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A Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast adventure.

The First Chapter: Another Rainy Day
In which Hey Kid is very bored while stuck inside, and Gertrude (along with the rest of the Bed & Breakfast) try to keep the child from exploding.

Gertrude didn’t bring a lot with her to the Bed & Breakfast. In fact, the only thing she kept close by her was her diary, an ancient and tattered notebook full of bubbly handwriting across gridded paper. If you asked Gertrude about it, she’d say she doesn’t know why she keeps it, but the rows and rows of dense words suggested otherwise. Gertrude was writing in it again, lost in her thoughts and doing her best to ignore the very busy work of everyone around her.

Ponk! A red rubber ball bounced off the back of the armchair where Gertrude was sitting, and her hand zagged a long trail of ink across one of her important lists.

“Hey you, ready to play Demon Ball?!” The small purple devil that everyone called Hey Kid yelled out, swinging a walking cane through the air fast enough to whistle.

Gertrude looked up from her diary and squinted through the eyeholes of her mask. The dull roar of splashy-crashy rain on the roof filled every corner of the Bed and Breakfast, as it had for days and days and days. “What, outside?” Gertrude fidgeted with a hole in the armchair. “You’re going to get soaked if you go out there.”

“But it’s been raining foreEeEeEever!” Hey Kid snarled. “If I can’t go outside soon I’m gonna explode!”

Gertrude paled, and looked around for any actual grownup. They all seemed to be busy, and there was no way Gertrude was going to bother them even though smoke was starting to come out of Hey Kid’s ears. “Well, maybe we can find something else to keep you occupied.”

Our Cast:

  • tibbius as Hey Kid
  • thenorm42 as Gertrude
  • FrivYeti as Sal
  • Fred as Parish
  • KnockingBox as Amelie
  • MrPrim as The Rabbits In The Garden Who Wear Little Outfits

Key Events:

  • Parish was crushed under a pile of books, injuring his leg!
  • Amelie got caught in a curtsy loop due to the number of rabbits, and ultimately overclocked and shut down.
  • Gertrude found the Key to Room 13, which mysteriously moves around the B&B. She decided to move in from the laundry room.

Chapter Rules:

This Chapter is played in a Relaxed Mood. When playing in this mood, if you do a Whoopsie, you gain a token. If you want to do one of your Bingos, you must first spend a token. It also has the following special rules: Not Acting Your Age, Inside Games, and Hey Kid's Gonna Explode!

Not Acting Your Age

Teens and adults can get carried away, too. Anyone besides Hey Kid has access to these extra Whoopsies:

  • Accidentally break something.
  • Play too hard for your age and exhaust yourself.
  • Play too hard for someone smaller than you.

Inside Games

When anyone but Hey Kid does a Bingo, right afterwards they can suggest and set up an indoor activity to burn off some of Hey Kid’s energy. Strike it out, below, and Hey Kid gets a token.

  • A Scavenger Hunt
  • A Pushup Contest
  • The Floor Is Lava
  • Ten-pin Bowling Down The Hallway
  • A Crab-Walking Race
  • Double-Dog Dares
  • Slide Down The Stairs
  • Jump Over A Stick
  • Build A Pillow Fortress
  • Just Wrestle
  • Make Up A Game Just For Hey Kid

Once this list is exhausted, you can check off this last one any number of times:

  • Ask Hey Kid what they want to do.

Hey Kid’s Gonna Explode!

Hey Kid Starts with 6 tokens. The more tokens they have, the more fun they’re having, and the less likely they are to explode. Hey Kid throws out a token whenever someone tells them to be calm, wait, or listen up.

Hey Kid has some extra Whoopsies they can do right now:

  • Burst into flame and catch something on fire.
  • Break something with supernatural strength.
  • Get very big and scary for a moment.

If Hey Kid runs out of tokens, they explode. They immediately get 6 tokens, tick a Track on their sheet, and describe the devastation to the Bed & Breakfast.

When Hey Kid gets to 10 tokens, Gertrude can bring the Chapter to a close, and if Hey Kid didn’t explode, the B&B gets an [+++] Original Hey Kid Artwork. Hold onto any leftover tokens for Housekeeping.