TalesOfTheFourWinds MacIntyre
A character in the Tales of the Four Winds game.
Quick Reference
Luck: 10/10
Luck Coin: Yes
I am feeling:
- I am MacIntyre
- Call me if you need a Daredevil Explorer
- Places I call Home: Australia, the South Seas, Brazil
- Words to Live By: Fortune favors the bold.
- Expertise: Dramatics, Heights, Orienteering
- ACTION ●●●
- Fight ●●○
- Leadership ●○○
- Stunt ●●●
- GUTS ●●○
- Cool ●●○
- Drive ●●○
- Shoot ●●○
- Culture ●○○
- First Aid ●●○
- Tech ●○○
- Charm ●●○
- Eloquence ●●○
- Observation ●●○
- WILD ●●●
- Scout ●●●
- Survival ●●●
- Tough ●●●
- CRIME ●●○
- Alert ●●○
- Dexterity ●●○
- Stealth ●●○
- Large Knoife
- Webley Mk VI
- Mauser hunting rifle
- Cutting things
MacIntyre could be any age from a weather-beaten 30 to a well-preserved 50. He stands a little less than average height, well muscled, with coal-black hair, keen blue eyes, and a perpetual three days of stubble. His skin is weathered and his features rugged; his face might be ruddy were it not so tanned. His personality makes him seem larger than he really is. He laughs often and loudly, and rarely speaks below a mild shout unless there’s a specific reason.
Born in Australia, the man called MacIntyre (what his first name is, he has never revealed) spent the first fifteen years of his life bumming around the Outback with his father, learning the ways of the people and the animals. He eventually stowed away on a tramp steamer bound for New Guinea and spent the next several years roaming the South Seas, acquiring a broad education in all manner of trades. He has served as a sailor, marine, smuggler, fisherman, tracker, and a hundred other things as well.
He joined the Australian military and served in the Great War, though the specific branch of service - and the details of his discharge - changes from telling to telling.