D&D 5e: Exile Character 07
Geren Golzeth
Class: Warlock (The Fiend) 5
Human (M)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Strength 9 (-1)
Dexterity 15 (+2)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 13 (+1)
Wisdom 11 (+0)
Charisma 18 (+4)
Proficiency Bonus +3
Saves Wis +3, Cha +7
Skills Arcana +4, Deception +7, History +4, Persuasion +7 (passive Perception 10)
Feats: Spell Sniper (bonus feat from campaign)
Weapons simple weapons
Armors light armor
Tools: dice set
Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal
HP 38; HD 5d8
Initiative +2 ; Speed 30 ft.
AC 14 (studded leather 12, Dex +2)
Spellcasting Ability Score: Charisma
Spells Save DC: 15
Spells Attack Bonus: +8 (+7 base +1 from Heirloom Rod)
Slots: - / - / 2
Known Spells (3) + (3) (Book of Shadows) + (1) (Spell Sniper) = (7) / 3 / 2 / 1
- Level 0:
Chill Touch
Eldritch Blast
Mind Sliver
Minor Illusion
Ray of Frost
- Level 1:
Hellish Rebuke
Unseen Servant
- Level 2:
Misty Step
- Level 3:
Expanded Spell List
Dark One's Blessing
Pact Magic
Eldritch Invocations (Agonizing Blast, Devil's Sight, Repelling Blast)
Pact Boon (Pact of the Tome)
Position of Privilege
studded leather armor, arcane focus (rod), backpack, rations/1 day (24), waterskin, rope/silk 50 feet, clothes/fine, signet ring, scroll of pedigree, belt pouch, Book of Shadows, Dagger, crowbar, hammer, piton (10), torch (10), tinderbox 193 GP
Height Medium / 6.1 ft / 230 lb.;
Age: 28 years
Eyes: Hazel; Skin: Pale white; Hair: Black
Appearance: Geren shows the signs of a life of leisure and overindulgence, but is still quite handsome.
Personality Traits:
I want the good things in life and don’t really care how I have to get them.
It’s not bad if I do it.
Ideal: Power: If I can attain more power nobody can tell me what to do.
Bond: A trusted ally is like family.
Flaw: If I think it’s legitimate, I’m easily tempted by any chance for more.
Background: Noble Character Backstory: The Golzeth House was founded on a rainy night by a strange woman in a yellow cloak. It was said that despite being nonmagical the water slid right off it. The first members were merchants newly come to the city who swiftly used their wealth and noble status to take control of the city’s entertainment and food production.
The generation before Geren had chosen to strengthen their ties to organized crime, seeing it as yet another way to increase their reach. Unfortunately for Geren he was chosen as the scapegoat when it came to light. He silently swore vengeance on the unknown do-gooder who led the bust. Luckily for him his contact was killed before he could testify against him so he couldn’t be convicted of most of the crimes he’d actually committed.
Geren insists on his innocence of any accusations against him, even as he uses the power of his fiendish Pact to control the minds of others or smite them as necessary. Right now he just wants to get back to his hedonistic lifestyle.