SWADE Atomic Rockets Pulp!

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This game is a weird mix of Pulp and Rocket Age but with magic, psionics, aliens and weird science gallor!!!!

Starship Frames

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Basic overal Frame and Size of the Starhip which provides it basic speed, handling, etc.

Structure Size Speed Handling Toughness Mods Crew Energy Cost Examples
Tiny 6 6 +3 25 (6) 20 1 25 $1M Light shuttle or starfighter
Average 8 5 +2 30 (7) 30 5 40 $2.5M Bomber, heavy shuttle
Great 12 5 +1 35 (8) 40 15 60 $5M Light freighter, partol boat, scout
Greater 16 4 +0 40 (9) 60 40 100 $20M Corvette, freighter
Giant 20 3 -1 50 (12) 80 80 200 $100M Destroyer, light cruiser
Garganturan 24 3 -2 60 (15) 100 200 300 $500M Battle cruiser, bulk freighter
Behemoth 30 2 -3 70 (20) 150 400 500 $2B Dreadnaught, starship carrier
Leviathan 40 2 -4 80 (25) 250 1K 800 $5B Super dreadnought, supers carrier, colony transport
World-Class 60 2 -5 100 (40) 400 2K 1,500 $25B space station, generational colony transport

Starship Notes
For Tabletop combat in Space the squares are basically the same as table top personal combat. This is how may squares (or inches) it can move each round. Also the Space Scale speed of a vessel is about how may AU it can travel in a day. If measured in planetary scale x the Speed by 100 to get miles per hour.
Spike Drives require a minimum Starship Size of 10 to be installed.

Starship Mods

These are the basic Modifiers that can be added to any star vessel.

Mods (x) is how many times a specific Mod maybe taken; i.e. 1=Once, U=unlimited, etc. (up to all the mods the vehicle has)

