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My name is Mike DiBaggio and I'm a role player, game master, author, and game designer of some years experience. In the past, I've written for Eden Studios on their Con X line here and there (Sub Rosa (uncredited), Unseen Hand, and eXtinction (never published, alas!), but now I focus on my own settings, including Undertow, The Fabricated Men, and Eternal Empire. I still play some other RPGs, including Delta Green, Conspiracy X, Transhuman Space, and Conan. I still buy GURPS books when I can. Once upon a time, I used to play Blue Planet and Rifts. I'm also into miniature gaming and I fancy myself a respectable painter/converter.

Beyond the world of games, I recently graduated from the University of Pittsburgh School of Information Science with a BS degree. I'm an anarcho-capitalist who likes to read and discuss political philosophy and economics almost as much as I do literary classics and great science fiction and fantasy. My favorite fiction authors are Heinlein, Herbert, Howard, Moorcock, and Tolkien. I do conlang when I can. I like firearms and military history and equipment, though I'm decidedly against violence and not very keen on the military in reality. I am Catholic (though some might raise questions) and highly interested in theology and questions of morality. These things tend to color my writing.

I was born on July 13, 1983 and I live in Pennsylvania.