Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul: tomas WWN
Name of character
Short description or Background
- Thorcin Warrior L4
- Background: Wanderer
- Class Ability: Killing Blow (+damage any attack, spell, or special ability including Shock damage = 1/2 level rounded up)
- Class Ability: Veteran's Luck (turn a missed attack into a hit as Instant action 1/scene, or turn an enemy's hit against them into a miss)
- Languages: Archontean
- Traits:
- Secondary Skill:
- Alignment, Alignment Goal:
- XP: 12
- Strength 15 (+1)
- Intelligence 12
- Wisdom 06 (-1)
- Dexterity 15 (+1)
- Constitution 18 (+2)
- Charisma 10
- Notice-2
- Shoot-0
- Sneak-0
- Survive-0
- Stab-2
- Free Skill (hobby or natural talent)-0
- advance a Level-0 skill above to Level-1
- 1 banked SP
- Armsmaster-1: You have an unusual competence with thrown weapons and melee attacks. Gain Stab as a bonus skill. You can Ready a Stowed melee or thrown weapon as an Instant action. You may add your Stab skill level to a melee or thrown weapon’s damage roll or Shock damage, assuming it has any to begin with.
- Specialist-1 (Notice): You are remarkably talented at a particular skill. Gain any skill as a bonus. Roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die for all skill checks in this skill.
- Whirlwind Assault-1: You are a frenzy of bloody havoc in melee combat, and can hack down numerous lesser foes in close combat... assuming you survive being surrounded. Gain Stab as a bonus skill. Once per scene, as an On Turn action, apply your Shock damage to all foes within melee range, assuming they’re susceptible to your Shock.
- HP: 30
- System Strain: 0/18
- AC: 16 (15 without shield; Unarmored AC: 11)
- Initiative Bonus: +1
Basic Attack Bonus:
- Melee Attack Bonus: +5
- Ranged Attack Bonus: +5
Saving Throws
- Physical: 10
- Evasion: 11
- Mental: 12
- Luck: 12
Readied (5/7):
- pieced armor (AC 14)
- shield
- short sword
- dagger
Stowed (Backpack, 2/15):
- tinderbox
- 3 torches(bundle)
Stashed (where): --
- Coinpurse:
- Factor (which factor): --
Hired Help
Retainers: -- Mercenaries: -- Specialists: --