Dragons Wake (SWADE PbP)

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Revision as of 17:45, 5 April 2022 by JEL (talk | contribs) (Veils & Lines)
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Game Links

RPG.net Recruitment Thread

RPG.net OOC Thread

Game Rules

The game will be played using Savage Worlds Adventure Edition along with the Super Powers Companion for that game.

Setting Rules

From SWADE Core:​

  • Born a Hero
  • Conviction
  • Creative Combat
  • Fanatics
  • High Adventure
  • More Skill Points
  • Unarmored Hero
  • Wound Cap

From Super Powers Companion:​

  • Comic Book Combat
  • Death and Defeat
  • Larger than Life
  • Never Surrender
  • Throwdown

Veils & Lines

The following are Lines for this game:
  • no harm to kids described or alluded to at all in the game
  • no torture described or alluded to at all in the game
  • no attempts by players or players' characters to excuse or justify real life horrors (e.g. Fascism) - unless coming from obvious, explicitly immoral antagonists
  • no sexual coercion or violence described or alluded to at all in the game

The following are Veils for this game:
  • romance is fine, but any displays of affection are limited to hand holding or a chaste kiss "on screen" - anything else should be a "fade to black" moment
  • this is a WW2 game - but I do not want graphic descriptions of violence / the impacts of violence described in great detail

Setting Brief

Setting stuff goes here

Character Links

Character Links go here

Mission Objectives

Mission objectives and background go here.