Brahnamin's Characters:Emily Leigh

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Emily Leigh [she/her]


"There's songs in th' hills ne'er sung by lips o' man"

Concept and Stats

(a) Amateur (n) Photographer who (v) Abandoned the marked path

Tier D1b.png | Effort D1b.png | XP D0a.png | Armor D0a.png | Max Cyphers D2b.png

Might Pool 8 Edge D0a.png | Speed Pool 12 Edge D0a.png | Intellect Pool 16 Edge D1b.png

Skills and Special Abilities

Background: Inherited Gram's two room hut and a ghastly collection of taxidermy along with notes and anatomically accurate sketches of local animals/animal skeletons.

Erase Memories (3 Intellect points): You reach into the mind of a creature within immediate range and make an Intellect roll. On a success, you erase up to the last five minutes of its memory. Action

Fast Talk (1 Intellect point): When speaking with an intelligent creature who can understand you and isn’t hostile, you convince that creature to take one reasonable action in the next round. A reasonable action must be agreed upon by the GM; it should not put the creature or its allies in obvious danger or be wildly out of character. Action.

Interaction Skills: You are trained in Deceiving | Seeing Through Deception. Enabler.

Mental Link (1+ Intellect point): You open a pathway to another creature’s mind via a light touch, which allows you to transmit thoughts and images to each other. The mental link remains regardless of distance and lasts for one hour. Instead of applying Effort to decrease the difficulty of this ability, you can extend the duration by one hour for each level of Effort applied. Action to initiate.

Photograpy Skill

Perception Skill

Chargen Notes

-Using the Speaker archetype for my character type.
-Swapped Practiced with Light Weapons for an extra skill. (Perception)
-With GM permission, flavoring Speaker with Magic to swap out one Speaker Special Ability for the Magic SA Mental Link.