B5-BeforeTheDawn:Lyta Alexander

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Character Creation Example - Lyta Alexander


Player: I played in the first session, but had to drop out. I'd like to bring that character back...but can I rebuild her?
GM: Sure, I guess. What are you thinking?
Player: I'd like her to be genetically modified by the Vorlons to be a telepathic WMD.
GM: Um...

Before the Dawn takes place before Babylon 5 is built. However, all of the main characters in Babylon 5 can be built using these rules...even Lyta Alexander. See below to see the step by step character creation process, using Lyta as an example.

Character Creation Steps


Lyta is a former commercial telepath on the run from the Psi Corps, who was taken to the Vorlon homeworld and modified both physically and mentally. As of Season 3 of Babylon 5, she serves as Ambassador Kosh's aide. The answer to the question, "Who are you?" is "I am a former Psi Corps telepath modified by the Vorlons."

One Unique Thing

Lyta's One Unique Thing is "Only Psi Corps member to be altered by the Vorlons."


Lyta chooses the d10/d8/d6/d6/d6/d4 option for approaches. Her d10 is placed in the Psionic approach (which replaces Luck, see below), her d8 is in Empathy, her d4 is in Faith, and everything else is a d6.

Optional: Powers

Lyta is a telepath, which means the Luck approach is replaced with the Psionic approach. The player puts her d10 into the Psionic approach. Though it is not listed on the character sheet, Luck is rated at a d6 in case it is needed for a roll.

Normally, a d10 in Psionic would equate to a Psi rating of P9 to P11. However, Lyta was enhanced well beyond her original rating (P5), and is now effectively a P12+. This would normally be out of reach for character creation, but Lyta's player plans to use SFX to reflect part of her heightened ability.


Lyta is well-rounded due to her travels and experiences. She chooses the d8/d8/d8/d6/d6/d4 option for roles. She uses her d8s for Warrior, Worker, and Diplomat, putting her d4 in Wanderer and d6s in the other two roles. The player also plans to use her points in Rounding Things Out to raise Wanderer to d6, as she has traveled far in the past few years.


Lyta is a skilled telepath, and both of her knacks relate to telepathy. She puts her d8 in Compel, and her d6 in Surface Scan.


Lyta's first two distinctions relate to her One Unique Thing - Former Psi Corps Telepath and Vorlon Modifications. Her last distinction is a personality trait - Tenacious.


Lyta creates a SFX reflecting her skill with telepathy - Experienced Telepath. The benefit is the ability to step up or double her Psionic approach, and the drawback is that it costs a Plot Point. This is placed under her Former Psi Corps Telepath distinction.

Lyta also plans to spend Rounding Things Out points on a second SFX - Telepathic Weapon of Mass Destruction. The benefit is the ability to either step up the Psionic approach (if used against a single target) or use as an Area Attack (roll an extra d6 and keep an extra effect die). The drawback is a d8 complication representing the strain this places upon her body and mind. This SFX is placed under her Vorlon Modifications distinction.

Signature Assets

Lyta uses her d6 asset for Gills, which relate to the Vorlon modifications on her body. She can breathe in certain hostile environments without a roll, and can add Gills to her die pool when a roll is required.

Rounding Things Out

Lyta has 3 points to spend on Rounding Things Out. She uses 2 point to buy her second SFX - Telepathic Weapon of Mass Destruction. She uses her last point to raise her d4 Wanderer role to a d6.

Final Character Sheet

Lyta Alexander

(as of Season 3 of Babylon 5)
Concept: Former Psi Corps member on the run, now working for (or perhaps enslaved by) the Vorlons.
One Unique Thing: Only Psi Corps member to be altered by the Vorlons.
Approaches: Empathy d8, Guile d6, Reason d6, Faith d4, Valor d6, Psionic d10 (effective Psi rating 12+)
Roles: Warrior d8, Academic d6, Worker d8, Diplomat d8, Hustler d6, Wanderer d6
Knacks: Compel d8, Surface Scan d6

Former Psi Corps Telepath d8
- SFX: Experienced Telepath - Spend 1 PP to step up or double Psi​
Vorlon Modifications d8
- SFX: Telepathic Weapon of Mass Destruction - Take a d8 complication to either step up Psi or use as Area Attack (roll an extra d6 and keep an extra effect die)​
Tenacious d8

Signature Asset: Gills d6 (breathe in otherwise hostile environments)

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