Savage X-COM: New Skills
- Alien Studies (Smarts): The knowledge and understanding of aliens, alien operations and their technology. This skill can be used to identify specific details about aliens and make use of their technology. It cannot be taken during character creation.
- Remote Operations (Smarts): UAV’s and UGV's provide an unparalleled capability to enhance the situational awareness and survivability of a team in the field; but require speciality training. Remote Operations is used for making special maneuvers with a given platform like squeezing through tight spots or avoiding burst attacks. It is also rolled to recover a vehicle from being Shaken. A character can only control one unmanned vehicle at a time.
- Tradecraft (Smarts): Tradecraft covers several skills, including surveillance and counter surveillance (Dry-cleaning), eavesdropping, shadowing a suspect, and creating legends (cover background). It’s mainly for spies and people with experience in espionage.