Firefly Prime: Character 1

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Gideon Winters

Character Quote

Roles d6

Diplomacy and Command d10

  • Social Politics d8
  • Dancing d6

Crowd Control and Tactical Response d8

  • Self Defence d6

Piloting and Navigation d6

Environmental Threats d6

Networks and Systems d6

Trauma and Medicine d6

  • Psychology d6

Mechanics and Engineering d4

d6 d8 d10 d12

Attributes d4

Attribute Rank Attribute Rank
Impulsive d8 Deliberate d8
Sketchy d6 Honest d10
Savage d4 Cool d12
Hard d6 Kind d10

d6 d8 d10 d12

Distinctions d8

Profession Distinction - Registered Companion - Opens doors that might otherwise be closed.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a

Background Distinction - Border Born and Bred - Knows the struggles of the Border firsthand, tries to hide it.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a

Quirk Distinction - Cunning Linguist - A smooth talker in more than one language.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a

d6 d8 d10 d12

Relationships d6

Character Name d6 Relationship Description
Character Name d6 Relationship Description
Character Name d6 Relationship Description
Character Name d6 Relationship Description
Character Name d6 Relationship Description
Character Name d6 Relationship Description

Current Relationship Points:

Teamwork SFX: Once per scene, step up or double a relationship die when helping another character. Spend 1 PP to do both.

d6 d8 d10 d12

Signature Assets

Contact Sedative d8 - Worn in a hidden patch on the Companion's fingers, to administer to a client who becomes violent or breaks the rules.


Gideon was born in an obscure town on the Border. Although the family was of good standing there was very little in the way of prospects. When he was fourteen the family encountered a Companion who suggested he might have the aptitide for Companion training, and so that's where he was sent.

Trainees from the Core have a head start, in education, social status, and training - they begin at twelve. Gideon worked hard to catch up and keep up, until eventually he was indistinguishable from his peers, showing a particular gift for languages. He successfully completed his schooling and was allowed to progress to training in the more intimate arts.

His career as a Companion was unremarkable, until he met Foster Knight on Greenleaf. A wealthy Alliance official, Foster had made his fortune looking the other way regarding customs and exports. They entered into a long-term contract, ostensibly so that Gideon could tutor the family's children in music and languages. In reality the Knight marriage was one of convenience, with both parties discreetly seeking companionship elsewhere. Foster sought it with Gideon. This lasted until the coup, when Foster and his family were shipped back to Core space with the other Alliance officials and Gideon was left trying to find a new place to call home.

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