B5-BeforeTheDawn:Persons Of Interest
Reno / Mr. Reno, human finder
"My job is to find things: objects, people, you name it."
David R., human consultant
A jovial man dressed in a business suit and baseball cap.
Family and Friends
Kelly Carmichael, human commercial telepath
Sister of Caspian Carmichael.
Tower Residents
Aleo, Centauri gambler
A frequent patron of the local gambling establishment.
Ta'kin, Narn smuggler
Purveyor of hard to acquire merchandise.
General Geltan Vaughn
A her of the Dilgar War, who left EarthForce under mysterious circumstances and established a reputation as a freelance military consultant and businessman. Last seen in 2251 shortly after the Mars riots, traveling through Vega sector to an unknown destination.
Del Varner
An illegal tech-runner with connections in the Vega System.
Signifier Cestun
An officer stationed aboard a Vorchan-class medium warship modified for electronic warfare.
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