Brahnamin's Characters: Stick
Dwarven Ur-Druid :: Cleric/Bard
"The words of the gods became people. What then shall our words become?"
Base Matrix
Bard L4 | Cleric L1 | LN
AC 18 | HP 38 | Initiative +1 | Proficiency +3 | Size M | Speed 25 (15) | Darkvision 60'
STR 10 / +0 Save (+0) || DEX 10 / +0 Save (+3) || CON 14 / +2 Save (+2) || INT 10 / +0 Save (+3) || WIS 16 / +3 Save (+3) || CHA 16 / +3 Save (+6)
Dwarven Resilience: Poison resistance + advantage on saves vs poison
Armor Proficiencies: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shield
- Chain + Shield [AC 18]
Weapon Proficiencies: Battle Axe, Hand Axe, Light Hammer. War Hammer, Long Sword, Short Sword, Rapier, Hand Crossbow, All Simple
- Quarterstaff: +6 [to hit] | 1d6/1d8+3 [damage] | 1d4+4 [bonus damage] | Versatile (1d8)
- [+3 to hit/+0 damage w/o Shillelagh]
- Dagger: +4 [to hit] | 1d4+1 [damage] | Finesse/Light/Thrown [20/60]
Str || Athletics [+3]
Dex || Acrobatics [+1] | Sleight of Hand [+1] | Stealth [+3]
Int || Arcana [+1] | History [+1] | Investigation [+3/P13] | Nature [+3] | Religion [+3]
Wis || Animal Handling [+6] | Insight [+6] | Medicine [+4] | Perception [+6] | Survival [+4]
Cha || Deception [+4] | Intimidation [+6] | Performance [+4] | Persuasion [+4]
Music Instruments: Lute | Flute | Drum
Spoken/Written Languages: Common | Dwarvish | Giantish | Orcish
Outlander | Origin: Exile | Feature: Wanderer
- Trait: The midwife carried me into the wildwood to die. This continues to inform my dealings with all who dwell beneath the sky.
- Ideal: I pay for my life with the lives of others, spending them or saving them in service to the wildwood.
- Bond: I am the Power that Preserves. I will stand until I fall. Then I will fight on from my belly.
- Flaw: I am an untended fire in a dry and brittle land. May the earth forgive me.