Cthulhu Eternal Jazz Age Bruce

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Character Name: Bruce Worthington
Player Name: Fred
Profession: Bon vivant
Nationality: American
Sex (Age): M (33)


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 10 50
Constitution 10 50
Dexterity 10 50
Intelligence 13 65 Perceptive
Power 15 75 Strong-willed
Charisma 15 75 Charming

Derived Attributes

Maximum Current
Hit Points (HP) 10
Willpower (WP) 15 14
Sanity (SAN) 75 69
Breaking Point (BP) 54

Permanent At Hand/Stowed/In Storage
Resources 18 6 / 6 / 6

Resource Check Boxes

Resources O O O

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane

Violence X O O adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


Albert Pennywise, mentor (formerly legal guardian) 15
Danielle Dale (frenemy, love interest) 15
New York High Society 9
The Explorers Club 10

Motivations and Mental Disorders

Find parents' murderer

Escape ennui


Total Total Total
Administration(10%) Foreign Language (Type) (0%) Research (10%)
Alertness (20%) 40 Harangue (10%) Ride (10%)
Anthropology (0%) 30 Heavy Machinery (10%) Science (Type) (0%)
Appraise (10%) History (10%) Search (21%)
Archaeology (0%) Insight (10%) 51 Social Etiquette (10%) 60
Art (Acting) (0%) 40 Law (Type) (0%) Stealth (10%)
Athletics (30%) 51 Medicine (0%) Streetwise (Type) (0%)
Charm (20%) 60 Melee Weapons (30%) Surgery (0%)
Craft (Type) (0%) Military Training (Type) (0%) Survival (Type) (10%)
Craft (Type) (0%) Swim (20%)
Disguise (10%) Natural World (10%) Track (10%)
Dodge (30%) 50 Navigate (10%) Unarmed Combat (20%) 40
Drive (20%) Occult (10%) Unnatural (0%)
Firearms (20%) 40 Persuade (20%) 50 Use Gadgets (0%)
First Aid (10%) Pilot (Airplane) (0%) 22
Foreign Language (Spanish) (0%) 40 Psychoanalyze (10%)
Foreign Language (Type) (0%) Regional Lore (Type) (0%)

Physical Injuries and Ailments

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment

Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Kill Damage.


Skill % Base Range Damage Lethality Kill Damage Kill Radius Shots

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes

One night, when Bruce was 8 years old, his parents left for a party and never returned. The car crash left the boy an orphan and independently wealthy. A good friend of the Worthingtons, British ex-military officer Albert Pennywise became Bruce’s legal guardian and worked tirelessly to turn the boy into a man his parents would be proud of. Under Albert’s tutelage, Bruce learned not only the common school curriculum, but also physical (Athletics) and self-defense skills (Dodge, Firearms, Unarmed), as well as etiquette (Social Etiquette). They also traveled a lot, so as to expose the young man to diverse cultures and peoples (Anthropology, Foreign Language).

Bright, perceptive and charismatic (Charm, Insight, Persuade), Bruce grew into a social butterfly – not exactly what Albert had in mind –, focused on enjoying his life and battling boredom. He tried many hobbies (Art, Pilot), but soon would grow tired of them. The only constant stimulation Bruce found was in Danielle Dale, another young New York socialite, who was as intelligent and persuasive as him. Their rivalry eventually morphed into a catty friendship, with hints of romantic interest.

One year ago, Bruce had a nightmare with his parents, in which they urged him to avenge their deaths. Disturbed and intrigued by the unsettling dream, Bruce, with Albert’s help, investigated the circumstances of the crash and his parents affair before their deaths. The investigation took him on a wild path of powerful people and occult societies. Recently, he found out strong evidence that his parents were murdered by an unidentified individual involved in polar exploration who's leaving on an expedition now. To learn more and confront this person, Bruce offered to invest and take part in the expedition, using his constant battle against ennui as a cover for his interest.