros served in the velites - to his great frustration, as he aspired to the scutari if not something nobler. He used his mustering-out to kit himself more like what he'd hoped to be, and seeks a name for himself, perhaps hunting down wrongdoers on the frontier. He's overstretched his funds reaching Vertucaster, but is not yet hungry enough to abandon his principles.