Gel Kalem

Gel Kalem was born to a pair of refugee Bajoran touring performing artists, and grew up on the road, in starships and starbases. He found his parent’s commitment to preserving traditional Bajoran arts stifling and became fascinated with the starships he grew up in and around, learning everything he could about them. He entered Starfleet Academy as soon as he could, where to the frustration of his instructors he developed opinions on the unnecessary conservatism of safety guidelines, although he proved talented enough to pull it off with only a few black marks.
During his initial assignment to the USS Zenith, the ship was called to the Malkus 9 to deal with a sudden outbreak of a fast-acting plague. All hands were called to administer emergency care while the medical staff raced to synthesize a cure. Kalem found himself on triage duty. He tries to think of the people they saved when he’s steeling himself to make a tough call.
During the Dominion War, the Zenith found itself protecting an isolated Romulan colony. When the ship was disabled by a lucky shot during a Dominion probing attack, Kalem assisted the engineering staff with refitting the colony’s small craft as fighters, and led them as they baited the Dominion force into an ambush by the colony’s sole cloak-equipped vessel. When the plan began to go awry, he turned and led an attack that won the day at the cost of a number of the inexperienced Romulan pilot’s lives. The battle won him a formal commendation from the Romulans and a promotion, but left him a bit rattled, and wondering if he really can make the tough calls that would come with a command position.
- Species: Bajoran; Environment: Starship or Starbase; Upbringing: Artistic and Creative (R)
- Starfleet Academy: Command Track; Career: Experienced Officer
- Rank: Lieutenant Commander; Assignment: Flight Controller, USS Mandella
- Traits: Bajoran, Friend to the Romulans
- Control: 9; Fitness: 9; Presence: 10
- Daring: 10; Insight: 9; Reason: 9
- Command: 3; Security: 2; Science: 2
- Conn: 5; Engineering: 2; Medicine: 2
- Focuses: Extravehicular Activity, Helm Operations, Small Craft, Triage, Inspiration, Romulan Culture
- Determination:
- Stress:
- Injuries:
- Reputation:
- Flight is Freedom
- Limits Are In Your Head
- There’s Always A Choice
- Don’t Ask Someone To Do What You Won’t
- Bold: Conn (Basic): Whenever you attempt a Task with Conn, and you buy one or more d20s by adding to Threat, you may re-roll a single d20.
- Fly-By (Conn): Whenever you use the Swift Task Momentum Spend, you do not increase the Difficulty of the second Task if one of the Tasks you attempt is to pilot a vessel or vehicle.
- Push the Limits (Conn): When you attempt a Conn Task that has increased in Difficulty due to environmental conditions or damage to the engines, reduce the Difficulty by 1, to a minimum of 1.
- Starship Expert (Conn): Whenever you succeed at a Conn Task to identify a type of starship, or to try and understand an unknown form of starship, you gain one bonus Momentum, which may only be used on the Obtain Information Momentum Spend, or to pay part of the cost of the Create Advantage Momentum Spend (where the Advantage must represent some form of known or observed weakness in the ship being studied).
- Phaser Type-2: 6, Charge
- Unarmed Strike: 4, Knockdown, Nonlethal
- Uniform
- Commbadge
- Tricorder
Signature Block
- Actor:
- Campaign: The Last Ambassador
- System: Star Trek Adventures
- Player: [[User:Archer]