Mireille Dembélé

Mireille Dembélé was a first tier operative of the 4e compagnie (counterterrorism/urban reconnaissance) of 1er RPIMa, COM FST, COS*** on family leave attending to her dying sister when the hamlet where her sister's family lived was razed/abducted by extraterrestrial forces. Her sister, three nieces, brother-in-law, and mother all vanished in the early hours of the morning along with four dozen other people. Another fifty were slain as the hamlet was left to burn.
This was early days, late 2017. The French government covered it up. Industrial accident. Dembélé had seen the ship, though, and tried to use her military and government connections to pursue the matter. She was shut down, hard, eventually losing her commission before going on a personal vendetta to uncover the truth and rescue her people. Six months in the wild drew the attention of X-INT, who scooped her up during the Green November attacks. Her global-tier experience with urban reconnaissance and her extraordinary identification and recall abilities served her well in that mission, but she wanted more. When the X-COM Project was activated, Dembélé worked her way to the front line for a Sword team.
Character Rank
- Death Wish (minor)
- Loyal (minor)
- Quirk (talks to animals as if they were people; minor)
- Ruthless (minor)
- Vow ('I will find my people', minor)
- Agility d8
- Smarts d6
- Spirit d6
- Strength d8
- Vigor d8
Core Skills
- Athletics d6
- Common Knowledge d4, +2 to rolls
- Notice d6
- Persuasion d4
- Stealth d8, +1 to rolls
Specialized Skills
- Battle d6
- Driving d6
- Fighting d8
- Shooting d8
- Survival d6, +2 to rolls
Derived Statistics
- Standard Pace 7
- Parry 6
- Size 0
- Toughness 9