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back to Savage Shadowrun PBP [1]


(former DocWagon High Threat Response (HTR) paramedic)

Race: Human
Iconic Framework: Street Samurai

Attributes 7 (5 + 1 Human +1 Street Samurai)

Agility d8 H,S
Smarts d8 II
Spirit d6 I
Strength d6 I
Vigor d6 I


English d8
City Speak d6
Chinese (Mandarin) d6
Japanese d6
Sperethiel (Elvish) d6

Skills 18 (15 + 1H + 2SS)

Athletics (Agi) d6 * I
Common Knowledge (Sma) d6 * I
Fighting (Agi) d12 H,S,S,IIII
Healing (Sma) d8 III
Notice d6 (Sma) * I
Occultism d6 (Sma) II
Persuasion (Spi) d4 *
Spellcasting (Sma) d8 III
Stealth (Agi) d4 *

Derived Statistics

Pace 6
Parry 15 (3)
Toughness 8 (3)

Edges 6 (1 Human + 3 Street Samurai + 2 from Hindrances)

Arcane Background (Magic): Power Points 10; Spells Known: Healing, Relief, Smite (Human)
Block (Samurai)
Corporate Mage (Hindrance)
Dedicated Gear (20K Cyberware) (Samurai)
Dodge (Samurai)
Improved Block (Hindrance)


Cautious: (minor) "Life is precious (and subject to legal liability claims), so be sure to follow any and all applicable safety regulations." (DocWagon Employee's Handbook, pg 2)
Code of Honor: (major) "Your behavior reflects on the company at all times. Avoid causing injuries & property damage, and always treat clients & the public with respect." (DWEH, pg 37)
Pacifist: (minor) (DWEH, pg 1, large typeface) "First, Do No Harm"* --Hippocrates (Small subscript at bottom of pg 1) "*Except under extenuating circumstances, as outlined in the Core Values Exemption Guidelines, pg 359-517" --DW Legal Office


Boosted Reflexes II (20K, Strain Cost 2.0, ignored)


Street Clothing x1 25
Fake ID (d6) Free
Lined Coat (physician's) 3* (Torso, Arms, Legs) 600
Ballistic Shield (Parry +3, -4 firearms dmg) 250
Stun Baton (d6+d4 or Stunned; Touch, Stronger) 500
Auto-Med Kit (Heal check d8+2, 1d4 rnds, 5 uses, or as Support) 1,500
Biometric Monitor (+2 to first aid Healing) 250
Comlink 50
Filter Plugs (+2 resist vs inhaled) 20
Earplugs 150
Spatial Sound Recognizer 1,000
Dampener x1 (+2 resist vs sudden noise) 200
Plasteel Handcuff restraints x1 300
Plastic Handcuff restraints x4 75
Briefcase 50


Additional Gear (after chargen)

Middle-Class Clothing 250
Gamma Scopolamine doses x2 1000

Cash on Hand 280

Lifestyle Low (3 months)


Johnny B. (he/him), Cab Driver (Friendly, low-level): A former DocWagon ambulance driver I've stayed friends with over the years
Kinetic (she/her), Other Shadowrunner (Friendly, low-level): A DocWagon client whose life I saved (one or more times) while I had the job
Dr. Anna Garcia (she/her), Street Doc (Friendly, low-level): A former DocWagon medic I've stayed friends with over the years

Short-Term Goals

  • Find a crew and a steady work gig
  • Solve the team's current case
  • Explore spirituality more