Shadowwalkers: John Hanrahan
John Hanrahan :: Null
You got a problem with them, you talk to me first.

Physical Attributes
Mental Attributes
Social Attributes
Roles and Knacks 

When John was young, his foster brother Carl fell under the sway of a middling reenage Adept. But even a middling Adept is a problem for a scrappy high school kid just trying to get by. He asked around for some help, and eventually one of his cousin's friends suggested a ritual that she had read in some dusty old tome. A few candles and chalk-lines and chants later, and John found that he had less to worry about from the supernatural powers that infest New Trinadad.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction.
United Metalworkers Shop Steward 
John has spent his whole working life (including summers and weekends in high school) working in the New Trinadad Steel Mill. Over time, he's worked his way up to be the shop steward of the casting house - where the molten steel is poured into various molds and forms to make shippable product. Of course, being a union official in New Trinadad means more than just filling out grievance forms; it means protecting your people and their livelihood against the endless stream of criminals and monsters seeking to exert their own influence.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction.
I'll Talk to the Supervisor: Spend 1 PP to step up or double Fixer when attempting to resolve trouble with organized authority.
Family Man 
Ma and Pa Hanrahan are both gone, but John has somewhere between 7 and 13 siblings, depending on exactly what combination of biology and circumstance the counter thinks qualifies. All of them (and their families) still live in New Trinadad. Following in his parents' footsteps, John himself is married to Maria Henriquez, and they have three biological children and a rotating cast of formal and informal foster children in their own home. And all of this doesn't take into account the truly staggering number of Hanrahan and Henriquez aunts, uncles, cousins, and chosen family. If you speak to someone in a working class area of New Trinadad, there's a pretty good chance they're either related to John or are good friends with somebody who is.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction.
Swapping Favors: Create a d8 Asset for the remainder of the scene representing help from a family member. Also Create a d8 Complication representing a reciprocal obligation.
Power Set
Warp and Weft
Nulls are uncanny good at avoiding attacks of the Echo. If a supernatural effect can be physically avoided, however unlikely, the Null can avoid it, the unseen entropy within them warping space and time in their vicinity even if bound or unconscious. If an Echo effect does get through a Null's natural defenses step down its effect die by one regardless.
A Null's bare fists do devastating damage to supernatural creatures, the entropy within the Null shredding the weave of the other being's echo where it strikes, causing stress to accrue to the stress track of the Null player's choice (GM must disclose the current state of all the being's stress tracks at the time of the attack).
Internalized Entropy
The same entropy field that surrounds the exterior of the Null's body eventually begins to run through their mind. If a supernatural effect can be mentally avoided or resisted - whether by willpower or perception - the Null can avoid it, the unseen entropy within them infusing their thought patterns even if bound or unconscious. If an Echo effect does get through a Null's natural defenses step down its effect die by one regardless.
SFX: Spend a pp to perform a single power in a high stakes action without needing to roll the dice.
Limit: [Lingering Entropy] If taken out, asleep, or unconscious, the Null Power Set remains active but no longer in the Null's direct control. Thresher in particular has potential to harm any supernatural being that touches the Null. Restore control when you awake.
Limit: [Exhaustion] Shut down any Null power to gain a pp. Activate an opportunity to restore the power..
Stress Tracks
Mortal Stress
Psychic Stress
Spiritual Stress
John Hanrahan has built a life in New Trinadad on two pillars: his family and his union.
John was born 42 years ago in New Trinadad Memorial Hospital. It isn't entirely clear to him whether Edith and Thomas Hanrahan were his biological parents, but they're the only parents he ever knew, and by the time he was old enough to worry about it he wasn't worried about it. And they're both gone now, but their legacy lives on in the city through the dozen or better children (biological and otherwise) that they raised and which are now out in the city with their own biological and chosen families. John is approximately in the middle of the Hanrahan kids.
23 years ago, John met Maria Henriquez. They were married - in an elopement that did not make either family particularly happy - less than a month later. Felicia, their oldest, came along a year later. Since then, they've had two other biological children and have fostered half-a-dozen others (some officially through the government and some unofficially from family or friends). Their townhouse also regularly houses family and friends who need a roof for whatever reason.
The constant flow of people is messy and needy and expensive and John would not have it any other way.
And that is, in fact, how he ended up with an entropy field bound to his body. When they were teenagers, John's foster brother fell under the sway of some young Adept who was trying to start a cult. In normal circumstances, John would just have beat the brakes off of the weedy little guy who thought he was the next Jim Jones and dragged his brother back home. But, there was the whole magic thing. So, John did what he always did when he had a problem he couldn't solve - he sought a solution from a family member. Well, a friend of another cousin happened to be a bit of a ritualist herself, and after a very tense evening, she managed to bind an energy field to John that would give him the ability to deal with the Adept. After that came the beating and the dragging and the deprogramming.
The other constant in John's life has been his work at the New Trinadad Steel Mill. He's been employed there - a member of the United Metalworkers Local 19A - for 26 years now. John's talent for keeping his work crews in line and keeping them out of trouble with the bosses got him promoted to shop steward. His coworkers in the union aren't family, but their the next best thing. And he supports and protects them just like he does those bound to him by blood or marriage.