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Character Notes

Name: Lael Roth
AKA: Roth, Elar (LR)
Callsign: Savage
Background: Outlaw? (something to reflect his life on the run)
Triggers: Act Unseen, Deceive, Read a Situation, Spot.
Bond: The Harlequin (genetic modifications)
Quirk: Roth can change his eye color, hair color, and height by up to 3 inches in either direction.

Bond Notes: Harlequin

Major Ideals

  • I addressed challenges with cunning, subterfuge, or deceit.
  • I expressed my heritage, background, or beliefs through my actions.
  • I struggled with issues from my burdens or background.

Minor Ideas

  • I obtained a guarded, hidden, or secret object or piece of information.

Bond Power

  • Mockingbird. Roth can mimic voices and sounds he has heard in the last day or so almost perfectly, grading his actions a +1 Accuracy and increased effect where this is relevant.


  • While on the run, some criminal cartels noticed Roth's ability to remain unnoticed or to blend into the background. In a mutually beneficial arrangement, Roth underwent extensive genetic and bio modifications that allowed him to become an expert infiltrator.


  • Roth can change his eye color, hair color, and height by up to three inches in either direction.

Mecha Notes

Hull: 2
Talents: Vanguard, Combined Arms, Executioner

Equipment Notes

Dataplating. That will work, but you probably won't get a connection on it most of the time. You could also "grandfather it in" by having it be subdermal and hard to detect. installed with his gene mods.

Relationshp Notes

Roth is a coward and Evening knows it, which makes her crush on him even stupider. She covers it up playing aloof and unavailable, which just comes across like she's a kinda mean goth girl five kilometers underground who's weirdly curious about his bursts of spooky intensity. One of those other faces must not be a total loser, right?

Roth's face changing isn't well known, but if Evening was crushing on him she probably saw the signs. Roth seems browbeaten and trudges along with life... his normal face, as far as anybody knows. Elar is the persona he adopts when he's mining. Older, serious, driven. Savage (when he gets a mech) would be aggressive and brutal. If she ever saw him impersonate another miner or a low-level functionary, his mannerisms would shift yet again.

0. Which of you took Roth on his first mission (as defined above)? -Seems like a clear choice for Willum, showing a newbie the ropes, shit hits the fan in predictable ways, and pres

I think it would be interesting if Roth crossed paths with Felix before they were both thrown in the mines. Or in Felix's case, before he was captured by pirates.

I also think it would be interesting if Roth's deception was the direct or indirect cause of Felix getting nabbed by pirates. Roth would remember, but Felix might not due to Roth's ability to change his appearance. Roth would be extra wary around the scholarly miner, worried that he will figure out the role he played in Felix's capture and hold a grudge.

I can't really say more than that as long as Felix's background is a big blank right now. Not that Roth would need to know EVERYTHING... just something of the circumstances that brought them into each other's orbit.

Background Notes

Roth is a bit of a coward. He fled his homeworld rather than be conscripted for a particularly bloody war. He honed his sense of self-preservation and went into debt to a criminal organization in order to get genetic mods that allow him to change his appearance. When the 'jobs' they forced him to do became too dangerous, he fled them too. Freelancing whenever necessary to survive.

Actually, when the criminal organization was about to catch and kill him, Roth turned himself in to the authorities, trusting they would be kinder to him.

That's how he wound up in the penal mining colony. Practically enslaved, but alive.

It was a world where the other colonists were just as dangerous as the militia guarding them, and his ability to survive came in handy. He focused his efforts on doing his time and getting out... becoming extremely skilled with the heavy mining equipment.

Eventually, he saw that the authorities manipulated 'charges' or 'fines' for anybody even getting close to earning their freedom, so he found a group of like-minded colonists and used his skills to help gather information for the slowly forming rebellion.

I almost picture Roth as having some sort of mild 'split personality' When he takes on a role he can almost become a different person. That's how he got so good with the heavy mining equipment, and that's why he fights (or will fight) like a cornered beast when he's in a Mecha. Hence the (future) callsign, Savage.