Rule of Three:Delano Yurishi

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Delano Yurishi, Pampered Scion of House Hibana


You’ve had more tutors and scribes than friends… by a wide margin.
Nimble Fingers
Rarely being allowed out of the manor, you spent a lot of time figuring out how to get into every locked and hidden room your Mother didn’t want you to see.
Teleportation Mage
They said your father was killed by Dark Magic… but you found his old journals hidden away from prying eyes and the eldritch secrets therein.
Blink Mage
You’ve finally learned the secret to escaping this place… what is it you’re waiting for?

Other Stuff

  • Heritage: Human
  • HP: 6
  • Weapon Group: Light Weapons
  • Mastered Weapon: Staff
  • Family Trade: Book-Keeping
  • Belief: There’s something wondrous out there