Kitsuki Ekiken
Kitsuki Ekiken
Name: Kitsuki Ekiken
Clan: Dragon
Family: Kitsuki
Gender: Cis Male
Earth | Air | Fire | Water | Void |
1 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
Endurance - 6
Composure - 6
Focus - 5
Vigilance - 3 (2.5?)
Void Points - 1
School Agasha Mystic School
Rank 1
- Honor: 35
- Glory: 54
- Status:30
Character of Naphthalim in Game: L5R_Topaz_Championship
Personal Information
Family Name: "Omoi Saifu" and "Narikin"
Description: Eikiken is a tall thin man with long straight black hair and striking green eyes. He is always impeccably dressed, and keeps his things well attended to. It is difficult to catch him in polite company with so much as a smudge on his outfit.
- When stressed/angered - Ekiken grows quieter, his words, sharper and more insulting.
Ninjo: Become a better and more renowned painter than Kitsuki Eiki.
Giri: Gain the balance in all things reflective of a Dragon Shugenja.
- Aesthetics: 2 Artisan
- Meditation: 2 Martial
- Tactics: 1 Martial
- Government: 1 Scholar
- Medicine: 1 Scholar
- Sentiment: 1 Scholar
- Theology: 1 Scholar
- Courtesy: 1 Social
- Survival: 1 Trade
Advantages and Disadvantages
Distinctions: Subtle Observer (p.110) - Can read lips + reroll up to 2 dice of choice for checks bolstered by being able to notice small details.
Adversities: Daikaku's Curse (p.119) - Bad w/ cash (reroll up to 2 dice containing successes or explosive successes when financial scrutiny would be helpful - gains 1 void point on a failure)
Passions: Gossip (p.113) Can identify the source of juiciest rumors at the start of each scene. May remove 3 strife after performing a check to spread or receive rumors, or when portraying someone in a chosen light.
Irrepressible Flirtation: (p.134) He finds it difficult to pass up a chance to flirt with someone he finds attractive, and cannot help but respond when someone finds him attractive. After performing a check to interact with/ignore someone he's interested in without exceeding propriety he receives 3 strife (+1 void if it's the first occurrence in the scene)
Perfectionism: (p. 135) He cannot accept imperfection in his own work and has been known to cast aside works over tiny flaws. He cannot help trying to improve flawed works even if it means informing someone of higher status of their own flaw. After performing a check where he has to interact with an imperfect/unfinished work he receives 3 strife (+1 void if it's the first time this scene)
Techniques and School Abilities
School Ability: Elemental Transmutation (rank)x per game.
Equipment and Weapons