Divine Strife:Timothy Carter
Timothy Carter, Divinity of Death

Divine Origins
Occupation: Minimum Wage (Bike Courier)
Archetype: Companion
Dominion: Death
Theology: Undecided
Derived Traits
Initiative 5
Strength 3
Movement 5
Free Time 7
Wealth 1
Health 7
Psyche 5
Athletics 2, Crafts 1, Deception 1, Discipline 1, Empathy 2, Fighting 1, Fortitude 2, Influence 3, Intuition 2, Knowledge 2, Marksman 0, Medicine 1, Might 1, Perception 3, Perform 1, Speed 3, Stealth 2, Survival 0, Tech 2, Travel 3
Aegis 1, Beckon 1, Journey 1, Minion 0, Puppetry 0, Oracle 1, Ruin 1, Shaping 0, Soul 1
“Language is no barrier in death”: Speak any language
“The god of death has visions of what is next”: Recurring prophetic dreams that always revolve around someone’s death; requires Knowledge + Intuition to interpret
Quick Learner: +1 Tech to figure out or operate new systems
Fairness: gain +1 Influence when making an argument against inequality, injustice, or fighting for fairness
Beacon: take a Level 2 Dazed Condition to find the next point of interest containing your concept on the Territory Grid
Bored Now: gain 1 Pantheon Die when you walk away from an important task and leave it undone to the group's detriment
Loyal to a Fault: gain 1 Pantheon Die when you must make a choice between loyalties, losing something in the process
Lead By My Power: gain 1 Pantheon Die when you cannot help but succumb to your Dominion in the moment
Tim's Friends (Group) 3
Robia Soares, fellow bike courier (Individual) 2
Local Cemetery (Location) 2
Relic: The Pale Bike
Death is everywhere in the world, and it can be difficult for a simple part-time God to keep up. The Pale Bike will bear its owner to their destination by any means necessary. It can be found at the closest suitable location when the owner looks for it - in a nearby bike rack, leaning against the wall of an alley, etc. If there is no suitable location within easy reach, it is a valid target for the Summon effect of Beckon and the god receives one added success, the bike simply rolling into view at the god's call. It also grants one added success for any Journey effect targeting the bike, and the bike and rider are treated as a single target for such effects. Finally, if the rider chooses not to use Journey when riding, they reduce the Free Time needed to traverse the Territory Grid by one.
Appearance and Background
Gender: male
Age: 28 years
Appearance and Demeanor: Tim is six feet tall (1.8 m) and weighs 155 lbs (70 kg). He’s fit, but not musclebound. He has light brown hair and eyes, and a tanned skin from working outside. When working, he dresses the part, with bike shorts and dryfit shirt. Off duty, his “uniform” consists of cargo shorts, t-shirt, a hoodie and sneakers. Tim is easygoing, friendly and all-around good guy.
Background: TBD
XP (spent): 9 (8)
Athetics 2 --> 3 (4 xp)
Influence 3 --> 4 (4 xp)