Savage X-COM: Vehicles

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XFS-105 Raven Interceptor: The 105 is the most advanced VTOL fighter jet on the planet, which uses a dual turbonfan-pulse detonation system with four engines to achieve unmatched speeds and maneuverability. As of this moment, it is the only air vehicle on the planet that has demonstrated any capability to keep up with UFOs, albeit only for a limited period of time at maximum thrust. Manufactured by Lockheed Martin and a contract with the US Air Force, using technology furnished by the Council, X-COM has received the first run of these air superiority fighters.

Interceptor pilots must be of the old breed, willing to close in and engage in short range conflicts with UFOs. Over the horizon missiles do not function on UFOs, they can’t be tracked by the systems used on traditional missiles. Instead, shorter range Stingray and Avalanche missiles have been developed. They have limiting tracking capability and are able to lock on to UFOs, but have a much more limited range, barely beyond that of the cannons. As a result, alien interceptions resemble the dogfights of old.
Size: 9 (huge)
Handling: +1
Top Speed: 2600
Tougness: 20 (6)
Crew: 1
Range: 8050
Notes: Three hard points, heavy armor, AMCM

SR77H Skyranger: The SR-77H Skyranger is a hypersonic long-range tactical transporter with Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) abilities that is used to deploy combat squads across the globe. It has a crew of two, and can carry up to twelve soldiers for a combat deployment

The Skyranger is not an air combat vehicle. While it mounts a forward facing minigun under the cockpit, this is for ground support and defense only. While in theory, it could serve as a gunship, it lacks the close in maneuverability to effectively avoid incoming ground fire. It is, however, fairly tough and rugged, capable of flying even with one engine completely destroyed.

In the 1970s, the old USSR began working towards creating a vehicle suitable for replacing helicopters in use for extremely long range special operations. More specifically, for use in depositing and supplying special operations groups in the United States of America. Initial designs were unable to make the cross-global distances required, due to size and weight constraints. The most suitable version was unveiled in 1977, at an astronomical cost. The USSR was forced to abandon the project for other, more important, methods of gaining ground in the Cold War.

After the collapse of the USSR, the project was almost lost entirely. When the X-COM project was considered for reactivation in 2017, it was clear that no known aircraft could fulfil initial troop transport requirements. Several former KGB officers attached to X-INT recalled the 'Skyranger' project, and the old designs were brought out as speedily as possible.

It was determined that with new state of the art meta-materials and engines, the 'Skyranger' could operate as envisioned by the original design team. The original mothballed Skyranger was brought out and re-fitted immediately in Taiwan by Dr Raymond Shen and his team. A small 'research' facility was then put together several kilometers outside of Moscow, which produces 'Prototypes' as X-COM requires them.

The SR77H is, at its heart, one of the most effective special operations transports ever designed.

The main positive aspect to the design is in its VTOL Capacity. Vents within the engine housings can, variably, redirect thrust to a number of nozzles on the undersides of the craft fuselage and wings, vented through ducts in the aircraft's sides. This system allows the vented exhaust from the system to pressurize all nozzles at once, and gradually switch the VTOL thrust over to regular thrust. Also, one engine being damaged does not ground this craft.

The design makes use of two sets of wings. The rear wings and stabilizers are set high on the craft's rear, and the rear wings are the larger set. The second set is mounted just aft of the craft's nose, and closer to the middle of the craft. These wings cut the air ahead of the aft wings, so as to have air flow evenly across both sets of wings at once, increasing stability, and increasing 'lift' dramatically.

Accommodations on the craft are crude at best. The extended cockpit contains an enclosed chemical toilet booth, and a small MRE heating oven, behind the pilots.

The rear bay of the craft is large, with rails along the walls and floor for the insertion or removal of cargo storage equipment. Skyrangers in X-COM use will primarily make use of rows of seating and storage along either wall, allowing up to twelve personnel and their equipment to be stored effectively.

