BDH: Game Mods

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Revision as of 23:31, 13 December 2023 by Brahnamin (talk | contribs)
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We will be using the following Mods in this game.

Action Resolution(ish): We will be using a single opposed roll to determine the success or failure of a given action. I will put together an opposing pool to the player's roll if they are initiating the action. If I am initiating the action, I will roll before the player or assign a static difficulty. Ties go to the Player.

Hero Dice: If a player beats the GM's roll or static difficulty by 5 or more, the Character earns a Hero Die equal to the highest die type in the GM's pool

Effect Die: We won't be using effect dice. They're an awkward complication BP that don't add significant benefit and do add quite a bit in the way od potential disappointment and confusion..

Plot Points: Players start each episode with 1 pp and may earn pp via SFX and GM purchased hitches. All plot point spend options from p28-29 apply except Join a Contest since we are not using contests.

GM Plot Points: GM starts each episode with 1 pp per player and may earn subsequent pp with GMC SFX.

Opportunities: Players may purchase GM rolled opportunities to step back complications or to step up an asset for the scene.

Complications: This game uses complications to track character and environmental setbacks.

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