Pirates of the Baltic Sea:Ani Skell

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Ani Skell

Private Investigator 3rd level
Regular Joe, LE background (Detective)
21 hit points Armor Class 15
Initiative +2 Influence (Street) 6
Saves: Fortitude +1, Reflex +4, Mind +2


Strength 10 (+/-0)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 15 (+2)
Technology 9 (-1)
People 18 (+4)


Expertise: Presence, Deception
Skills: Investigation, Sleight of Hand, Deception, Sense Motive, Presence, Perception, Persuasion, Tracking, Stealth
Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English
Preferred Mark (Corporate): You gain advantage on Intelligence (Tracking) to follow your chosen target and Intelligence (Investigation) checks to tell information about your marks activities. Additionally if you successfully hit a creature which is one of your marks you may accurately follow that creature within a 1 mile radius. Ani’s personal focus is environmental violations.

Vice: Mal de debarquement syndrome is a neurological disorder that develops following travel at sea. Typical symptoms include the persistent sensation of motion such as rocking, swaying, and/or bobbing, difficulty maintaining balance, anxiety, fatigue, unsteadiness, and difficulty concentrating. Upon landfall, symptoms can last a short while, up to several hours. In a few particularly severe instances, the effects have lasted a couple days.

Nose for Trouble: At 1st level you may use your bonus action to determine a creature’s weaknesses and blind spots and broadcast this information to your allies. Choose a creature that you can see within 60ft. of you. The next time an ally makes an attack against that creature, they have advantage on the attack roll.

Watchful Eye: You have honed your sense over countless investigations. Starting at 1st level you cannot gain disadvantage on investigating, perception or tracking checks that rely on sight unless blinded.

Tools: Lock Picks, Forgery Kit, Disguise Kit (5k €)


Tough Leather Jacket, Stun Baton, One-Handed Concealable Holster

Heavy Concealable Vest 50k €
Heavy Pistol 100k €
Rapid Fire Shotgun 180k €
10mm Ammo x60 3k €
Shotgun Shells x48 3k €
Monoedged Katana 20k €
Vibro Knife 10k €
Ammunition Holster x3 3k €
Bandolier, Ammunition 2k €
Pocket Computer 3k €
Satchel 1k €

Augmentations: Neurolink, Basic HUD
Mechanical Liver 50k €

Sundries: Flashlight 20 €
Headlamp 50 €
Waterproof Notepad 90 €
Pen x3 27 €
Pencil x3 9 €
Superglue 40 €

21,764 € remaining


aliases/legends include Arya Aland, ecoterrorist group infiltration; Astrid Andunie, Archaeologist and treasure hunter; Asti Asbjorn, Privateer; Andja Aesir, Investigative Journalist; Adja Anduin, Medic; Astra Andasca, Close Protection Officer; Cdr. Airica Arvid, Finnish Navy; various others)

Ani Skell obtained a degree in Law Enforcement, minoring in Oceanography and Arctic Studies, in return for a commission in the Finnish Navy. Her education required a two term commitment (ten years), and she continued to serve for a third term- and started a fourth (more on this later)…

As a Cadet, Ani served under the Security Officer aboard the last icebreaker before it was decommissioned, in the very last of the dwindling polar ice.

Following graduation from the Academy in Helsinki, Ani was recruited directly into the Intelligence division, where she received training in the more esoteric arts of clandestine service. Her sheer presence in undercover scenarios balanced her utter lack, in the more technological studies that might otherwise be expected of her. When a role required it, she found she could learn the jargon, and bluster her way through.

Ultimately, she achieved the rank of Lieutenant Commander, before going rogue in the middle of her fourth term in Naval Intelligence. Her love of the ocean and its creatures, on the brink of extinction, led her to embrace an emerging anarchic streak- and remain embedded within the ecoterrorist organization she had been infiltrating. The security service, it seemed, had no intention of enforcing any environmental protocols whatsoever. It became clear that both governments and corporations had given up on the terrestrial homeland of Earth. Ani was not ready to give up this particular fight. Not yet.

While working undercover inside a terrorist cell, she crossed a number of lines, and has never looked back. Except to check for a tail, but that mode of tradecraft is mostly outdated. Ani now continues her fight where she may, while working to make ends meet with a motley assortment of hackers and outsiders. Maintaining her ties with Dead Zone, she assists with enforcing the Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, now in a more effective (though extralegal) capacity.

Tattoo: Traditional Raja emblem, derived from the old Finnish Border Guard, inked on her right upper arm.