GURPS DF Adv Monster Hunters

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This game is a Dungeon Fantasy Adventure - Monster Hunters combo. The idea is that the heroes travel around from place to place in a very serial series of adventure. The heroes hear about a job, research the problem/monsters arrive and then got there and 'deal' with the monster.



The setting region of the game is the nation of Iskirovo a land of lonely moors where it always seem to be cold, wet and fog shrouded. The rolling hills and moors are full of bogs, swamps and thick old-growth forest. Most peasant are farmers who grow barley and wheat crop along with a variety of vegetables and fruits (like apples). A few also raise cows, goats and sheep. The lands has alway breed a dreary moods amoung them and recently... horror.

The heartland are settled by Humans and Halfling along with shattered Gnome communities of mines and trinking factories. To the north is the Greenwood, a huge ancient forest home to Elves, Half Elves and Halflings. Far to the northwest is a huge near unpassable Iron Spear Mountains, home to numberous Dwarf holds and underground cities. Ogres, whom are semi-allied with the Dwarves, also wander their ranges, raising their large sized moutain goats. To the far east is the Great Sea of Grass where Orc tribes make their lives hearding their cattle and oxen while the Cat Folk live as Hunter-Gathers following the wild yak and reindeer on their migration routes.

Iskirovo is a large nation but is light population with most living in small scattered and isolated villages or towns. There are only three large cities, all focusing more on trade, then on defense or rulership. They are - Dmintsy, the capital of Iskirovo. It is somewhat centrally located with numberous guilds and merchant houses based here. Zhaeson is located to the southwestern part of the country on the Irieford River which cuts far into the west where the goods of more 'civilized' lands run. The smallest of these cities is Vrustol located on the far eastern boarders witth the Great Sea of Grass. It is an important trading hub between Iskirovo and the tribes of Orcs and Cat Folks but it is also located on the Long Spice Road which leads to the strange exotice lands of the far east that trade in spices, jade and ivory. Many exotic wares are found and sold here.

Most folk follow the Old Faith. While not truly the oldest (that would be various Shamanist and Druidic traditions) it is the one most accepted by the people. There is a very large presence of formal clergy in Iskirovo as people feel the gods’ presence. Especially now when dark things creep forth from their hidden lairs to threaten them in often the most horrible way. Even the smallest village will have a priest or cleric in residents who guides the common folk in spritual matters and protective charms against evil things.

Iskirovo has been mostly peaceful (if not more then a bit depressing) for centuries but that all changed around a thirty years ago. Rumors say that a curse ways placed on the country or some great and evil dark master was summoned or drawn into the lands. Whatever the cause, monsters started creeing in the out of the way and less populated lands. They started treatening the smaller villages and homesteads at first but soon moved towards the larger villages and some, it is rumored, have even secretly into the cities.

The nobles have long since turn decadent and uncaring of their obligations for the most parts. With no major threat has come this way for centuries the military has been ignored and faded from its once famous highs and most noble houses have little beyond house guards whom are little better then thugs. When bandits and the like have propped up the richer merchant class generally handles of them and there has been little need. Even the various kings and queens whom have ruled over the years ignore most of their subjects, caring not what they do on their lands or how they govern themselves. So long as they pay their modest taxes they are left on their own for the most parts. Many of the merchants and peasants have been happy with this arrangement... at least until recently.

Too the nobles credit however most sponsored the formation of the Monster Hunter Guild to 'take care of this issue' for them. King Zdravko Grabovsky the III put up the intial funds and directed his court wizards to began building a dedicated library with the Guild House after his young sister was killed by a vampire when the mosters first started appearing. Today the crown and most nobles do still contribute to the Monster Hunters Guild and direcct any requests for aid from the common folk too them. The richer merchants also contribute funds as they have found these creatures of darkness are not good for trade.

The Monster Hunter Guild
The guild's primary function is to seek out jobs for it memebers, hunting monsters. It also works to collect as much information on the legends, tales and stories to find the weakness or vulnerability of these monsters. Most of these dark creatures are powerful and dangerous, things that could rip through a troop of armored soldiers with little effort. Membership grants access to the guilds libraries. They also sell potioms and concoctions at a discount. Other magical items are generally not bought or sold as they are rare.

They have Guild Houses in the three main cities of the setting and a few outer chapter locations spred through Iskirovo. Members can stay at these houses for minor boarding fees (or even free when they get more famous/good at their jobs) and have access to their libraries and the discounts on potions etc. They take jobs sponsored through the Guild House which takes a cut in exchange for the heroes benefits.


The basics for this game are GURPS 4th ed. as presented in the Dungeon Fantasy Adventure. Also using ideas (and monsters) from the GURPS Monster Hunters supplemeents.


Characters are standard base characters from the Dungeon Fantasy Adventure (250pts). All the templates and races found there are being used. Then, characters gain with an addition 10 points to spent on skills from Know Thy Enemy. This is an expanded Hidden Lore found in DF.

From the GURPS Monster Hunters --"Monster hunting without knowledge is nothing but a waste of time . . . and lives. For every enemy, one or more skills exist to provide insight into how to defeat it. These are not necessarily the skills required to defeat monsters – just the ones required to answer questions about them (including how to defeat them)."

From the skill breakdown below a minimum of 2 points must be spent on each skill. Spending 4 points instead adds +1 to the skill level shown here, while spending 8 points adds +2.

