Damaged Souls - Character 2

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Sierra Santiago:: The Cheerleader

Character Quote

Attributes d6

|| Physical d10 || Mental d6 || Social d8 ||

Trained Skills d6

Fight d6
Focus d8

  • Push Through d6

Influence d8

  • Honesty d6

Know d6

  • Languages d6

Labor d8
Move d10

  • Fast Reactions d6

Perform d8
Throw d8

Untrained Skills d4

| Craft d4 | Drive d4 | Fix d4 | Notice d4 | Operate d4 | Shoot d4 | Sneak d4 | Survive d4 | Treat d4 | Trick d4 |

Distinctions/SFX d8

Checked SFX are active.

Distinction - The Cheerleader

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
Team Spirit: When you lend a skill die, spend a plot point to double it

Distinction - Spirit Medium

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
Sight Beyond Sight: Spend a plot point to create a Through Another's Eyes asset for a scene.

Distinction - Church Upbringing

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a

Signature Assets d6

Blake Walker d8 As is traditional, older teens at camp tell stories of the weird kid who wandered into places he shouldn't have been, poked into things he should have left alone, and wound up vanished or dead. A few years ago Blake Walker was that weird kid, and officially he drowned in a tragic accident.


Sierra comes from a happy, if poor and traditionalist, background. Big family; an older sister, two younger brothers, and a lot of cousins. Church on Sundays and saying grace at mealtimes. Both parents work, now the older kids can help with the housework and take care of the younger ones. She wears a lot of hand-me-downs.

The biggest disaster of Sierra's young life so far was the school cutting girls' sports teams. She's always been the sporty one, and now her only option to keep active and peripherally involved was becoming...ugh...a cheerleader. But she tried out, with the encouragement of her mother, and ended up finding unexpected friends in the squad. And the sudden attention that comes with being a cheerleader certainly didn't hurt her standing at school.

Things were going great, up until a sleepover with the cheer squad when Melissa gleefully pulled out a ouija board for the group to mess around with. Sierra wasn't comfortable with it, but everyone else was giggling and egging each other on, and she didn't want to be the boring one.

The laughter stopped when Sierra started coughing up blood and screaming in a language she didn't speak.

That got the party busted by Melissa's parents, Sierra rushed to a doctor for an apparent grand mal seizure, and more than one girl in trouble for messing with the occult. But over the next few months weird things kept happening around Sierra. Voices nobody else could hear, telling her things she shouldn't have known. Episodes of sleepwalking at home, and narcolepsy at school. Incoherent or profane scribblings in her diary and Bible that she doesn't remember writing.

The school counsellor thinks Sierra is acting out. The family doctor thinks she might have something wrong with her brain, but her parents can't afford those kinds of tests. And her father thinks she opened herself up to the Devil during the sleepover.

Pretty much everyone agrees that the camp will help. Some time away from the norm, plenty of fresh air and exercise, scheduled activities. What could go wrong?

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