Damaged Souls - Episode 1

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Episode 1 :: Knightmares

The first week of summer camp and the kids are already hip deep in it.


Asia: Older Boys' Cabin
Kenya: Younger Boys' Cabin
Paraguay: Older Girls' Cabin
Columbia: Younger Girls' Cabin
Nurse Station
Pool Bathrooms
Dining Hall
Bermuda: Staff House
Archery Field
North Bathrooms
Caretaker's Shed
Australia: Former Cabin; now Storage


Craig Doyle: Camp Director

Mary Doyle: Director's Wife

Mr. Barkley: Groundskeeper

Miss Nan: Dining Hall Cook

Billy: Dishwasher

"Pants" (Tony): Lifeguard

"Swampwater" (Alvin): Sailing/Canoeing Instructor

Miss Davies: Day Nurse

Jim: Asia's Counselor

Dan: Assistant Counselor

Andy: Kenya's Counselor

Marty: Assistant Counselor

Kim: Paraguay's Counselor

Anna: Assistant Counselor

Tammy: Columbia's Counselor

Lily: Assistant Counselor

Bonded GMCs/Relationship Map

Donny (+Ellie)


Sierra (+Alex)

Little Brother 1 (twins) Rafael
Little Brother 2 (twins) Miguel

Adam (-Alex)

Little Sister Nancy

Alex (-David)

Little Brother 1 Hunter (aka Thing 1)
Little Brother 2 Cody (aka Thing 2)

David (-Sierra)


Ellie (+Donny/-David)

Little Brother James
Little Sister Edith

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