Firefly: 2UW 8
Aaron Abernathy :: First Name In Guidebooks
Character Quote

|| Savvy || Charming
|| Forceful

Checked SFX are active.
Vanity Distinction - First Name In Guidebooks
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
SFX: Expense Account Spend one PP to create
Asset based on money.
- Unactivated SFX: Description
Vice Distinction - Cowardly
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
SFX: [Classified] [Classified]
- Unactivated SFX: Description
Virtue Distinction - Helpful
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
- Unactivated SFX: Description
- Unactivated SFX: Description
Signature Assets 

SFX: I'll Check The Index When spending time looking up information in his guidebook, take a
Hyper-Focused complication (or step up an existing complication) to step up or double Role (usually Tracker) for the search.
Aaron is the writer of a series of guidebooks about the 'Verse. It's unclear if his popularity is due to the quality of his work...or just that when someone looks for a guidebook, his name is first in the alphabet. He started his career in the Core Worlds. A decade later, he's in the process of working through the various Border Worlds. His style has become a bit less factual and more entertaining over the years, as his customers are more likely to read about life in the Border Worlds than to actually go there. Not a lot of people recognize him, as the publisher used a stand-in for the author photo on his first book, and that same photo has been in every book he's written since then.
There was an...incident...on one of the worlds he was visiting - a Reaver attack. Next thing he knew, he was dragged into an Independent base and told he was the sole survivor. His memories are hazy, but he has enough information about what happened that the Independents snapped him up as a person of interest. It's also possible that the commander is a fan, and wants an advance copy of his next book...