Savage X-COM: Melee Weapons

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Combat Knife: Standard issue combat knife, good for close in fight and utility work. Maintains a sharp edge after repeated use.
Damage: 1d6+STR
AP: 0
Weight: 1
Notes: Throwable

Collapsible Baton: A police issue baton, good for close in fighting and defense
Damage: 1d4+STR
AP: 0
Weight: 2.5
Notes: Parry +1
Battery weight: 1.5

Stun Rod: A recently developed weapon, a variant on existing non-lethal weapons; the stun rod is being deployed for live captures in X-COM.
Damage: 2d8+2 Powered/1d4+STR Unpowered
AP: 0
Weight: 4
Shots: 3 Notes: Nonlethal, Biological targets only

Ballistic Shield: Modern ballistic shields are designed to protect against handgun, long gun and shotgun threats, as well as stabbing, cutting and bludgeoning weaponry. The most capable of them will stop a high velocity rifle round.<br? Damage: 1d6+STR
AP: 0
Weight: 16
Notes: -1 to all fighting rolls, -1 to shooting with pistols, -2 to shooting with SMGs, -2 pace, +3 parry, provides +4 armor against attacks from the front

Breaching Hammer: A heavy duty sledgehammer, specifically designed to punch through doors and walls. Used for rapid entry situations when explosives are too risky, and has seen excellent results in the hands of the Rainbow Six counter-terrorist team. It's efficacy against alien structures is presently unknown, but could present an advantage to X-COM forces operating in urban environments.
Damage: 1d10+STR
AP: 3
Weight: 12
Notes: Double damage against structures and objects

Tactical Sword: While bladed weapons have broadly fallen out of favor with modern militaries, they still have a role in specialist units. The special issue tactical sword is a razor sharp medium length cutting blade designed to be quickly drawn and used in close quarters.
Damage: 1d8+STR
AP: 1
Weight: 4
Notes: Parry +2