The Skyranger's rear bay terminates in a swinging ramp, which serves as the rear wall of the craft in normal flight. On landing, the ramp is lowered, providing a path down to the ground. It is entirely flat, but coated in non-slip rubber to enhance traction.

Skyrangers also have advanced communications stations in place on the craft, to relay messages, data, and orders up to a satellite in orbit, or retransmit them over long distances.

It is projected that as X-Com expands, Skyrangers will be used more and more frequently in a covert freighter role, moving personnel and equipment from base to base.
Size: 10 (huge)
Handling: -3
Top Speed: 2300
Tougness: 22 (7)
Crew: 2+12
Range: 14000
Notes: Minigun mounted under cockpit, heavy armor, AMCM

A-10 Warthog: The world only has one flying tank, and it is the A-10 Warthog. It is slow, ungainly, ugly, inelegant, and probably the best close-air-support aircraft ever made. The ‘Hog is a collection of armor and triple-redundant systems wrapped around a deadly 30mm Gatling cannon.

Based on lessons learned during the Vietnam War, the A-10 combines low-speed, high-loiter time and heavy armor to dominate the battlefield. The cost of all of this ground power is that it is woefully vulnerable to air-to-air attack and cannot engage in BVR combat.

The A-10 was designed for close-in support of ground troops, close air support (CAS), and providing quick-action support for troops against helicopters and ground forces. It entered service in 1976 and is the only production-built aircraft that has served in the USAF that was designed solely for CAS. Its secondary mission is to provide forward air controller – airborne (FAC-A) support, by directing other aircraft in attacks on ground targets.

A small number of them have been seconded to X-COM for use in a ground support role, though the low speed compared to X-COM's other craft means this usage may be limited.
Size: 9 (huge)
Handling: -1
Top Speed: 440
Tougness: 24 (8)
Crew: 1
Range: 2200
Notes: Heavy Armor, Armed with a GAU-8, Stingrays and AGM-65s

Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe Skycrane: A twin engine heavy lift helicopter used by the US Armed Forces for heavy material transport and construction work. A number of them have been tasked to X-COM for base building and expansion, as well as to be used in recovering crashed UFOs.
Size: 10 (huge)
Handling: -3
Top Speed: 120
Tougness: 15
Crew: 2
Range: 1500

Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey: This is an American multi-mission, tiltrotor military aircraft with both vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), and short takeoff and landing (STOL) capabilities. It is designed to combine the functionality of a conventional helicopter with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft.

Initially considered for use in X-COM, the CFN military advisors decided against it as its top speed is insufficient to reach incidents before the aliens depart. Instead, the primary combat transport role was given to the SR-77H Skyranger. However, X-COM will still make use of Ospreys to transport engineering personnel and Shield teams.
Size: 10 (huge)
Handling: 0
Top Speed: 350
Tougness: 19 (5)
Crew: 2+32
Range: 1600

Bell UH-1 Iroquois ‘Huey’: A military helicopter with a long history, the Huey's noble frame has been superseded by the Skyranger and Osprey for military use in X-COM. Instead, the units X-COM flies are for non-combat transport in the region of bases, in situations where the Osprey or Skyranger would be too high profile. VIPs and officers can expect pickups in one of these birds, and Shield teams will use them to patrol the bases’ vicinity.
Size: 7 (large)
Handling: 2
Top Speed: 120
Tougness: 14 (2)
Crew: 2+12
Range: 600
Notes: Armed with two M134 Miniguns or Mark 19 grenade machine guns

Hummvee: Base patrols and nearby missions use the ever reliable Hummvee military model, suitable for off-road work and combat patrol. X-COM mounts miniguns on their Hummvees, though this can be replaced with heavier weaponry if need be, such as grenade machine guns or TOW rocket launchers. Shield Team security personnel can be seen driving these almost anywhere you go on the grounds of an X-COM Base; and larger operations can involve these to deploy field teams and provide transit in the field when air transport is too dangerous.

