Basilisk Hill Breakdown:Kalstones notes

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Revision as of 01:36, 9 January 2023 by Kalstone (talk | contribs)
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Dry Gulch - Threatened by Red Foot bandit gang (over 100)

  • Leader - Kim
  • HQ may be to the north in the hills
  • Tribe of "cavemen" outside of city

Ley Line terminates in mesa to the west of Liwil (evil druids?)

Slate mine in subhex 03003 (strange tracks outside)

76 gp from spiders in mine

Thumbnail sized Pearl 75 gp

Silver broach 400 gp gold amulet 500 gp Gold armlet 1400 gp Chest 2000 pp Platinum ring diamond inset (magical) Oak wand (magical)