DF Hidden Lores for this include Demons, Divine Servitors, Elder Things, Elementals, Faeries, Natural Spirits, Spirits, or Undead. To expand on this characters can spend these points in the following ways...

Demons: Hidden Lore (Demons) (A) IQ [2]; Theology (the Old Faith) (H) IQ-1 [2].
Dark summoned monsters from some hell like dimension. They are more interested in causing choas and destructions but also might try to make deals and bargins with the foolish.

Elder Beings (Dwellers of the Edge, old ones and their servitor races): Hidden Lore (Elder Things) (A) IQ [2]; Theology (the Old Faith (H) IQ-1 [2].
Creatures from beyond reality and tend to wrap it and drive those whom encounter them mad. They servitors might once have been Humans or other such but over the centuries have been corrupted and driven insane by their masters. They tend to be unknownable and make little sense to motral minds.

Elementals (fire elemental, earth elemental, ash mephits, etc.): Hidden Lore (Elementals) (A) IQ [2]; Thaumatology (VH) IQ-2 [2].
Summon spirit types from certain dimensions tied to their nature. Are often unfeeling or unknowable and single minds... doing excately what they are ordered to do by the ones whom summoned them to this realm.

Faeries (fae, in-betweeners, etc.): Hidden Lore (Faeries)* (A) IQ [2]; Theology (Shamanic or the Old Faith) (H) IQ-1 [2].
Fea creatures like sprits, winged faeries, brownies, red caps, seelie and unseelie court, the wild hunt, etc. Some are harmless and even helpful, others dangerous, dark and hold a great deal of malice towards the common folk.

Ghosts: Hidden Lore (Restless Undead) (A) IQ [2]‡; Theology (Shamanic or the Old Faith) (H) IQ-1 [2].
Renamed Spirits from DF, the spirits of the dead that are trapped here on this side of the viel. Often angry or confused they lash out at the living often in jeolousy or hatred of what they have lost.

Lycanthropes: Hidden Lore (Lycanthropes) (A) IQ [2]; Naturalist (H) IQ-1 [2]; Veterinary (H) IQ-1 [2].
Shapeshifters whom can change between a human like form and a predatory animal form, or even a hybride like form. Are often hostile to common folk, seeing them as little better then any other prey animal. They maybe non-predatory shifters but they are rare.

• 'Magical Beast (dragons, giants, etc.): Hidden Lore (Magical Beasts) (A) IQ [2]; Thaumatology (VH) IQ-2 [2].
These creatures are strongly tied to magic, either having been created through magical means or they themselves have strong ties to magic. They are often hostile to others and eat the common folk out in the open having little to fear from them.

Mummies: Archaeology (H) IQ-1 [2]; Hidden Lore (Mummies) (A) IQ [2]‡.
Ancient mages, priests and rulers who underwent forbiddening burial rituals to preserve their bodies into the future and often tied their souls to their undead body. They often inhabit long forgotten barrows, burial mounds or kurgans.

Natural Spirits: Hidden Lore (Natural Spirits) (A) IQ [2]*; Naturalist (H) IQ-1 [2].
Supernatural beings of any class dwelling in and tied to Nature; e.g., spirit animals, “wild” elementals (fire in volcanoes, water in lakes, etc.), nymphs, fauns, and spirits of place (entities embodying forests, rivers, and so on).

Outcast Angels: Hidden Lore (Divine Servitors) (A) IQ [2]; Theology (the Old Faith) (H) IQ-1 [2].
Fallen or outcast divine servants of the Old Gods, acting once as guardians, messengers, soldiers and punishers. They had some past failure and have been cast out of the God's services. They are often hateful and angry at their plight and now lash out at others to vent their anger and rage.

Parasites: Biology (VH) IQ-2 [2]; Diagnosis (H) IQ-1 [2].
These are diseases or micro-creatures that either feed off the living in some terrible and horrid way or whom uses the bodies of larger creatures to move about and act (either dead bodies or controlling living one against their will).

Vampires: Hidden Lore (Vampires) (A) IQ [2]‡.
The much feared and hatred undead that require the blood of the living to sustain their unnatural existance. They are hated and fears as they could appear as a lost love one or other person one might now when they first appear. They are ruthless and uncaring, having been driven to see the living as only prey.
This might also include their Ghoul servants, undead whom eat the rotting flesh of the recent dead and whom might serve a vampire as a day time protector.

Witches and Warlocks: Hidden Lore (Sacred Places) (A) IQ [2]; Psychology (H) IQ-1 [2]; Thaumatology (VH) IQ-2 [2].
Cursed or fell mages whom turn to demonology and necromancy to fuel their powers. They seek out sacred places to preform their fell magic, allowing to perform magic on a far grander scale then even most well trained wizards.

Zombies (and skeletons, etc.): Hidden Lore (Restless Undead) (A) IQ [2]‡; Theology (Shamanism or the Old Faith) (H) IQ-1 [2].
Raised bodies and corpses of the recent dead (or ancient in the case of skeletons), these unthinking and unfeeling beings serve some fell master whom raised them or wander about restlessly feeding on the flesh of the living much like ghouls (but uncaring if its fresh or long rotted).

‡ The Mummies, Restless Undead, and Vampires specialties of Hidden Lore default to each other at -2.

As a note, for my campaign I will probably focus on Magical Beasts, Vampires and the Restless Dead. The other types of creatures and dangers will appear but they are rarer or at least generally less interested to me a GM so they might not show up as often as the others.