User:Dersen Lowery
Dersen Lowery
I can play absolutely any character as long as they're either utility or support. There have been exceptions.
- Lorilae Hallith, Druid, in Rails Through Hell. (D&D5) IC OOC
- Idris Ofori, Priest, in The Sheltered Hand. (D&D5) IC OOC
- Petra Elethin, Enchantress, in Missekai'd. (Cortex Prime) IC OOC
- Crowbar, Tech, in Future's So Dark, We've Gotta Wear Shades. (Cyberpunk RED) IC OOC
- Yen Inoue, aka Moonlight Maestro, Biomedical engineering student by day and painter of reality at night, in Once Upon a Magical Girl. (FATE) Thread
- Valeriya Marević, buccaneer, in Pirates of the Baltic Sea. (Cortex Prime) ICOOC
- Laelyth Aleiryn, Mystic Savant, in Phandelver and Below. (D&D5) IC OOC