SGA Gaming Night Archive

Seattle Gamers Assemble! (SGA) is a loose community of role-players centered around Seattle, Washington. The club started aggregating in the late 1990s, and eventually solidified in 2000 when its mailing list was transferred to Yahoo! Groups.
SGA holds weekly meetings where members take turns running one-off or short-run games in indie, oldie, or oddball systems. This wiki provides a place to keep some notes on the games we've played.
Proposed Game Ideas
This is a list of ideas where GMs can post their interests for things to run in the future.
Kevin's Interests
- All Flesh Must Be Eaten (Return to Freedom)
- Land of Og (Caveman Conudrums Again)
- ZERO (the game of playing a borg-like drone)
- Pokethulhu
- Ninja Burger
- M&M1e vs. M&M2e (same game twice in both rules)
- Nextwave part III
- the Prisoner (not sure what rules, using the GURPS resource)
- Bunnies and Burrows