Sophia Petrillo

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Sophia Petrillo

Name: Sophia Petrillo
High Concept: Last Scion of the Ancient Noble House of Petrillo
Trouble: In the Middle
Aspect: Friends on the Other Side
Aspect: Forged in Filth
Aspect: She Has Her Father's Eyes
Sorcery Spheres: Demonology, Ghosts & Spirits
Player: NightGoblyn

A young woman that grew up in the slums, taking care of her sick mother. She took every filthy job that paid a coin so she could afford rent, food, and her mother's medicines. Her mother had been a servant in one of the great noble houses and claimed that one of the young scions was the young woman's father. Her father was so kind, he'd loved her mother so much, it was his parents that forced them apart and sent her away. And if he only knew what kind of life they were living, surely he'd help, especially now that his cruel parents were dead and he'd inherited.

So one fine morning the young woman travels to the nicer parts of the city, gets hired on as a servant in her father's house, and confronts him. Tells him the whole sorry story, and begs for his help.

He has her beaten nearly to death and thrown in the river.

She can barely work for weeks, she nearly starves, she only stays housed by falling upon the landlord's mercy (and promising to pay back rent with interest), and her mother dies.

And all that time, she prays to Denari, for justice. She prays to foreign gods, for justice. The day after her mother's death she prays to anyone who cares to help her, for justice.

Two days later, an officer of the City Watch comes calling along with whatever Eversink has for probate lawyers. Her father, his wife, and her half-siblings have all died - the roof of a gazebo gave way while they were dining and they were all crushed. Tragic, really, but the young woman was mentioned a couple of times in her father's papers - apparently he'd kept track of her mother all this time, he just didn't care to help - and she was the only surviving heir.

Later in the day, after all the paperwork has been signed and filed, another lawyer comes to visit. He has only a single contract for her, and its text is nothing more than her final prayer for justice. Justice, he says, was beyond his capacity to deliver, but he had no trouble arranging for revenge, and if she'd just sign here to acknowledge her future debt he'd be happy to be on his way.

She didn't sign, but she did convince him that she'd be good for it and maybe it was better to keep things "off the books" so to speak. That's her business now - she does favors and accepts favors, and she facilitates similar exchanges (for a small fee, of course) between others. Usually humans, frequently legal, occasionally neither.


+4 Will
+3 Contacts Rapport
+2 Empathy Lore Notice
+1 Academics Deceive Provoke Resources


Physical [1][1][1]

Mental [1][1][1][1][1][1]

Corruption [1][1][1][1]


Spirit Sight

She sees dead people. And spirit people. And demon people. And probably stuff that ain’t people. Plus whatever that thing is over there.

Pain Is My Oldest Friend

When Sophia takes a consequence, she gets the free invoke on it instead of whoever inflicted it.

Faustian Negotiator

Sophia has gained a reputation as a trusted agent in the occult corners of Eversink. She may roll Contacts instead of Resources for anything that may fall under the auspices of entities and/or people for whom she may have bargained with or on behalf of in the past as she sometimes takes payment in the form of future favors.

Name Your Terms

Every conflict is rooted in unmet needs and the first step towards fulfillment should be communication, not violence. +2 to Rapport when attempting to broker an exchange of goods, services, and/or currencies.


Her Mother’s Locket

Sophia’s mother claimed it was a parting gift from Lorenzo when she was sent away. Sophia suspects that her mother stole it before she left, but either way it has returned to the Petrillo family.

Her Father’s Signet Ring

Used with wax to certify her signature on documents. She wears it on the ring finger of her left hand, because symbolism is sometimes horrifying.

Elegant Dagger

Generally used for utility cutting, but it is Weapon: 1 if that utility means cutting a person instead of an envelope or something. Well, trying to cut a person. She found it in Aurora’s rooms so it was probably hers. It’s both sturdy and fancy.

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