Big Damned Heroes: C3
Nola Sales
Character Quote

Big Damned Hero SFX: Once per scene, step up or double an Attribute. 1s and 2s count as hitches.

Profession Distinction - Machine-minded Engineer
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Custom SFX:Bury yourself in the heart of a running machine to double Damage Control
Background Distinction - Alliance by-blow
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Quirk Distinction - Total physical recall
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Custom SFX:Step down Savvy to create D8 Asset (A physical skillset she can recall) for the rest of the scene
"You're shorter than your personality makes you seem."
Nola's about 5'4" physically, but somehow she seems taller in people's memory. She's almost always seen wearing a dark brown coverall splotched with grease and other engine fluids. If she has to clean up, she'll wear her black coverall. It has just as much grease, but it's harder to see.
Most of the time, she's just a little vague, but seems sane and serious enough. When she's working, though, she's often monosyllabic, except with her machines, where she waxes loquacious, often cursing them with a facility a Bedouin might envy.
As the by-blow of an Alliance thingamy, she got a good education, and most of the time, knows how to mostly fit into society, but she's always been odd.
Bound by Law
- The authorities are looking for you. They just want to talk. Promise. What do they think you are guilty of? Did you do what they think you did?
Friends in Low Places
- Nola spent her first few years as an Engineer (aside from taking care of her Daddy's motor pool) babying the old K19 Henderson Trawler owned by Pearl Eidee, between worlds.
Pearl is a trader, mostly, but like most out in the rim, she smuggles when the need arises, as often to the Alliance as elsewhere, and she still hasn't replaced that old heap of junk.