X-COM also maintains a number of low profile, armored SUVs for intelligence work and VIP transport. These are also equipped with a minigun, though concealed in the back.
Size: 5 (large)
Handling: 0
Top Speed: 120
Tougness: 20 (7)
Crew: 1+7
Hummvee Notes: 4WD, Stabilizer, armed with a M134 Minigun, TOW Rocket or Mark 19 Model 3
Armored SUV Notes: Luxury features, 4WD, Improved Stabilizer; armed with a concealed M134 Minigun

M2 Bradley: The Bradley is designed for reconnaissance and to transport a squad of infantry, providing them protection from small arms fire, while also providing firepower to both suppress and eliminate most threats to friendly infantry. It is designed to be highly maneuverable and to be fast enough to keep up with heavy armor during an advance. The M2 holds a crew of three: a commander, a gunner and a driver, as well as seven fully equipped soldiers. The Bradley can't be transported by Skyranger, though X-COM may be able to requisition them from nearby military bases in the event the team needs an armored transport. <br? Size: 7 (large)
Handling: 0
Top Speed: 40
Tougness: 22 (6)
Crew: 3+7
Notes: Heavy Armor, Stabilizer, Tracked, armed with a 25mm Autocannon and TOW Launcher

M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank: The heaviest and most powerful tank on the planet. Highly mobile, designed for modern armored ground warfare, the M1 is well armed and heavily armored. Notable features include the use of a powerful multifuel turbine engine, the adoption of sophisticated composite armor, and separate ammunition storage in a blow-out compartment for crew safety. Weighing nearly 68 short tons (almost 62 metric tons), it is one of the heaviest main battle tanks in service.

While they are being made available to X-COM, it is not expected that they'll see much use beyond base defense. The time scales required to deploy soldiers to alien incidents preclude the ability to have tanks reach them in any reasonable amount of time.
Size: 9 (huge)
Handling: -3
Top Speed: 40
Tougness: 34 (18)
Crew: 4
Notes: Heavy Armor, Stabilizer, Tracked; armed with a 120mm gun, M60MG coax, M60MG hull, .50 cal MG remote turret

Vehicle Weapons

M61 Vulcan Cannon
Range: 100/200/400
Damage: 3d8
AP: 0
ROF: 3
Shots: 200
Notes: Heavy, auto

AIM-12 Stingray
Range: 200/400/800
Damage: 4d8
AP: 3
ROF: 1
Shots: 3
Notes: Heavy,

AIM-60 Avalanche
Range: 200/400/800
Damage: 5d8
AP: 6
ROF: 1
Shots: 1
Notes: Heavy,

M134 Minigun
Range: 43/85/170
Damage: 2d8
AP: 0
ROF: 5
Shots: 1500
Notes: Auto, Snapfire

30mm Gau
Range: 200/400/800
Damage: 3d12
AP: 4
ROF: 4
Shots: 300
Notes: Heavy Weapon

Range: 100/200/400
Damage: 5d6
AP: 4
ROF: 1
Shots: 1
Notes: Heavy Weapon, Medium Burst Template, AP 4

Mark 19 Model 3 Grenade Machine Gun
Range: 57/132/264
Damage: 3d6
AP: 0
ROF: 3
Shots: 50
Notes: Medium Blast Template

M202 Quad TOW Rocket Launcher
Range: 100/200/400
Damage: 4d6
AP: 0
ROF: 1
Shots: 4
Notes: Heavy Weapon, Medium Blast Template

25mm Cannon
Range: 50/100/200
Damage: 3d8
AP: 2
ROF: 3
Shots: 400
Notes: Auto, Heavy Weapon

120mm Tank Gun AP
Range: 100/200/400
Damage: 3d10
AP: 6
ROF: 1
Shots: 1
Notes: Heavy Weapon

120mm Tank Gun HE
Range: 100/200/400
Damage: 4d6
AP: 0
ROF: 1
Shots: 1
Notes: Medium Burst Template, Heavy Weapon