Updated Starship Mods Mods Cost
Advanced AI (2): Requires Aritifical Intelligence modifier. Advanced programming add +1 to Science for Navigation of space route and +1 to Repair and Science to bleed off pollutants safetly in Drive space. If taken a second time these bonuses increase to +2 each 0 $500K
AMCM (1): Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to Electronics or Hacking checks made to evade missile and torpedo locks and attacks plus Piloting checks to avoid Tractor Beams. 1 $5K xSize
Armor (U): Increases a ship’s Armor value by +4. Due to the nature of space and the size and shape of starships, all Armor is considered Heavy Armor. 1 per 10 Size $5K xSize
Artificial Intelligence (1): The ship’s AI can operate all systems— from locomotion to weapons to opening or closing hatches. There are three levels of 'intelligence' for a AI availabe - Base, Standard and Military. A basic AI has an effective Skill level of d8 and suffers a -2 with Shooting checks if it makes them. A standard AI has an effective Skill level of d10 as is the military AI but it also gains a d10 in Battle and a +1 with Piloting and Shooting checks (and if giving Support). An AI is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the captain’s Action. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. 1 $5K basic, $10K standard, or $25K military xSize
Atmospheric (1): Allows the ship to enter planetary atmospheres. This includes heat shielding and additional work to handle the stress and strain of entry. All starships have vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability (max size 20?). ½ Size $50K xSize
Bomb Bay (U): Each bomb bay may drop up to four Small, 2 Medium, or 1 Large (or larger) bomb per round at no penalty. All use the same attack roll. Dropping bombs uses the Electronics skill. 1 $50K
Crew Space, Low-Berth (U): Living space for 8 additional crew or passengers, including bulk-bed sleeping area, kitchen, rec area, etc. 1 $50K
Crew Space, Standard (U): Living space for 4 additional crew or passengers, including sleeping area, kitchen, rec area, etc. 1 $100K
Crew Space, Luxtury (U): Living space for 1 additional passengers, including luxery sleeping area, kitchen, rec area, etc. 1 $250K
Deflector Shields (1): The vessel is protected by an energy field that deflects incoming metories and ballistic attacks (it has no effect against lasers). Attackers must subtract –2 from their Shooting checks. Mod cost is 2 for Tiny to Great ships, 3 for Greater to Gargantuan vessels, and 4 for all larger vessels. 2/3/4 $10K xSize
Drill Spike Drive -Mark I (1): A Spike Drive allows a vessel to enter hyperspace and travel at fantastic speeds there. A Mark I allows a vessel to travel at a speed of 1 lightyear per 48 hours in hyperspace. This Drive uses 1 energy times the Size of the vessel's size per 24 hours in hyperspace. Minimum Size of ship that can mount a Mark I Drive is Great ½ Size $100K xSize
Drill Spike Drive -Mark II (1): A Spike Drive allows a vessel to enter hyperspace and travel at fantastic speeds there. A Mark II allows a vessel to travel at a speed of 1 lightyear per 36 hours in hyperspace. This Drive uses 1 energy times the 1½ xSize of the vessel's size per 24 hours in hyperspace. Minimum Size of ship that can mount a Mark I Drive is Great ¾ Size $250K xSize
Drill Spike Drive -Mark III (1): A Spike Drive allows a vessel to enter hyperspace and travel at fantastic speeds there. A Mark III allows a vessel to travel at a speed of 1 lightyear per 24 hours in hyperspace. This Drive uses 1 energy times the 2 xSize of the vessel's size per 24 hours in hyperspace. Minimum Size of ship that can mount a Mark III Drive is Greater Size $1M xSize
Drill Spike Drive -Mark IV (1): A Spike Drive allows a vessel to enter hyperspace and travel at fantastic speeds there. A Mark IV allows a vessel to travel at a speed of 1 lightyear per 12 hours in hyperspace. This Drive uses 1 energy times the 3 xSize of the vessel's size per 24 hours in hyperspace. Minimum Size of ship that can mount a Mark IV Drive is Greater 2 xSize $10M xSize
Electromagnetic Shielding (3): Adds +6 to the ship’s effective Toughness vs. EMP attacks. 1 per 10 Size $5K xSize
Energy Reserves (U): Extra fussion/fission powercores can provided additional energy to the ship. Each energy reserve adds 100% of the standard Energy rating to the ship ¼ Size $50K xSize
Fewer Crew or Passengers (U): For every 4 fewer crew the ship has it gains an additional +1 modifer. n/a n/a
Fixed (U): “Fixed” weapons cannot rotate. On the table-top, they have a 45° firing arc. Fixed weapons must chose an arc -- Forward, Port (left), Starboad (right), Aft (back). For ships that are 14 or greater can only fire at most craft with weapons facing that side (arc). Smaller ships can make a contested Pilot skill test, beating the target ship grants two arc or they face the worst arch of weapons (winner's choice), a raise three aches and two raises all arch in the same round. Total all like Fixed weapons first, then halve their combined Mod cost. n/a n/a
Garage/Hanger (U): A hangar (or garage) within a vessel of at least Great size can carry two a vessel of 6 or less. For a vessel of Greater size can carry up to three size 6 vehicles or two size 8 vessels or vehicles. For a vessel of size of Giant can carry up to ten size 6 or five size 8 vessels two size 10 or one size 12 vessel. Includes tools for replair and maintance of the vessels. A external lift-hooks can carry a veseel that is one Size bigger then normally allowed for half the mods and cost 8/10/14 $500K, $1M, $2M
Handling (2): The vehicle is precision crafted and very maneuverable. Add +1 to the vessel's Handling score. ¼ Size $25K xSize
Holding Space (Jails) (U): This includes two individual holding cells (can be cammed to hold two persons in each cell). 1 $50K
Life Support (U): A Standard Spacecraft has supplies of food, water, oxygen, waste recycling, etc. to last 30 days for Crew listed (i.e. a crew of 5 would have 150 man-days of supplyies) and twice that in Emergency Supplies (but living off this causes an automatic level of Fatigue after a few days). Extra supplies can be added, that doubling both the base standard and emergency for ¼ Size in mods. Note that the Cost is only paid for extra supplies (and when resupplying). Factor in Crew Space/Holding Cells or Fewer Crew ¼ Size $5K xSize
