Amazing Deliveries: Sunny
Susan “Sunny” Stevens :: School Marm
Character Quote

|| Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills 

Untrained Skills 
| Craft | Fight
| Fix
| Fly
| Focus
| Labor
| Move
|| Perform
| Throw
| Trick
Checked SFX are active.
Raised by a Survivalist Bandit-Cult -
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Always Looking to Learn Something New -
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
SFX: Book Learnin’ Double your Know when you have access to informational resources (the internet, an encyclopedia, etc.) and the time to use them.
Friendly Disposition -
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
SFX: Good-Natured Spend 1 PP to step up or double your Social die when you’re using your friendly manner to resolve a tense situation.
Signature Assets 

Electronic Encyclopedia Description
Gender: Cisgender female
Age: 23 years
Appearance and Demeanor: Sunny is a young black woman. Having grown up forced to keep her hair neatly trimmed and straightened, she now lets it grow in something of a tangle, keeping it tied back to keep it out of the way. She generally dresses in practical clothes—and will in fact get quite sore if someone tries to force her into a dress or a skirt, having been forced to wear those exclusively as a child. True to her nickname, she usually has a sunny smile on her face, treating most folk in a friendly manner and trying to see everything in an optimistic light.
Sunny grew up in a Christian fundamentalist cult that still lives in the badlands, The Lord’s True Children. They support themselves in part through banditry and occasionally kidnapping people with useful skills. Sunny’s mother Zinia was the settlement’s school marm, while her father Thomas was one such kidnapped person—a doctor for a Deliverer rig that the cultists successfully ambushed. Thomas was badly wounded and in no condition to run for freedom. After a while, he made the best he could of his new life and married Zinia. Sunny studied under her mother to become the village’s next school marm, working alongside her. Her father also taught her what he could, though the cult’s Elders frowned on women learning doctoring. When she was old enough to trust with secrets, Thomas began to tell Sunny about the outside world and ideas that challenged those of the cult. She was captivated by this view into a bigger world than she ever knew existed and the potential for more freedom than she dreamed was possible. Then Zinia grew ill from a disease that Thomas could not cure with the cult’s limited resources. He confided in Sunny that he had long since fully recovered from his old injury and had been faking a limp to fool his captors. With nothing really holding them there any more, Sunny and Thomas escaped from the Lord’s True Children and were taken in by Deliverers before the cultists could catch up with them. Having had enough adventure for a life time, Thomas settled in Boston, where he works in a clinic for the poor. Sunny, however, having been raised in the confines of the cult, wants to see as much of the world as possible and has become a Deliverer. She dreams one day of returning to the Lord’s True Children’s settlement and liberating the people there from their ignorance and the oppression of the Elders.