SOTDL: Roles
PC Role Distinctions
The following are the roles available to players for this game. You might note that there are no specifically arcane options. This is somewhat intentional, given the post-magical age of the setting, but also, the magic PCs do wield comes from their wyrd, which is its own distinction.
Each role comes with an Ability unique to the role. While this functions similar to an SFX, it is in addition to your regular SFX. It does not replace them.
Forestals are wild priests of wild gods, serving the old elemental forces of earth and air and forest and mist, cultivating holy groves, and protecting the wild places of the world.
As priests, Forestals might be found tending to the needs of simple folk who make their homes in remote locales, advising hunters where to find game, or rebukng the local Thane in his own mead hall.
Forestals may hail from any people or place, but the vast majority of them are born to the Druidan of the Hartshorn.
Role Ability
- Once per scene you may spend a PP to automatically succeed on a Treat or Influence action. If an Effect die is needed, the action counts as a

Freeblades are independent swords for hire - mercenaries, gladiators. guards, even royal envoys or court assassins. Unlike soldiers, trained to work in groups, cooperate with, defend, and rely on their fellows and to follow orders, Freeblades are independent fighters used to functioning alone and with complete discretion over what jobs they take and how they fulfil those jobs. What they lack in military training and discipline they more than make up for in flair and innovation.
Freeblades are common to every people in every place.
Role Ability
- Once per scene you may spend a PP to automatically succeed on a Perform action to feint for the purpose of unexpectedly disarming and/or otherwise forcing your opponent to yield without actually wounding them. If an Effect die is needed, the action counts as a
Hands are rogues and blackguards, making their way in the world off the fortunes of others. Few enough are truly evil, but as a group they have elevated morally grey to an art form.
Still, if you need someone to get somewhere or something that's not meant to be got to, you hire a Hand for the job.
Hands may be of any people, but they are most often found in cities and large communities.
Role Ability
- Once per scene you may spend a PP to automatically succeed on a Sneak or Move action. If an Effect die is needed, the action counts as a

Inquisitors are the right hand of the corsair temples and answer directly to the Red Adept of the Citadel. On the surface, Inquisitors are investigators and interrogators, but those are first and foremost tools to facilitate their actual temple-assigned task of finding and retrieving forgotten artifacts of the lost age.
Nearly all Inquisitors are Corssair'Na by birth and reside in the citadel itself when they are not wandering the world in search of relics for their masters.
Role Ability
- Once per scene you may spend a PP to succeed on a Know action to tell whether someone is speaking the truth. If an Effect die is needed, the action counts as a
Jacks are folk of rare and diverse talent, literal jack-of-all-trades types. They might not be the best at what they do, but there isn't much they can't at least make a good showing of.
Jacks come from every people and place and may be found just about anywhere at any time. Islanders in particular seem to have an affinity for this role.

Role Ability
- During Chargen, mark Craft, Fix, Treat, and two other skills as favored skills. Once per scene, you may spend a PP to automatically succeed at a favored skill. If an Effect die is needed, the action counts as a

Scouts track things that need tracking - people, animals, goods - and they come from all walks of life. Some are huntsmen, some are soldiers, some thiefcatchers, some treasure hunters, etc.
In addition to being excellent trackers, scouts are also consummate survivalists, hunters, and trappers.
Though Scouts may come from any background, most are Corsair'Ja or Druidan.
Role Ability
- Once per scene you may spend a PP to automatically succeed on a Track or *Survive action. If an Effect die is needed, the action counts as a
- * Survive also applies to hunting and trapping game.

Soldiers may be found in every culture, the ubiquitous fighting man, trained and fed and barracked or bivouacked for the protection of their people.
Whereas the Freeblade might be all about the performance and showmanship of single combat, the soldier is the balls and belly of the business of killing.
No effort is wasted.
The soldier sleeps where and when they can, works to better their position and that of their fellows, trusts the soldier next to them to do their part, and wastes no time worrying on things out of their control.
Role Ability