Running Sheet Silvana

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Mother:Yavanna, Arden Dryad Queen

Children: None




  • Dryad Princess


Total: = Stats+ Powers+ Skills+ Items +0/0 allies/Enemies + Stuff +Storage

Statistics {}

  • Psyche: 31
  • Strength: 5
  • Endurance: 25
  • Warfare: 3

Powers {}

  • (50) Amber Pattern Imprint
  • (10) Limited Shapechange.
  • (26)Fey Powers

These are the powers i suggest Silvana might know at the start. What she would have been raised doing as a royal Dryad. She gets them unpaid but can add more according to the lists at Fey Powers General Fey Abilities

  • Sense other Fey
  • Sense Fey influences
  • Find Water
  • Cantrips: Fey, being close to nature with magical connections, will have a few Cantrips.
  • Detect Poisons


  • Immunity to Sleep magic. This is a general immunity and high power effect can put Fey to sleep.
  • Pass without trace. This is knowing how to move in and environment in a way to not disturb the ground and foliage on it. A skilled tracker might till follow them.
  • Identify plant. This represents the vat amount of plant lore taught Fey. If they were on a world where they had no experience they might identify plants in comparison to plants they know.
  • Sense weather: This is the hairs on the back of the neck feeling when crtain types of weather may occur. Rises in humidity, oncoming storms.
  • Faerie Fire:
  • Swim as fast as running on land.
  • Blend with plants-Trees. Oak easiest.
  • Shapeshift to alt form: Among the more powerful 1 pip powers this manifests as a fey having an alternate form as part of their nature. It may include one elemental form but in that case it is a racial things.

Advanced Fey Powers

  • Rest with nature (recover endurance twice as fast)
  • Spider Climb
  • Speak to Animals-Conversational at the intelligence of the animal.
  • speak with Plants-This is not a conversational Speaking but a sensing of things according to the plant's level of perception.
  • Life Bond: Fey is bound to some other life Form or place-Oak Tree in Arden

Master Fey Powers

  • Cause Plant Growth (based on Psyche)
  • Commune with nature.

Skills {}

  • 2 Pips Botany
  • 1 Pip Medicine
  • 1 Pip Pharmacy
  • 1 Pip Physiotherapy

Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}


  • 1 Ally in the Fey Court (1 point)
  • 3 House support: Circle of Dryads her Mother and her Aunties in the Oak grove who are protecting Silvana's Oak Tree. (3 points)
  • 1 Amber Family friend (2 points)
  • 1 Ranger-Emma Hall.


  • 6 pips worth




  • 2 Chaos Vitality
  • 2 Amber Stamina
  • 2 double speed
  • 1 Combat Training
  • 2 Vs Guns
  • 1 Double Damage
  • 2 Speak & sing
  • 2 Danger Sense
  • 2 Rapid heal
  • 2 Shadow Path
  • 1 Ability-Blink
  • 1 Ability
    • 20

Items {}

Oaken Flute


  • 2 Chaos Vitality
  • 2 Double speed-fly
  • 2 Amber Stamina
  • 1 Combat Training-Mostly how to dodge
  • 8 invulnerable-constructed of oaken heartwood.
  • 4 deadly damage-Really doesn't want to be used as a weapon but if the need is desperate it will.  
  • 2 speak& Sing. emphatic. Remembers anything musical played in its presence and can replay them at will. Has a strong sense of self-preservation and will use spells racked on it in its own defense.
  • 1 Psychic Sensitive
  • 1 Chaos Resistance
  • 2 N/N forms: Various Flute sizes.  shillelagh
  • 4 Rack & Use 6 spells.
    • 29 pips

Acquired during childhood.  Possibly a gift from Yavana

Curved Knife


  • 4 Deadly Damage- Mithril blade.

A gift from her ranger friend. An excellent knife.


Not having traveled out of Arden she might not start with a personal shadow. Allocate the points at the start and then find and develop the shadow later, in game play, if you want a personal shadow.


  • 1


Character history. Notes. Quirks.