Chaos Rising:Partial Powers Shape Shifting

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Shape Shifting

Shape Shifting Abilities

  • [00] Human/Base Form
    • [05] Primal Form & Automatic Shape Shift
      • [05] Shape Shift Body Parts
        • [05] Shape Shift Wounds
        • [05] Chaos Form
        • [05] Avatar Form
          • [05] Shape Shift Animal Forms
            • [05] Shape Shift to Animal Abilities
          • [05] Shape Shift Internal Structures
            • [10] Shape Shift Blood
          • [05] Shape Shift Facial Features
            • [05] Impersonate Person
              • [10] Shape Shift Others
          • [05] Shape Shift Aura
            • [10] Shape Shift Persona
  • [10] Shape Shift to Creatures of Power Prerequisites: Shape Shift to Animal Abilities, Shape Shift Internal Structures, Shape Shift Persona

Human/Base Form [00]

Prerequisites: none

This is your primary form. In this form you have no bonuses and no particular advantages, but there are no drawbacks either.

Primal Form & Automatic Shape Shift [05]

Prerequisites: Chaos Level Endurance

The most dangerous and most durable form is that of the Primal Form. In Primal Form you are a being totally wired in to your Shape Shifting ability. You react on instinct and change instantly to accommodate to anything that you consider a threat.

In Primal Form you always escape a predator, overcome prey, and survive nearly anything.

There is no way to tell how your Primal Form will look, it depends on the situation. Fight or Flight are the most basics reactions to any thread.

When you are falling, drowning, strangling, being poisoned, bleeding to death, or otherwise threatened with immediate death, there is just no time to do a careful, well thought out Shape Shift. These are times when there is no choice but to rely on an automatic shift into Primal Form

Your unconscious part of the brain takes over.

You can try to resist the Automatic Shape Shift, and success depends on your Psyche.

A character in Primal From is always under the control of the GM.

You only wake up from Primal From when you fell completely safe.

Shape Shift Body Parts [05]

Prerequisites: Automatic Shape Shift

You have learned to shape shift parts of body by will. Holding the shaped form requires concentration. Manipulating soft tissue is easier then cartilage, which is still easier then bone. Changing nerves is the most difficult thing.

Shape Shift Wounds [05]

Prerequisites: Shape Shift Body Parts

You have learned how to quickly heal yourself by shifting your body to repair itself.

Open wounds can be closed quickly, even during combat. Repairing flesh, knitting bones, and, worst of all, regrowing nerves, takes more time.

The cost of your increased healing time is your body’s energy.

You are not able to regenerate lost body parts with shape shifting wounds.

Chaos Form [05]

Prerequisites: Shape Shift Body Parts

You have learned to change into your combat form. Generally it looks somehow demonic.

You are naturally armored in this state and equipped with natural weapons like talons, fangs, horns, and even spine tipped tails. Aside from natural armor and a natural nasty amount of pointy spikes and sharp claws there are no Attribute advantages of any kind. Your Chaos From is one of your base forms and hence a from you can hold without concentration.

Avatar Form [05]

Prerequisites: Shape Shift Body Parts

Your Avatar form will be of some animal, the same basic size and weight as your human form.

This is one of your base forms and hence a from you can hold without concentration.

Shape Shift Animal Forms [05]

Prerequisites: Avatar Form

You have learned to take on various form of animals. Works best if you study the animal whose from you want to take, even better if you can make Psychic contact with one of the animals.

If you shift into an animal with the capability of flight or gliding it will be a large version of the animal. To really fly in a bird or bat form, you need to have at last Amber Level Strength.

Shape Shift to Animal Abilities [05]

Prerequisites: Shape Shift Animal Forms

You have learned to shift parts of you body to gain the animal’s ability. You change form adding the

ability, like a bird or bat wings, grow gills, or develop claws or armored scales.

Shape Shift Internal Structures [05]

Prerequisites: Shape Shift Body Parts

You can move around, change, duplicate, and augment your body’s internal organs. Aside from the obvious benefits of generating two hearts, or a sub-brain, you can use this ability to regenerate lost body parts. Regeneration of lost parts takes about a week of total concentration.

Shape Shift Blood [10]

Prerequisites: Shape Shift Internal Structures

As a shapeshifter your blood has has very special properties. When you cut yourself you can shape your blood into a creature of your desire. This blood creature has an amount of your powers

Shape shifted creatures of blood are NPCs and under the control of the GM.

Shape Shift Facial Features [05]

Prerequisites: Shape Shift Body Parts

You have learned how to change your facial features, it take some effort and a mirror. This allow you to disguise your true appearance. It requires constant concentration. If you need to concentrate on something else you will shift back to your normal face

Impersonate Person [05]

Prerequisites: Shape Shift Facial Features

You have learned to take the complete appearance of another person. Works best if you have a mirror an template aka another person appearance to copy. If you impersonate another person that has lower or higher weight than you, you will look like a fatter or skinny version of them. With gaining or losing weight as necessary you can fully adjust in about a week

Shape Shift Others [10]

Prerequisites: Impersonate Person

You have learned to shift the shape of someone else. You have to make psychic contact. If the subject is not willing you have to best her/him in a psychic contest.

Shape Shift Aura [05]

Prerequisites: Shape Shift Body Parts

You have learned to change the appearance of your mind. Some of the possible auras include that of an animal, the lesser Psyche of a normal human, or the imitation of known person’s Psyche. The changed appearance of the mind will not be detected by Psychic touch of someone else.

Shape Shift Persona [10]

Prerequisites: Shape Shift Aura

You have learned to change to change your Persona to really impersonate someone else, you talk like them, you act like them.

Shape Shift to Creatures of Power [10]

Italic textPrerequisites: Shape Shift to Animal Abilities, Shape Shift Internal Structures, Shape Shift Persona

You have learned to shape shift into a Creature of power like a manticore or a dragon or what ever (see artifact creation). You gain no weight or size by this. If you weight 80 kilo you will be an 80 kilo manticore.

Warning: A creature of power’s personality can be very different from your own and can cause a loss of identity like Primal Form and may transfer control of your character to the GM.

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