Orpheus - Assassin
- Human Assassin[6]
- XP: 51000/64000 (+5%)
- Neutral
- Full PC
- Henchmen: Vallistra - Godborn
- STR 16 PR +2
- INT 13 +1
- WIS 11
- DEX 14(16*) PR +1(+2*) (modified by Knack) (*Gloves of Dexterity)
- CON 9
- CHA 10
- AC: 16/18* (Melee gets -2 on their roll so needs 18)
- HP: 33/33
- Languages
- Neutral
- Common
- Elvish (from high int)
- General Skills
- Healing Proficient (15 +Wis)
- Deception Skilled (10 Disguise(+CH), Escape(+DX), Gambling(+WIS), Intimidation(+ST,+CH), Sense Motive (+WIS), Slight of Hand(+Dex))
- Class Abilities (6th level = 12 points)
- Alchemy Proficient (15 +Int)
- Climb (automatic normal surfaces, difficult surfaces require roll) +1
- Hear Noise (crowded room, dungeon door) +2
- Sneak(1/3 normal speed, combines move silent/hide shadows) +6
- Spot (10x10 area spot traps or secrets, req 1 turn) +3
- Assassin 6th Level = min damage of 1d6.
- Backstab = +2d6
- Cleave
- Knacks (Starting, 4th Level)
- Elf-Blood (+1 Saving Ghoul Paralysis, Save vs Sleep, See in Dim as if Daylight, 25% life Extension, Fey encounter requires a d6 roll to modify reactions 1/2 = -1 , 5/6 = +1 )
- Self-Improvement Primary (4th Level) - increase Dex +2
- Combat Maneuver
- Knock-out: Roll to render target temporarily unconscious; roll suffers a penalty of 1d4 plus any other penalties; with success, the target takes 1 hp damage and is unconscious for 1d4+1 rounds. (DEX, Proficient, 15+)
- AC 16 (melee attacks must get 18)
- HP 33/33
- Movement Rate
- Initiative Modifier +2
- Attacks (6th level = +4)
- Sneak Attack +2d6
- Primary Melee Attack: Sword (+6) 1d8+2
- Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger (+6) 1d6+2
- Primary Ranged Attack: Short Bow (+6) 1d6+2
- Secondary Ranged Attack: Dagger (+6) 1d6+2
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis 11 (+1 Elf Knack) (+2 Cloak) (+1 RoP)
- Poison & Death 12 (+1 RoP)
- Blast & Breath 14 (+1 RoP)
- Staves & Wands 13 (+1 RoP)
- Spells 13 (+1 RoP)
- GP: 8753
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance. (420)
- Backpack
- Crowbar
- Thieves Tools
- Mirror
- Rope
- Torches x 12
- Iron Spikes x 12 + Hammer
- Waterskin
- Iron Rations x 7
- Wolfsbane x 2
- Oil Flask x 2 - 1d8
- Leather Armour - AC12
- Short Bow - 1d6
- Quiver Arrows x 20
- Silver Tipped Arrows x 10
- Silver Dagger 1d4
- Dagger x 2 1d4
- Sword 1d8
- Shield AC1
- Displacement Cloak -2 melee against
- Gloves of Dexterity +2dex, +10% bonus for pickpockets, +10% bonus to pick locks
- Ring of Protection +1AC, +1 saving throws, 5' radius applies to others.