Chaos Rising:Partial Powers Logrus Mastery

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Logrus Mastery

Logrus Abilities

  • [00] Summon Logrus
    • [05] Logrus Tendrils – Searching
      • [05] Logrus Tendrils – Fetching
        • [05] Logrus Tendrils – Travel
      • [05] Logrus Tendrils – Combat
        • [10] Shape Logrus Servants
      • [05] Logrus Defense – Resistance against Pattern, Logrus, Trump, Magic
      • [05] Logrus Defense – Shield against attacks physical, energy and magical attacks
      • [05] Logrus Sight
        • [05] Spell Storage
        • [05] Summon and Control Creatures of Chaos
        • [05] Create Filmies
      • [10] Manipulate Shadow
  • [10] Create Black Trail Prerequisites: Create Filmies, Manipulate Shadow, Shape Logrus Servants
  • [20] Summon Primal Chaos (Prerequisites: All other Logrus abilities)

Summon Logrus [00]

Prerequisites: Being of the Blood of the Serpent, essay the Logrus, Chaos level Psyche and Endurance required.

Shape Shifting Prerequisites: Shape Shift Wounds, Chaos Form

You traversed the Logrus and spent a some time in Chaos recovering.

You can summon the Logrus to your mind with a few moments of concentration. Keeping it up requires continual concentration. If your concentration is broken the Logrus fizzles out.

Logrus Tendrils – Searching [05]

Prerequisites: Summon Logrus

You have learned to locate objects using the Tendrils of the Logrus.

Logrus Tendrils can be used to search selectively, at the direction of the Logrus Master, or automatically, relying on the chaotic movement of the Logrus itself.

This can be done in the same shadow or across shadows.

Logrus Tendrils – Fetching [05]

Prerequisites: Logrus Tendrils – Searching

You may use the arms of the Logrus to reach out for an item or person inline of sight and pull it towards you. Combine it with Logrus Tendrils – Searching to pull objects cross shadow toward you. A person or animal can resits being pulled towards you.

Logrus Tendrils – Travel [05]

Prerequisites: Logrus Tendrils – Fetching

You may use the arms of the Logrus to reach out for an object or person inline of sight and pull yourself towards it. Combine it with Logrus Tendrils – Searching to pull yourself cross shadow towards an object or person. A person or animal can contest your attempt to pull yourself towards it.

Logrus Tendrils Combat [05]

Prerequisites: Summon Logrus

You may summon the Logrus and shape its force into powerful flexible extensions. (Similar to the arms of a kraken.) These extensions of Logrus operate with the strength equivalent of the Psyche of the controlling Logrus user.

Shape Logrus Servants [10]

Prerequisites: Logrus Tendrils Combat

You can separate Logrus Tendrils and create Logrus Servants out of it. A Logrus servant will follow simple instruction given and will perform its duty untended. The number of Logrus servants depends on the Psyche of their creator.

Logrus servants have a Chaos ranked Strength and Psyche, and a Human ranked Warfare. They have tireless Stamina, but can only heal or regenerate at places where Chaos is strong. They are very stupid and can be dispelled by a person with higher Psyche.

Logrus Defense – Resistance [05]

Prerequisites: Summon Logrus

You can bring the Logrus to mind, fill yourself with the force of the Logrus and make yourself resistant to the effect of Pattern, Logrus, Trump, Magic, Psyche, or other forces, This gives no physical protection.

Logrus Defense – Shield [05]

Prerequisites: Summon Logrus

You can bring the Logrus to mind, fill yourself with the force of the Logrus and shield yourself against physical, energy and most Magical attacks, blocking them. That gives no protection against Pattern, Logrus, Trump or Psyche.

Logrus Sight [05]

Prerequisites: Summon Logrus

You may use the Logrus as a sensory lens, scrying through its center.

This will reveal anyone or anything charged with either the Logrus, Pattern, Trump or Magic.

You can see if an item is a thing of Shadow, Order or Chaos.

If you also also know Logrus Tendrils – Searching you can combine the sight with the tendrils and use the Logrus as a sensory input by „touching“ a distant place with a Logrus tendril.

Spell Storage [05]

Prerequisites: Logrus Sight

You can use the Logrus to store of spells. This adds ten minutes to the normal casting time. Spells hung on the Logrus will „decay“ within days or weeks if not tended

Summon and Control Creatures of Chaos [05]

Prerequisites: Logrus Sight

You can Summon and Control Creatures of Chaos.

The rules for creating artifacts are applied and each point converts in one hour searching plus ten minutes for each point for binding and controlling.

Manipulate Shadow [10]

Prerequisites: Summon Logrus

You can use the Logrus to manipulate the structure of Shadow, changing physical laws, time flow, form of its inhabitants or other simple details.

The Shadow will drift back to its original form if not tended.

The closer to Primal Chaos, the easier a Shadow is to manipulate, and the closer to Amber the harder a Shadow is to manipulate.

Create Filmies [05]

Prerequisites: Logrus Sight

You can summon threads out of shadow material creating temporary pathways to travel over the Abyss and among the Courts. With a create deal of energy you can extend this threads into shadow. The further away you are from the Courts the more draining the effort. The filimies dissolve fast if not longer used or maintained by its creator.

Create Black Trail [10]

Prerequisites: Create Filmies, Manipulate Shadow, Shape Logrus Servants

This Power allows the user to create something like her own temporary Black Road across Shadow, it is very taxing process and requires at last Amber Psyche and Endurance.

Only Creatures of Chaos can use a Black Trail.

A Black Trail is the only way for a Logrus user if they want larger groups to travel with them across shadows. Chaos creatures can travel those Black Trails without the Lord who conjured it.

Black Trails dissolve if not used or maintained, they are also destructible by the use of Pattern.

A Black Trail is everything else then discrete, it is a good way to say >Hello I’m coming< to everybody between the Courts and the End point.

The Black Road to Amber was an overpowered Black Trail made possible by the combined efforts of several powerful Chaos Lord and Ladies, the damaged Primal Pattern and Corwin’s Curse (Thank you Corwin).

Summon Primal Chaos [20]

Prerequisites: All other Logrus abilities

You can summon „Primal Chaos.“

Primal Chaos is the untamable force of Chaos itself. It will destroy anything and everything in it path, destroying complete shadows, if it gets out of control.

Summing Primal Chaos too close to Amber or Corwin’s Pattern is very very dangerous, as you have little control over it in those places.

Places of true reality like Amber, Rebma, Tir-Na Nog’th, the place of Corwin’s Pattern, the Abyss or Primal Planes are resistant to the effects of Primal Chaos.

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