Brahnamin's Characters: Pip

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Pepper John :: Ship's Cook

"You get one complaint; after that you get suppositories."

Attributes d6

Physical d8 || Mental d8 || Social d8

Trained Skills d6

Craft d8

Fight d10

Knives d6
Anatomy d6

Influence d10

Know 110

- Current Events d6

Move d8

Sneak d6

Treat d8

Anatomy d6

Trick d8

Untrained Skills d4

| Drive | Fix | Fly | Focus | Labor | Notice | Operate | Perform | Shoot | Survive | Throw |

Distinctions d8

Quartermaster Cook: Ain't glamourous jugglin supply manifests and inventories while slingin chow for a crew of ungrateful bastards, but it's steady work.

Hinder: Sometimes a distinction works against you. Roll d4 instead of d8 to gain 1 PP
War Surplus: Your time in the war left you with a detailed headmap of where and how to obtain what's needed on short notice. Spend 1 PP to add Know to your total on any Social + Influence roll to obtain goods or services.

[Highlighted Skills: Craft/Know/Treat]

Triad Envoy: Someone in a position of power in the Triads has - for whatever reason - placed you in a position of relative autonomy. For better or worse, you come and go as you please within this otherwise tightly structured criminal organization. But at what cost?

Hinder: Sometimes a distinction works against you. Roll d4 instead of d8 to gain 1 PP
Know a Guy: You know folk of many Tong, on many worlds and moons. Spend 1 PP to create a d8 asset when you call in a shady associate with the skills you need.

[Highlighted Skills: Fight/influence/Trick]

Harmless Looking: You blend into a crowd like a short and curly blends into a neck beard.

Hinder: Sometimes a distinction works against you. Roll d4 instead of d8 to gain 1 PP

[Highlighted Skills: Move/Sneak/Trick]

Signature Assets d6

Fine Custom Cutlery d8 You have a fine set of specialty knives for every conceivable job, all wrapped up in a neat leather roll bag for easy carrying.

Triad Ink d8 Your limbs and torso are inked with intricate tattoos that indicate tong affiliation, rank, and deeds performed for the Triatds


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