Trouble Maker

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Superhero Name: Trouble Maker
Civilian Name: Nadeen Lemaire-Najjar
Race: Human
Gender Identity: Cisgender Female
Age: 16 years
Appearance and Demeanor: Nadeen is a young white woman, with a thin but physically fit build. She is a punk, with a garishly dyed mohawk and multiple facial piercings. She typically dresses in black clothes with metal studs combined with an assortment of t-shirts with political slogans or punk band names on them. Around those she trusts, she’s generally cheerful and warm. However, she is a radical social justice activist who doesn’t have any patience with authority figures trying to tell her what to do or with people who would bully or dominate others. She can get quite angry and impatient in the face of such things.


Agility: 1d8
Smarts: 1d8
Spirit: 1d10
Strength: 1d8
Vigor: 1d8


Academics (Smarts): 1d6
Athletics (Agility): 1d8
Common Knowledge (Smarts): 1d8
Fighting (Agility): 1d8
Focus (Spirit): 1d10
Notice (Smarts): 1d6
Persuasion (Spirit): 1d6
Stealth (Agility): 1d6

Derived Traits

Bennies: 3
Pace: 6”/ 12 yards
Parry: 12
Size: 0
Toughness: 10


  • Heroic (Major): You can never say no to someone in need.
  • Idealistic (Minor): You see things in black and white, right and wrong, which gives you great trouble in the gray areas of life.
  • Wanted variant (Minor): Trouble Maker is not wanted for anything per se, but she does have a "criminal" record, mostly the result of breaking the law as part of political protests and the like. As a result, the police don't trust her, member of a superhero team or not.

Benefits: +1 Spirit, +1 Agility


  • Connections: Social justice activists: Once per session, and assuming she can get in touch with them, the heroine can call on her connections for a favor.
  • Free Runner: As long as there are obstacles she can bound on, bounce off, or swing on, she moves at her full Pace on Difficult Ground penalties when on foot. She also adds +2 to her Athletics rolls when climbing and in foot Chases.
  • Martial Artist: Her fists and feet are weapons so she’s always considered armed. She adds +1 when striking with them and causes Strength+d4 damage.
  • Strong Willed: She adds +2 to her total when resisting any opposed Smarts or Spirit-based rolls, including Tests and arcane skills.
  • Super Powers, Power Level IV, Rising Stars variant


Trappings: Manifesting Others’ Worst Fears

  • Energy Control: Mental (5): You can create a field of mental energy the size of a Large Blast Template up to 24 yards away; you may move the field up to 24 yards per turn as a limited free action, as long as it stays in sight. The field manifests as the worst fears of those targeted. You may activate one of the following effects as a limited free action: 1) Damage: Inflict 4d6 damage; 2) Dampen: Provide immunity to Mental Energy for those within the field. 3) Darken: Create Dim Light or Darkness within the field; 4) Distract: Make foes Distracted and Vulnerable.
    • Area Effect (2)
    • Power (5)
    • Requires Material: Consciousness (-1): Trouble Maker can only generate the field in the presence of other conscious beings whose fears she can draw on.
    • Selective (1)
  • Fear (2): Make a Focus roll to target those within a Large Blast Temple up to 24 yards away. The targets must make a Fear Test at -2 (-4 on a raise on the Focus roll).
    • Area Affect (4)
    • Limitation: Tied to Energy Control (1-): Trouble Maker may only use this power when her Energy Control power is already activated and it must target those within the Energy Control power’s field.
    • Range (2)
    • Selective (1)
    • Strong (2)
  • Fearless (2): Immune to Fear checks.
  • Mind Shield (1): Mind Reading and Mind Control attempts against her are made at -2. Further, if you successfully resist an attempt to read or control your mind, the enemy psychic suffers Fatigue. With a raise on the resistance roll, the foe is Stunned as well.

Trappings: Training

  • Super Attribute: Smarts +1 (2)
  • Super Attribute: Spirit +1 (2)
  • Super Attribute: Strength: +1 (2)
  • Super Attribute: Vigor +1 (2)
  • Super Edge: Free Runner (2)
  • Super Edge: Martial Artist (2)
  • Super Skills (4): +4 Focus

Racial Traits

Adaptable (Human): Bonus Novice Edge: Connections


Funds: $150

  • Kevlar Jacket: Armor +2

Total Encumbrance: 8


1. Edge: Strong Willed


Upset by the injustice she sees in the world around her, as a young teenager, Nadeen got involved with the punk scene and radical political activism. Her fathers—Ben and Faruq Lemaire-Najjar—were ambivalent about this. They were happy with their daughter’s concern for others, but worried about where her political activism might take and that she’d adopted such a radical, confrontational stance. She has been arrested more than once for her political activism, something that lead to other students bullying her in school.

One day when the bullying got especially bad, her meta-gene activated and she lashed out with powers she didn’t know she had. She was actually quite horrified at what she had done.

Trouble Maker is a bit ambivalent about being part of the Young Warriors. On the one hand, she got badly needed training that has allowed her to control her power. And she hopes to use her platform as a superhero to challenge people’s negative stereotypes about radical political activists. On the other hand, she is wary that the Warriors of Liberty will try to steer her on the path to the straight and narrow, something she disdains. (Her fathers, on the other hand, supported her joining the super team, precisely because they hope this will happen.) She also doesn’t really like her main superpower, regarding it as cruel, and uses it reluctantly.