Borgar Silverfist

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To campaign: DnD5 theSavageTide


Borgar Silverfist orc paladin 3 (oath of vengeance)

Physical Notes

Age 20

Height: 6' 4"; Weight: 215 pounds; Hair Color: russet

Personality Traits

Bonds: My clan is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me.

Flaws: There's no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.

Ideals: Change. Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it.

Traits: When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way.


Strength 17 Mod: +3; Saving Throw: +3
Dexterity 10 Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +0
Constitution 14 Mod: +2; Saving Throw: +2
Intelligence 8 Mod: -1; Saving Throw: -1
Wisdom 12 Mod: +1; Saving Throw: +3*
Charisma 15 Mod: +2; Saving Throw: +4*
* Proficiency with these Saving Throws


Hit Points: 28 (3d10 + 6)
Armor Class: 16 (chainmail or half-plate +1)
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Deity: Silfurloginn
Alignment: Chaotic Good
* Silver maul: Attack Bonus: +5; Damage: 2D6+3; Qualities: Silvered, bludgeoning
* Battleaxe: Attack Bonus: 5; Damage: 1D8+3 [1H] or 1d10+3 [2H]; Qualities: Versatile, slashing
* Javelin: Attack Bonus: +5; Damage: 1D6+3; Qualities: Range 30/120


Size: Medium
Movement: 30ft
Languages: Common, Orcish, Abyssal
Other: Darkvision 60', Relentless Endurance, Savage Attacks

Class/Paladin ABILITIES

Divine Sense: 3/day, detect celestials, fiends and undead within 60'.
Lay on Hands: Heal 15 hp/day by touch. Can expend 5 hp to cure one disease or poison.
Spellcasting: Spell slots 3 (1st level), save DC 12, spell attack +4
Divine Smite: Expend spell slots on a hit with a melee attack to deal +1d8 radiant damage, +1d8 per spell level
Divine Health: Immune to disease
CD: Abjure Enemy: One foe within 60 feet, standard action. Wisdom save DC 12 or be Frightened and speed drops to 0. On a success, speed is halved. Ends when it foe takes damage. Undead and fiends have disadvantage.
CD: Oath of Enmity: One foe within 10 feet, bonus action. Gain advantage on attacks vs foe for one minute or until they drop.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

Weapons: Simple and martial
Armor: All
Shields: All

Spell Slots

Spells per level/Long Rest

1st Level: 3

Spells prepared

1st Level: Bless, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Bane, Hunter's Mark


Acrobatics (DEX) +0
Animal Handling (WIS) +1
Arcana (INT) -1
Athletics (STR)* +5
Deception (CHA) +2
History (INT) -1
Insight (WIS) +1
Intimidation (CHA)* +4
Investigation (INT) -1
Medicine (WIS) +1
Nature (INT) -1
Perception (WIS)* +3
Performance (CHA) +2
Persuasion (CHA)* +4
Religion (INT) -1
Sleight-of-Hands (DEX) +0
Survival (WIS)* +3
Tools: Carpenter's tools (STR)* +5
* Skills that he is proficient with


Orcish Fury

  • Increase your Strength or Constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you hit with an attack using a simple or martial weapon, you can roll one of the weapon's damage dice an additional time and add it as extra damage of the weapon's damage type. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
  • Immediately after you use your Relentless Endurance trait, you can use your reaction to make one weapon attack.


Encumbrance: 255 lbs

Moon-touched silver maul 10 lbs
Battleaxe 4 lbs
Half-Plate +1 20lbs
Gloves of Swimming and Climbing
Chainmail armor 55 lbs
Javelins (5) 10 lbs
Holy symbol of Silfurloginn 1 lbs
Explorer's pack 10 lbs
Traveler's clothes 4 lbs
Red bandana 1 lbs
Fishing tackle 4 lbs
Crude maps n/a
Drum 3 lbs
Boar-tusk necklace (worth 10 gp) n/a
3 gold pieces, 9 silver, 5 copper (in pouch) 0.1 lbs
Total 102.1 lbs


Borgar was born among the Silfursvin clan of orcs, who dwelled on the island chain known as the Ring of Surtr. The central island of this chain, the largest, bore a volcano known as the Eye of Imix; clan legend held that a portal to the Underworld lay deep within it, and it was true that the mountain would at times disgorge terrible monsters: fiends, mutated animals, creatures of living lava, and worse. The Silfursvins believed it was their sacred duty to contain the horrors within the mountain, and their greatest warriors, the Andariddari, dedicated their lives to doing just that. Their patron was the god Silfurloginn, seen as an enormous silver boar with the silver scales of a dragon and tusks of fire, and whose sign was flames that burned silver.

Like most of his clan, Borgar trained as a warrior, but his true hope was to become an Andariddari, or spirit warrior, the chosen blades of Silfurloginn, wielding silver fire against the demons and their mortal servants. He grew into a powerful fighter, but showed no signs of Silfurloginn’s touch; he fought off raiders, hunted game, and accompanied a few raiding parties on the shores of the central island, but the touch of the Boar eluded him.

In his sixteenth year, now a fully-grown man by the standards of his people, Borgar returned from a scouting mission to find the clan in an uproar. There had been a killing: his father, Korgath, was dead, killed by unknown means, a mysterious sigil carved into the skin of his chest. None had seen a thing, and Mhi’daar, his mother, was inconsolable with rage and grief. The priests and hunters of the clan could determine no more than that the killer had gone south, into the warmlands, there to bring death and misery to many others.

Furious, Borgar swore to track down his father’s killer. The elders forbade him to do so; the place of the Silfursvins was on their home islands, containing the horrors of the Eye of Imix. The young warrior argued, but the elders were obdurate. Finally, Borgar seized his father’s maul, held it aloft, and vowed to track down his father’s killer if it took ten lifetimes.

Silver fire burst from the weapon, engulfing Borgar; he refused to cry out, maintaining his grip on the handle. In an instant the fire died away, and those watching were amazed to see burn marks on Borgar’s forearms: burn marks in the unmistakable shapes of dancing flames, a perfect match to the tattoos borne by the Andariddari of Silfurloginn. Borgar had been chosen by the Flame, and such was the manner of his choosing that none of the elders would dare oppose his departure. He received a few days worth of instruction from the other Andariddari, bid his mother farewell, and set out into the world.

Although his quest is what drives him, Borgar has accepted the fact that it may take years or even decades to complete - the lands to the south are vaster than he ever imagined, and filled with more people than he dreamed could exist. Ever curious, he delves into cultures and customs wherever he goes, and if he holds tightly to his own peoples’ ways and beliefs, he is respectful of others. He has learned that, though the evil of the Eye of Imix is the responsibility of his people, there are many lesser evils at large in the world, and has taken it upon himself to hunt them down and destroy them wherever he can. It is, after all, what an Andariddari does, no matter where he finds himself.