Life Support, Short-Term (U): For Spacecraft meant to be lived in for a few days at most adds ½ ships Size back in Mods and has only enough supplies of food, water, oxygen, waste recycling, etc. to last 3 days for Crew listed (i.e. a crew of 5 would have 15 man-days of supplyies) and twice that in Emergency Supplies (but living off this causes an automatic level of Fatigue after a few days). Extra supplies can be added, that doubling both the base standard and emergency for 1 mod. Note that the Cost is only paid for extra supplies (and when resupplying). Factor in Crew Space/Holding Cells or Fewer Crew See Text $150 xSize
Linked Weapons (U): Up to four direct-fire weapons (non-missiles) of the same type may be linked and fired as one, increasing the damage by +2 per additional weapon and reducing the total number of Mods required by half -- i.e. total all Linked weapons in a set first, then halve their required Mods (If Linking Fixed weapons, halve the total again) n/a n/a
Mercantile (U): Found only on Huge or larger ships that carry a number of 'paying' passengers, this might be a restaurant, commissary, or specialty store. Each generates Size +$1d4K a month for the ship (and the same for the mercantile’s owner). The store has 300 square feet of space. Each additional Mod adds roughly 100 square feet and +$1d4K to revenue. 2 $100K
Missile Launcher (U): Allows up to four Light or two Heavy missiles to be fired at once. Storage space for missiles is 1 hold holds 12 small missiles or 8 large (or AT) missiles 1 $50K
Orbiter (1): Requires Atmoshpere Mod. Shuttle craft and drop ships meant mostly to ferry cargo and people from space oto a planet's surface and meant operate in space for only a limited time. Halve the Space Speed (round down) but count full atmosphere speed, including Speed Mods. Reduce Engergy to Half Size. Most also that the Short Term Life Support Mod. Adds Size back in additional Mods n/a 50% base cost
Passenger Pods (U): Small and Medium ships only. These are rows of fairly spacious seats with safety harnesses, personal vid-screens, and other amenities designed for short travels (typically less than 24 hours). Full life support and a days worth of food and water is also include for each passenger. Each pod seats 20. 2 $10K
Reinforce Structure (Size): Each time this mod is taken add +2 to the ship's Toughness. ¼ Size $50K xSize
Sensor Suite, Galactic (1): Light, chemical, motion, and other active sensors allow detection of targets up to one light year away with a Electronics roll. Sensors can also detect Spike Drive warping out to 5 light years with a check (+2 within 1 light-years; or -2 out to 10 light years). Can also aid Science rolls for planetary data when in orbit. Within 10K miles, the sensors add +2 to the roll. Illumination penalties are ignored. Targets don’t have to be in direct line of sight, but asteroid or powerful energy fields may cause inaccurate or false readings at the GM’s. discretion. 2 $1M
Sensor Suite, Planetary (1): This functions exactly like the Sensor Suite, see Gear, but has a range of 10K miles. It can also detect Spike Drive at 1 lght year away. 1 $50K
Shields (3): The craft is protected by an ablative energy field that absorbs its Size in damage each time it is hit before applying the damage to the ships Toughness (and armor). The shields can take a maxmimum of 10×Size per mods (1/2 Size) in points of damage before it’s depleted. Active shields detonate missiles and torpedoes before they hit, reducing their damage total by half. A craft may regenerate its Size in shield points if it makes no attacks in a round ½ Size $50K xSize
Speed (U): each level increase the base speed by +1. ¼ Size $50K xSize
Speed Reduction (3): This ship trades power and speed for additional room. Each time this mod is taken, reduces the ship's speed by 1 and gain one-half the ship's Size in Mod slots. Cannot be taken with Speed and the minimim speed is 1 unless it is stationary (like a space station) n/a n/a
Statis Field Sleeping Pods (U): These add statis tubes that can sustain a human life for years (theoretically) and can be added to both vehicles and starships (and found in a few medical facilities planet side). Each unit holds 4 individuals whom can be keep within for long term without requiring food, water and oxygen. Each unit of pods uses one Energy of the vessel per month (30 days) that it is running. 1 $50K
Stealth System (1): Radar-absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the ship difficult to detect by vision or sensors. Those trying to spot, attack, (or lock on to) the ship subtract 4 from their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in which the ship fires a weapon or emits some other nonstealth signal such as radio signal or active sensor search. Size $150K xSize
Superstructure (U): Superstructures are massive extensions that add great amounts of space to Greater Size or larger ships, typically to accommodate more passengers or cargo. Each superstructure adds one to the fuel used per day, consumes 10 regular Mods, and subtracts 1 from the ship’s base Toughness (not Armor) as it reduces overall structural integrity. Choose the type from the Superstructure sidebar (SFC pg. 47). 10 $5M
Targeting System (1): The ship’s internal sensors and computers are linked to all attached weapons. This compensates for movement, range, multi-actions, and the like, negating up to four points of Shooting penalties. 1 $10K xSize
Tractor Beam (U): Tractor beams are specialized starship weapons designed to hold an enemy ship in place and pull it to the “attacker”. Ships can only affect vessels of smaller Size. Their range is short or 4 on the starship scale, so they must get a Short Range result on the Chase table to use the weapon. This is an opposed attacker's Electronics roll at –4 vs the target’s Electronics or Hacking or Piloting. If the attacker is successful, the enemy ship is caught and pulled into contact in 2d6 rounds. A captive’s ship’s life support systems remain active, but all locomotion and weapons are shut down. 5 $1M
Torpedo Launch Tube (U): Each tube allows a torpedo to be fired wirh action (ROF 1). 1 $500K

Some Starship Examples

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Note that for unused Mods used as storage in a starship can haul 200lbs x unused Mods x twice the Size
Also the Wounds* works just like extra wounds for large creatures (SWADE pg. 179)