Damaged Souls - Character 6
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Elena "Ellie" Carter :: Nature Girl
Look at its cute fangs! Isn't nature beautiful?

|| Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills 

Untrained Skills 
Checked SFX are active.
Nature Girl - Ellie's always been an outdoor soul. She's been in the Girl Scouts since Kindergarten as a Pixie, and by now at the Senior level has pretty much every badge that's not related to craft projects. And even a few of those.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Animal Affinity - The short version of the story is all that most people - and all adults - get out of her, after she was mocked too many times for telling the full tale. The short version: "I wandered too far from camp without thinking about it, and ended up following a deer trail which led back to the clearing." In the longer version, the true version, she was lost, crying, wandering through the woods, and felt... Something. Ancient, pulsing like a heartbeat, flowing through the earth and the trees. Reaching into her. Reaching into a deer that was running by. She felt the deer, and the deer felt her, and it remembered the place with all the human fawns that it had learned to avoid like any smart deer. And it led her back there.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Basically a Disney Princess: Spend 1 pp to turn a non-hostile animal in the scene into a
Not All Sweetness and Light - People, like her older brother, have been giving her crap for as long as she can remember. Even Mama says there's a limit to how often you can turn the other cheek.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Typical Angry Redhead: Step up or double Focus when trying to inflict or resist intimidation. If the roll fails, take a
Seeing Red complication or step it up.
Signature Assets 

Ever-ready trail pack Camping gear, first aid supplies, rations, compass, maps, anything a lifelong Girl Scout who almost needs an extra sash for her badges would possibly think of, packed with astonishing efficiency.
- Father, Edward, is former Navy test pilot, now private engineer/test pilot for an avionics company, away a lot
- Mother, Jolene, is very much a Pillar of the Community, founding member of the liberal Methodist church in town. Strict but (usually) understanding.
- Three siblings, all spaced 3-4 years apart each
- One older brother, Joseph, who liked things much better when he was an only child. 'That time he threw her into the goldfish pond' is only the typical story she tells.
- One younger brother, James, and one younger sister, Edith. She's had to babysit them a lot, usually only escaping that when she has scout functions. She is... kinda ambivalent about them, finding James in particular to be whiny. Both idolize her even though she doesn't quite realize it.